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Heart-O-Lakes Genealogical Society

Soldiers of WW1 from Becker County
from the book
"In the World War, 1917 - 1919"
Compiled and Published by
Daniel Nelson
Detroit, Minnesota


In compiling the history of Becker County's part in the World War, the author has been ever mindful of the importance of his project, and consequently has made every effort to make it a comprehensive volume, complete in fact and detail. It was intended that this book should be a lasting souvenir of the titanic conflict, a work that might be used as a reference in years to come, a book that would contain accurate information concerning all important events in connection with the great struggle as affecting Becker County.

Becker County's part in the war was considerably greater than a majority of its citizens realize. Even those most conspicuously active in the various activities did not realize how prominently this county figured in the success of the recent conflict until confronted with the facts and figures compiled for use in this volume.

The young men of Becker County responded eagerly to the call of their government. Over twelve hundred of them deserted civil life, giving up valued and responsible positions, sacrificing ambitions and desires, and threw their full strength into the breach in the effort to down Prussianism and make the whole world safe for Democracy.

The author encountered an unusual obstacle at the very outset, in the fact that there was no official list of the county's service men to be had. For that reason this volume can not be said to be complete, for undoubtedly there were men who were in service from the county whose names or records do not appear herein. An advertising campaign carried on in all th newspapers of the county, followed up by personal letters to every man known to have been in the service, who had not sent in his record, helped to overcome this obstacle to a certain extent. Modesty or negligence, however, prevented many from sending in the desired information. It is to be regretted that this matter was overlooked, as every Becker County service man is entitled to representation in these pages.

The material for this volume was re-written, checked, and re-checked, consequently the author must take full responsibility for the accurateness of the statistics presented herein. However, in cases where photographs of some of the boys were not reproduced nor their records indicated, no responsibility can be assumed as a result of the facts stated above.

The author takes this opportunity of thanking all those whose help and cooperation have made this book a reality, and trusts that the enjoyment derived from a perusal of its pages will in a measure repay the interest they have taken.

Daniel Nelson
Detroit, Minnesota
January, 1920

This page was last updated 03/03/2002

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