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Tabs and Lyrics

Hey all...sorry to disappoint you all..but when i cut and pasted all the tabs and lyrics i had typed up...they didnt fit in my HTML i have to go re-align them..its going to be a few days but until then...i have a story that i have written...and can you believe i'm actually handing this in for school?? hmmmm..... oh well..i might have some other stuff up here really soon like in the next 5 minutes it takes me to do this...well enjoy..come back soon for the tabs and lyrics...

OH WOW! I HAVE TABS!!! thanks to Tier76 for these, i guess I better email him so he knows I'm putting these up. This .zip file contains all of his tabs for sehnsucht and herzeleid. I was too lazy to make them all up myself. But if you think that there are any mistakes, email me, maybe I can help ya there! Also, if you want to know any of the unreleased singles from the Kollektion, I have some. Btw...if anyone has the lead part to Weißes Fleisch and Ramms+ein, please email them to me, I have to get them tabbed.danke.

Ramms+ein...Ein Mensch brennt. Ramms+ein...fleischgerucht in der Luft...". The driving operatic melodies,the dramatically intoned tales of lost love. The metal guitars,the hypnotic synthesizers, the doomsday-esque sounds of the assaulting drums. These are the sounds of Ramms+ein. A band accelerating westward to the states from its east German homeland. When the even more austere band known as Kmfdm laid eyes on this band consisting of 6 infernal men (Till Lindemann,Christoph "Doom" Schneider, Paul Landers,Olli Riedel, Richard Z. Kruspe and "Flake" Lorenz) they knew they wouldn't have to coerce them from the Deutsch Vaterland (German fatherland) to appall an even larger crowd of competent Americans. It was a pugnacious time, the long awaited arrival of Kmfdm's tour in the united states. Making the initiative to introduce Ramms+ein to a new crowd, their first show was at a smaller sized venue in New York City called "The Roxy". Inside Ramms+ein's anything-but-placid red,new and shiny tour bus their was elation in the conversation taking place. "Till, have you decided if you are going to use the bow in Du Hast or Engel?" implored Paul,the blonde five foot nine rhythym guitarist. Half smiling, Till replied, "Ya,in Engel. We play that one before Du Hast. In case the fire marshals decide to take our fire away...we want to give the crowd the best we can. " He was content in knowing what was best for the audience's viewing pleasure. Flake the keyboarder then interupts the conversation,"Well, do you all suppose we head in so we can finish our soundcheck and get all the explosives ready?" In an uneasy,impatient stance he awaits approval of his bandmates. With a nod, Christoph and Olli start towards the door and gather at the back of the bus waiting for the rest to join them on their venture inside. "I guess Flake is right", said Richard, a good friend of Paul's and one who played lead guitar. With Paul right behind him, they filed out of the one piece entourage, headed to the unknown rendevous.Till motioned toward the table,picked up his blue pen, ripped off a post-it note and wrote a reminder for after soundcheck , then headed out and joined the rest of the guys. Before walking into the building they stood and looked around around their curent environment. They figured they may as well get used to the way things look, they knew they'd be back again someday.After much anticipation in a quickly finished conversation, they entered the building and made way through the main lobby, Till realized he had forgotten his flame thrower back in the bus. Why he had it there and not in the storage truck is a mystery. But confused as he already was in this foreign country, he couldn't remember where they had parked. His eyes followed the sidewalks as he searched for the bus. Obviously it was gone. Stolen. you'd think he would have noticed something as big as that. His mind had become servile to careless instinct. his first thought was," I'll just act like i stayed outside the building for a cigarette." So he seized his pockets and remembered that the note he wrote to himself was to go buy some more. Sudden and abrupt words of vulterperutive language escaped between his lips. Now he could only subjugate himself to confess the stolen bus to the rest of the band. Suddenly, through the corner of his eye he saw something that brought rapture and a devious grin across his face. it was a red, boxy mail truck!! He knew he had to reprimand his own ideas of stealing it though. As an alternative to this he tried to find a way out of the situation." If it's still there after the show, we're taking it." he repeated back to himself. Turning away from the streets, he returned to The Roxy building with an acuired sense of meticulous planning. Walking up onto the stage he re-aquainted himself with the rest of the band in the auditorium, they had no idea of what just happened. They assumed that Till had just stepped out for a cigarette."Was it good one,Till?" Olli asked with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. Quickly looking down and away, then back again he replied,"Same as the rest." "It only took long enough. How many did you have anyway?!" Paul said while setting his mike stand with tin foil, then walking over to him for his lighter to test the foil's strength against the fire. Handing him the lighter, Joking, he retorted back," And now you want one, should have hung back with me!!". "Hey Till, where's the flame thrower? You know, we have to pump some more gas into that thing." Richard asked as he closed the a big, metal carrying case used for carrying the thrower and other miscelaneous explosive items, "It should have been packed in there with the rest of the stuff." Till replied. Lying as best he could. "Its not here. I'll go check the bus." Richard grunted as he jumped