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Unfamous Stories

What's this hotty looking at?

I was once eating an apple. I took a bite and out popped a worm. So I threw away the apple, and ate the worm.

I just got a new oven. So I baked a cake in it. I took the cake out to cool, then I frosted it. Then I ate the oven, it was delicous.

Don't get caught up in material wealth, but going on your spiritual health.

The Treasures on Earth are no match for the treasures in heaven.

Janet Reno is Hot!!!

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The Beef Lover's Story

One day I was in the bathroom when I suddenly slipped. My foot became engulfed in the toilet. I pushed, pulled, and tugged, to get my foot out of that stubborn toilet. Then I noticed something, the toilet was made of beef. So I ate my way free out of this terrible mess I got myself into. Later that evening, during suppertime, I couldn't eat because I ate the toilet which spoiled my dinner.

The Effects of Alcohol

Drinking too many alcoholic beverages can be a bad thing. My grandma is a prime example of this. My grandma is just the party animal so we hang out with each other a lot and she goes to parties with me. My friends call her Jose, because she's so Loco. One night she had a little too much to drink and she was driving along the road when she pulled over next to a giant corn cob water tower. I said to grams, "What are you doing!" She didn't say anything and opened her trunk. She pulled a giant tub of butter. Then she started to climb the corn cob, and I knew the only way to get her down. I yelled, "Match in the Gas tank, BOOM BOOM!" Then she came right down. Grams is so crazy.

My Other Sites and **PICTURES**

*My epic Road Trip*
My numbering system!
