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Juventud Guerrera

Juventud Guerrera!!!

This layout was made by Soad15 and i dont know if he will let anyone use it but he did me so IM him and maybe he will.! and also this RP was done by me Rey Mysterio .::(Disclaimer)::.


RP #:

People Used:

People Mentioned:




Eddie,JR,& King

Rey,Angle and HHH


..:: The WWE 2003 comes back to the arena where the fans are on the edge of there seats and are ready for some of the WWE talent to show there faces into the new WWE. But then as the cameras do a circle around the arena showing the fans holding up signs and cheering the scene cuts over to the commentary table where the best announce team in history which consists of Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler bring everyone commentary. ::..

Jim Ross: Welcome to the WWE 2003.! Now King as we all know are first ever event has been sceheduled and it will be this Thursday Night on SmackDown and what a card it is set to be.

Jerry Lawler: Yes it is JR and i cannot wait to see how the show turns out. And also the match everyone cannot wait to see and it is...The match for the I.C. Title where four men Rey Mysterio,Eddie Guerrero,Kurt Angle and Triple H will battle it out.

Jim Ross: Well that is going to be a great match and there are other great matches set as well. But im being told right now we are heading to the backstage area where someone is arriving to the arena.

..:: Cameras fade into the backstage area where just makeing his way to the arena is none other then Eddie Guerrero. And he is wearing the L.W.O. T-Shirt and the fans kindof boo him for that. Then out to a commercial break the cameras fade. ::..

** Stacker 2 ** ** Burger King ** ** Nascar ** ** Lugz **

..:: Right after the Lugz commercial goes off the WWE 2003 comes back to the arena and the music of "L.W.O." Blairs and out from the backstage area walks Eddie Guerrero where he gets more boos then he does cheers as he makes his way on down the ramp. Eddie then gets into the ring where he poses to the crowd on the turnbuckles, and he then jumps down where he asks Lilian Garcia for the mic and he puts it up to his mouth and begins to speak. ::..

"Latino Heat" Eddie Guerrero: You see essa i have come out here in front of you tonight because i have some things i need to talk about and when i have something on my mind i come right out and say it. But i have not come out here to waste my time on all of you no,no im out here to talk about the whole thing about the Latino World Order and also about my match on SmackDown for the title i have held many other times in the old WWE. So what im going to talk about first is the Latino World Order and if it is really true on it coming here to the WWE 2003 to make a statement and you see all the rumors on that are true.{crowd boos} I mean i have brought the LWO in here for one reason and one reason only and it is to make all you essas realize that the style of wrestling that my grandfather and father made great in mexico has been took from us by people like...Kidman and Jeff Hary, so that is why i have decided to come here to the WWE and make you all realize that it is are style of wrestling and that we are going to take it a step higer. Now about who will join the LWO and if i will beable to get any of the luchalibes here to the WWE 2003.? And you see wih me essa and the connections that i got i will get some of the mexicans here to the WWE and we will take over. But you see there has already been one man that gave me a call yesterday day and he is a good friend of mine fron the WCW days and asked me if it was all true on the LWO and other things and i gave him the answer and he excepted and he said he would help me with all the things i wanted to, and this man you all know as a man who took the high flying luchadore style to a whole other level and that man is none other then...REY MYSTERIO.!{crowd is in shock} That is right Rey Mysterio has joined me and my mission of the Latino World Order. So i hope that you are a little more happy about Rey joining forces with me Eddie Guerrero, but trust me more of us will come here o the WWE 2003 in time to come.

You Suck,You Suck,You Suck,You Suck,You Suck!!!

"Latino Heat" Eddie Guerrero: Ok, now another thing i know that you are all wondering and it is what are my thoughts on the match im in on SmackDown for the title i have held many times in the old WWE the I.C. Title.? And you see i am more then happy to get a shot at the IC Title and it will be great to bring in the IC Title to the LWO, but you all know that one of the other three men that will be in that ring is none other then the new member of the LWO Rey Mysertio. And trust me all you all think that it is going to end the LWO because of the match and me him already talked about it and whoever walks out of the ring wearing the gold is just as good as the one who lost so Rey im wishing you the best of luck as i know you are me. Now as far as Kurt Angle and Triple H go i can care less about them essas i mean those two i have never liked ever since i knew them and the whole reason why is because they both just make me sick. You have Kurt Angles who comes out to the ring and he crys about how he is always getting screwed annd on how he was the US Olampyic gold medalist and all that stuff, but Kurt i think this fans will tell you just as i will that we "DON'T CARE". Because one that was in like 1996 and two you do suck and always will, so Kurt you are better off if you just stay in the back for the match. Then we have none other then a man who thinks that wherever he goes that people are just going to bow down to him like he is some kindof god and that he is the so called "best". Well Triple H i have news for you this is not the WWE where you are that good anymore because around here you are just like everyone else and that is a nobody trying to prove that they are still someone, so Triple H if you know what is best for you you'll just pack your bag leave the wrestling business for good and let people like me and Rey do what is best for the WWE 2003. So now that i have said what i have to say im going to the backstage area where i have to take care of some more business.

..:: Eddie Guerreros LWO theme music blairs and he throws down the mic where he makes his way to the backstage area as the fans boo him and as the WWE 2003 is going to a commercial break you can here Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler. ::..

Jim Ross: Well that was a shock to see Eddie talk about the LWO.

Jerry Lawler: Yes it was and i may mean trouble for some of the wrestlers in the WWE.

..:: Scene cuts to black. ::..

Juventud The Juice Guerrera