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Welcome to JJ's Dogz and Catz!


We're back, and we're better than EVER!! We're currently desperate for staff, so e-mail JJ(me), if you're interested! We need hexers, breeders, and peeps with Petz 1,2,& 3! So, do your part and help JJ's Dogz and Catz.


Saturday, March 24,2001: 3:56 p.m.

Hello! Today, I put one pet in the pound I have some more uploaded, but I have to go to work in an hour, and I have to eat, so I'll try to put the rest up tommorrow. I'll try, but I can't guarantee anything. I'm not feeling so goooood. But, look for updates anyway! Oh and go to the bottom of the page, and look at our new counter!! JJ

What to ExPeCt

-way better graphics

-loads of undates

-tons of cool stuff!



Add Me!