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Rules and Information

Welcome to my rules/information section. ^_^ Everything posted here is pretty current, so please read carefully. I tried to cover the important rules.

Rules and Information

E-mail me to get approval first.
International orders accepted.
Minimum Order: Three tapes.
Maximum Order: Fifteen tapes.

Status Of Requests:
Please do not e-mail me regarding the status of a request unless it has been two weeks since you sent the letter and my status page does not have your request listed as recieved. I will e-mail you if there is a delay and I keep in contact with internaional requesters because they are not listed on my status page. The status page is there for you to check the status of your request at, so please understand that I cannot answer most status-related e-mails AND maintain a status page. Please DO email me if it has been two weeks since you sent the letter and you are not on the status page.

*New* Computer Labels:
As of 4/13/01, your order will include black and white printed computer labels instead of the generic labels that come with the blank tapes. I do not currently have access to a color printer but I am hoping to eventually. ;) Anything's better than my awful handwriting, right?
Processing Time:
Processing time is from the day I start working on your order to the day I ship it out. It varies. Orders under 6 tapes generally take 1-3 days. Requests for 7-15 tapes generally take 4-7 days to complete. Keep in mind, this is once I get to WORKING your order. Backlog is not included in this figure. Please check the main page for the current backlog.

The only money orders from foreign countries I can cash are International Postal Money Orders from Canada or Japan, and International Domestic Money Orders from Canada and Japan. These are not my rules. The banks won't even cash any international money orders, but the post office will cash the ones I mentioned. All money orders must be made out in US dollars. If you do not live in the United States and are not a resident of Canada or Japan, payment must be in US Cash.
Forms of payment accepted:
Money orders or cash only. Money orders are recommended, cash at your own risk. I am NOT responsible if the cash is lost in the mail. I warn you about sending cash because people have lost money in the mail. In *my* experience, some colored paper and security envelopes (the ones with the patterns on the inside of the paper) make it unlikely for the cash to be stolen, unless the bills are extremely thick. If you send cash, just conceal, please. You can also insure your letter for a dollar or two. I CANNOT CASH CHECKS! Please do not send me one, or I'll have to send it back.

Tapes used:
I normally use Sony V T-120 tapes. I also use TDK-EHG for a slightly higher cost. The quality of Sony V tapes are good, and the quality of TDK EHG tapes are better. But if you disagree, please don't send me angry e-mails, just don't request. If out of Sony V, or TDK-EHG tapes, I will use whatever is available and brands equal or better than the aforementioned tapes. (Fuji Pro, Maxell Hi-Fi etc.)

Shipping Terms:
Priority Mail shipping is included with the prices. This takes 2 to 3 days. I will not upgrade this to FedEX or UPS, because it's a hassle to go to several different places to ship. The only time there will be a choice in the shipping method is if it's international (in which case there are many different carriers for different prices and arrival time). Priority Mail is very fast. I go to the post office often on Monday-Friday, and occasionally on Saturdays or holidays. Be aware that I may hold your request if another request is almost done. It's more efficent to ship two boxes at once than to make two trips. While I try to go to the post office as soon as possible, I can't always do it on the day I finish the tapes (especially if I finish it at 10pm). I do have other real life situations that keep me busy. So please understand that.
*Refund Policy*
In most situations I don't give refunds unless there was a tape error on my part. Taping the wrong tape, sending a blank tape or MASSIVE tracking problems, are errors on my part. These ARE fansubs, so if you consider the tape you ordered to be a A- when it was listed as an A, or even B+when you requested A, you're not going to get a refund. *I will NOT give refunds because you don't like the quality! I am honest about the quality of my tapes. Please understand that it might be a problem with YOUR VCR. If subtitles are practically unreadable and the picture bleeds, I will make an exception. But as I said, I am honest, and it is extremely unlikely there will be a big difference in quality. If there is sound fuzz or major tracking lines everywhere, I will refund. If this occurs, I do not give cash refunds. If there is a tape error, or the wrong tape is sent, or the tape is blank, you must send the errored tape back. The reason for this is so I can see there is really a problem. I will get a new tape and make you a copy of the correct tape, if there is indeed a problem. Also, I'd like the errored copy to use for further use in my own frequent taping of TV shows, but I assure you I will not copy over the tape you send back and send it back to you.

If I am unable to find a tape and have misplaced it, you will be asked to select an alternative. If you are positive there is no other tape than the tapes you have requested that you would want, I would suggest you not request. I do not give cash refunds. I would however send you a blank tape if you wanted other compensation than a different tape. I'm sorry to sound harsh, but there are people who would request tapes and then say they were blank, just to get their money back without even proving a problem.

Broken packages:
I'm not responsible if your tapes are broken by the post office, I pack them securely. If you suspect a package is damaged from looking at the outside of it, take it to the post office and open it there. If you do find a problem, they're responsible. But if you open it at home, they won't reimburse you. It doesn't cost anything to take it and open it there in case you see outside damage or you just want to be careful, and it's better to be safe than sorry.
I will NOT give you change:
As of Febuary 10th, 2001, I will not give you change. Whether you give me $50 for a $20 dollar request or $20 for a $19.50 request, I will NOT send you the change/cash left over. If you send over the amount on the cost list, I will consider it a donation.
As of August 31st, 2000, I will be accepting donations. Your donation will go ONLY towards the following things: Clear plastic cases, VCR repair, and b&w and/or color printer labels. Donations will NOT go towards my buying anime tapes for my enjoyment. I have wanted to be able to afford clear cases and color printer labels for a while now, and I think this is a good idea. Donations will be for FUTURE times when I have the money to buy supplies. Donating does not mean you will get cases on your request, it will go towards buying for everyone in the future, as I do not have cases on hand.

If you have any further questions, or think of some additional infortmationI should add to my rules, please contact me at!