off of the front of the stage, throwing an extension cord back at Paul." "Thanks!!" yelled Paul. "I think I'll put this to some use" he said as he walked over to Richard's side of the stage. Meanwhile, outside in front there were to girls walking to a store. Their names were *Britt and Kate. As they walked past they couldn't believe their eyes. Richard Kruspe has jsut walked out in front of them. They immediately stopped in their steps. As he passed in front of them he said in his his best English,"Eksoosuh me." They were just couldn't believe it was him."Was that who I think it was?" asked Britt. " I'm pretty sure it was.", Kate replied. They went and stood against the wall of The Roxy. "That was Richard from Ramms+ein. I can't believe it." Kate said. She was so excited the words came out so fast it seemed they all came out at once. Still standing against the wall they watched him as he stopped at the corner. He made a notion towards them that he recognized they were there. He was confused,the bus couldnt' have just disappeared."Someone must have stolen our bus!!" he thought to himself. He kept on searching the street. When he looked back at Kate and Britt, he saw that they were STILL looking at him. "He knows we're staring at him. I don't know about you, but I'm going to go talk to him." Britt said in conjecture of what she was really up to. " No!!! Wait...dude, I'm going with you. Maybe Till is inside and ummm...he can like bring us inside to meet the rest of them!! You know..I just have to see Till!!!" Kate said enthusiastically, pulling at Britt's arm to follow her. "Geez... you are TOO obsessed,Kate." Britt said, taking her hand off of her arm."lets go.",she said. As they started their way up the sidewalk they noticed that Richard had started his way back to the building. "OOOH!!! He's coming for us,Britt!!" Kate said at about 120 decibels. "Hmm!! Do you think Richard heard you that time?" Britt stammered. "Oops...sorry. Well he's coming our way, so it doesnt matter. Oh,dude...what do i say? He might not know good english?" Kate questioned Britt. "I don't know. Just say you dont know good german but you want to see the rest of the band..i mean WE want to see the rest of teh band." Their steps seemed to get bigger and bigger as they got closer to Richard. Finally, when they were about 7 feet away from him, Kate started at him," He! Mein Deutsch ist kein gut.Ich heist ist Kate,und diese ist Britt. Ist dir Richard? Das gitarre spiele vom Ramms+ein?" She had an unbelievable feeling within her, she had just talked to Richard. "Kate, dont freak okay? Its Richard, remember?!" Britt reminded her. "It is nice dat you try tu talk in Deutsch fur me. Let me guess, two vant autogroffs?"he asked.(Accent in place) "Well, that too I guess, but we were wondering..." Britt paused. Kate finished her line."We see you are playing at The Roxy. If you are setting up right now. Could you maybe,possibly let us go inside and meet the rest of the band?" " no problim. Again, you say dat your nahms are Britt und Kate?" "Ya." They said simultaneously. "Vell den,If I do dis fur you two..",he continued on as they walked into the building and through the lobby ," Ven vee are done vith our soundcheck, you'll hafta tell us vair a goot place to eat is." "Sure, we'll do anything if we get to see the rest of the guys!!" Britt said. "Wo hockt die Bus?!?" Richard said to himself quietly. The girls did not understand him. "What was that?" asked Kate, thinking he was talking to them. "Oh...nutting. Jus talking tu myself." He said. Immediately after saying this, they turned the corner that lead to the doors of the auditorium. He opened them for the girls to enter. They walked in cautiously, with high hopes of seeing the rest of the band they did."Whoeffer you see. Jus go talk tu dem.Dey all know English." Kate was in heaven. She didn't even care about seeing Till right now. She was drawn to the guitars, drums , keyboards and microphones. Especially the speakers. While Britt went straight to Paul and struck up a conversation with him. Richard on the other hand, gathered the rest of the band at the foot of the stage,except Paul, he was busy talking with Britt. Kate was nearby looking around on the stage. Being she knew a little German, she could decipher a few things that they were saying. Most of it was spoken too fast, but she knew enough. She was planning on jumping in on the situation with her plans. "Till, I know about the bus." Richard was not mad, just anxious to learn where it went." I hope this isn't a joke. All of our stuff is on that bus! If we dont find it, how will we make our way to the next cities. You know how mad Emu (Emanuel, their manager) is going to be about this-?!" Richard was cut off by Flake. "Dont you remember, Richard? He won't be here for 3 or more shows. He told Sascha and Günter (people from Kmfdm) to tell us that their manager would be in charge of us until he can be here. Something about his wife...." "How come I'm the last person to hear about these things?" "I dont know...but I dont think this has anything to do with Till playing jokes. He's not like that in the first place." Flake said obtrusively. "Well...I don't know if you saw or not, but there was this red mail truck, we could always take that in place of our bus." Till said exuberantly. "Oooh, Till!! Thinking Diabolic thoughts of stealing?" Christoph said. "Hmmm..not a bad idea!!", sounding even more enthused, "I guess no one will know..will they!!" "I just don't know why anyone would steal our bus.",Flake said pausing and sighing. "We might just have to steal the red bus that Till was talking about. I can't believe we might do this! We don't know our way through this city. Much less through this entire country!! We don't even have American money to get ourselves anything....",Richard said. Then at the right moment, Kate literally runs off the stage