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Welcome to Jack Squatt's Homepage!!

Spiffy Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Free email
SSG Space (James and Chad's web site)
The Arizona Homepage
Chathouse (best and free chat site!!-just register)
you can find me in the Arizona Coffee House
Dawson's Creek
GOOD music to listen to while ya surf (hit page down to switch songs)

You are listening to "Closer" NIN if not, click here *G*
(remember these are just midi's so they arent the best) click to hear:
Cherub Rock by Smashing Pumpkins
Until It Sleeps by Metallica
I want you by Savage Garden
To the Moon and Back by Savage Garden
Riders on the Storm by The Doors
Sweet Emotion by Aerosmith

You can find me in the Arizona Coffee House in the chathouse.. its my home away from home!!! This is a list of my family and friends that i have met in the Arizona.. they are the best!!

This car in mine. The red one is my friend GeeThang's car

PLEASE check out this site!!!!National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

Sorry, I have been really sucky at updating this, and Josh (ya know who ya are) feel free to sign a book if ya ever get access to a puter again

In memory of Chris Farley, this man was the bomb, he is the reason that i am "Jack Squatt" I dont know who i would be if he wasn't Matt Foley the modivational speaker *L* he will be missed (1964- 12/18/97)

Things soon to come: *better backgrounds, im just as bored with them as the rest of ya, *more pics of me and friends, *Minnesota page so ya know why im the way i am :) anyways.. Thanks for coming to see my homepage..hope ya check it out again sometime.. if not.. thats cool too!! *L* if your looking for information about me... um...well, i guess you could go here hehe.. it sucks.. just warning you ok? thanks again.. and BUH~BYE!!!!

"Even if I were certain that the world would end tomarrow, I would plant a tree this very day"
~Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

you can sign either book.. just so i know you were here!! *G*

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last updated 6/27
