Welcome to Chat Online Previews
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Welcome to Chat Online Previews

This site is updated weekly with information from the viewers, you, and the critics.
Here is a list of services that were recommended for viewing. We also visited these sites ourselves and each gave a rating and opinion on different parts and then an overall rating on the service. Described below are the different parts that we have found to be the most inportant to the viewer, you. Also there are three chat critics with their names listed below. Sometimes there will be a mystery guest to give thier opinion too! If you have a chat service that you would recommend to be posted here then please fill in the address it can be reached at in the survey form.

Chat Service List

The Critics Topics of Interest
Peter (Shorty) McGee
  • The freedom to make rooms with properties of your choice and also to have hosts or not or not have hosts.
  • Nice features and special effects.
  • Registered or service operated rooms that are interesting.

Lindsey (FruitCake) Hummond
  • Monitoring of rooms that are inappropriate to the majority of users.
  • Security of personal information.
  • If the service is a good learning experience or good entertainment.

Charles (Tuna) Baker
  • I mainly argue with them above with thier opinions. Sometimes I agree. But I also give some imput on topics.
  • like, What kind of people are usually online.
  • and, Is there a lot of traffic or people online.

Well there they are. The names in parentheses are thier first choice user names, so if you see them say hi and help them out if you know the service well. Who knows maybe we will use you as the mystery guest!

Here is more information about how the mystery guest is chosen. Sometimes not always will a mystery guest be posted with the rest of the critics. Not always will there be a mysery guest. The mystery guest could be anybody but finding a good candidate is hard too. Two words for qualifying, good samaritan. If you are chosen to be a mystery guest then you will be asked to give your opinion on a site and rating. You will also be asked if you want to give out your name, username, fake name, or no name at all. Then privately we will send you a manual of all the information on the chat services we have previewed along with a membership to a service that requires a fee (up to $50) for free. So good luck!

The Ribbon Rating System © Chat Online Previews is a non-profit group of individuals that want to give thier web creating skills to the public. If you would be interested in advertising please contact us by e-mail.

-One ribbon rating- Save your time and click on the what's cool button
-Two ribbon rating- Occasionally take time to read some of the rooms but don't expect a party.
-Three ribbon rating- Go once in a while for there are usually good chat hours.
-Four ribbon rating- A party is happening somewhere and the people are movin' so check it out!
-Five ribbon rating- Wow! If you go to a place with this rating then look for me there! (The Tuna man)

  • ACME Chat Services- No information yet
  • Alamak Internet Chat- Alamak Internet Chat has a variety of commands to spice up your text.
  • ChatBox- Runned by EmeraldNet® ,There is a general selection of rooms.
  • Chat House- No information yet
  • Parents Place -No information yet
  • Microsoft Chat- Microsoft Chat is one of the most popular chatting services offered by Microsoft.-Wow! a five star rating!-
  • Microsoft V-Chat- Microsoft V-Chat is Microsoft's other popular service in 3-D.
  • World's Chat- No information yet

  • Main Page

    Email: garfunkle4u@hotmail.com