and jumps into their little group. After hearing some of the things they said she proclaims this," I think that Britt and I should go with you guys!! We can get you american money. We can help you find your way through the states... just you guys have to steal the mail truck!!". Talking so loud that her voice echoed off of the high ceiling, it drew attention away from Britt and Paul's conversation. Britt then flies up onto the stage and says," Ya!! What kate said!! And more!!! It'll be great fun." "Hey...I like these two. They could tell people about us ,so more will come to the shows!" Paul added. "We have to do this!!" Olli and Christoph yelled. With arms crossed and a smug face Paul said insistantly,"Ya...and we have to bring those two along." "Come on Richard...stop being so uptight. In the words of those British girls. SPICE UP YOUR LIFE!!" Till suggested. "Fine. Whatever...who's actually going to steal it though?"He asked. All eyes turned over to Till. "I'm not doing it unless my little buddy Richard here lets loose and goes with me." Till said."What do you say?" He said looking in Richard's direction. "Normally...I wouldn't propagate such things. but hey, if I can light things on fire...why can't I steal a mail truck?" Richard then nodded back at Till. They would now steal the mail truck and find their way . After all the commotion they got back to the soundcheck . Kate and Britt made themselves comfortable in two of the empty seats. Sascha and Günter entered the auditorium to see how things were going. Feeling inquisitive Günter asks,"So are you guys ready for the show?" Not really acknowledging that they were there, they all said yes. "Well, you got 45 minutes until the show starts. We have alot of people in line already.So you better get backstage and make the finishing touches on yourselves." Sascha said. He walked onto the stage to see how things looked. he stook tall over the empty seats. "I can't wait to play! Well...see you guys when the show starts. We'll see how they like you." He jumped down from the stage ,walked to Günter and left the room. Britt and Kate then got up and stood next to the stage. "Hey...well we have to go. We'll be back after the show to tell you about a good place to eat,okay? If you just tell the person at the door our names..." Britt was cut off by Christoph. "No...see if you really want , and to make things alot easier you could either stay in our dressing room or go in the audience." He looks back at the rest of the guys and gives them a look of assurance. "Hey Britt...I think that sounds like a REALLY GOOD IDEA!!" yelled Kate. "Well whatever makes things easiest. Okay. WHY NOT!!??" Britt yelled back to Kate. After Christoph showed them the way to the dressing room, it was nearly time for the show to start. They only waited backstage for about twenty minutes. Then it was time. Time to show their hostility and evil wrath of fire!! (without the flamethrower of course) After an hour set of the songs Ramms+ein, Wollt ihr das bett in flammen sehen, asche zu asche,Seemann,heirate Mich, Engel (with appearance by Bobolina), Tier, Bestrafe Mich, Du Hast,and Klavier. They were beckoned back on stage by the astonished crowd for an encore of the songs Laichzeit and Herzeleid. The concert was over and they were hungry. It was also time for them to do the evil deed of stealing the boxy mail truck. As the crowd subsided from outside The Roxy, Richard and Till made their way out from the building. Acting as if it wasn't obvious they were looking for that particular vehicle they spotted it. Parked about 30 feet from the corner they stopped at. As the rest of the band, along with Britt and Kate waiting anxiously in the lobby they heard an engine outside the doors. They were in disbelief when they saw a red boxy mail truck parked and running out side the building. Richard was driving, so he had Till get out and tell them to hop in the back. Britt and Kate directed them to a small cafe about 10 minutes from "The Roxy". It was one of those open-until-really late diners, but it was a place that Kate and Britt would always eat at, so the band trusted them on it being a decent place. They went in and ate, talked alot, and got to know each other. When the question arose as to where they were to go after this came up Kate had an answer." You guys can all come and party at my house. It might be tight but thats ok. I have the entire upstairs of my house for a ya!! We'll have to go party and have a fire in my backyard." they agreed to this and made it so they would be gone early in the morning. As yet the story continues...they eventually make it through 8 more cities and their manager Emanuel never shows up. It turns out Britt,kate and the band took a bunch of the wrong routes and went to the right cities, just on the wrong dates. The last city they made it to before the happy little go- getter broke down was Las Vegas. Where the band met up with a friend there named Phalen who also happened to know Kate. It was a weird experience but they all ended up living in his condo. Until the day Till and Christoph remembered that they could write to their label and manager to get money for tickets back to Germany. They invited Phalen,Britt and Kate to go live with them in their REAL red bus: Das Magik Roten is a somewhat texturized (dented) because of its capabilites to be a boat and fly. Otherwise it has great living space because of the castle they drag behind it. Soon after the arrival in Germany... they get alot of recognition in the U.S for Du hast and go tour again...more things happen between Britt ,Kate and the band...but that my friends is another story for another day and time. ***note...i hasd to change some parts of the story to make it realistic or whatever...i know i faked alot of this stuff and some ofit might not be real..but oh well. my language teacher doesnt need to know does she?

