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Into the Mountains

   Spotting a footpath in the woods surrounding Prizmprize, you decide it would be somewhat fun to follow it.

    The going gets steadily rougher, but you decide what the heck, and continue to follow it. Coming to a fork in the path, you follow the east-bound path, and the area gets more wooded!

    Following around a corner, you hear the sound of water running into a pool... Seeing an opening off to the side of the regular path, you enter, and are in a secluded cove with a spring of sorts! Two waterfalls come from nowhere, and run into it, making the sound you heard before!

    Wondering if anything lives here, you hear a small whinnying noise- a warning of sorts, probably- and a tiny horse creature comes out and glares at you... followed by another, who seems a bit more forgiving.

Sunlight of Stormy Skies- Stormyskies~SunlightTrace of Hidden Gold- Hiddengold~Trace

    "What ayre you doing at my hotspyring? You do not belong heyre!" She stamps a tiny hoof, and glares harder. The other seems to be hiding a smirk at this point.

    "Peace, Stormy, the Visitor meant no harm to your Spring." The horse-creature relaxes a bit, and Cynther steps from the treeline followed by another, smiling at you.

Frost upon the Winter Evergreens- Winterevergreens~Frost "I see you have met Sunlight of Stormy Skies. She was my first Samanayr... Her son follows in her footsteps, though takes after his father in personality. His name is Trace of Hidden Gold. The one walking beside me is Frost upon the Winter Evergreens... She just showed up someday... Like Stormyskies~Sunlight did, but as an adult... Stormy is of unknown parentage- a wild foal. Skysong when she delivered her told me she had a mutation.... I couldn't see it though because it is so natural looking. Before I have you try to guess it let me introduce you to the last Samanayr to make her home here..." Cynther seems to beckon at nothing and suddenly what you thought was nothing, moves!

Colors of Earthen Blending- Earthenblending~ColorsCynther sees your surprize and grins. "This is Colors of Earthen Blending or Earthenblending~Colors. She does blend in quite well, doesn't she?" You nod and suddenly get out of your surprize.

"So what was so special about Stormyskies~Sunlight or aren't you going to tell me?"

"Oh, yes, I nearly forgot... How about you try to guess." Cynther grins and you're guessing this will be no easy task...

    "Her mane?" you guess, very unsure of yourself.

    Cynther smiles. "Nope..."

    "Her tail or her hooves?"

    "Nope... but those are all good tries... It's very unobvious!"

    "Her..... I don't know, just tell me!"

    Cynther nods. "Don't worry, I couldn't get it either... It's the ruffs on her hips. They don't normally grow hair like that there! They can be any color... If I'd told you that, maybe you wouldn't have guessed her mane and tail, right?"

    You nod your agreement, and stand in silence, as does Cynther. "Umm...."

    Cynther laughs. "Yes, there's nothing else really to say... Follow me and I'll take you back down..."

Sunlight of Stormy Skies was traded to me, from Skysong, for one of my Ja'alek. Please do not take her!
All of the mares are members of the Song of the Northern Lights