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Raid Procedure
Serving Knowledge
Slave wine

A kajira is this ~

she serves with passion and pride

she loves her Master because He makes her follow her slave belly

she is submissive to all Free people and bites her tongue if jealous because she can be killed for it

she is totally satisfied and yet has a hard life because she must see her Master purchase and use other kajira and perhaps take a Free Companion, who she must always be differential to, even when she does not feel like it

that is the reality of kajira

a kajira is valued greatly and well known by her Master

brought to heights of pleasure that Free Women can only dream about

and yet she is fearful that He may at any time cast her aside

a kajira's life is filled with uncertainty and joy and submission and fear and rapture and disappointment

that is kajira

a girl cannot serve with no emotions

if she does she is wooden and displeasing

it is full of contradictions and hard

it is also the pinnacle of pleasure at times

There Y/you have it, the humble opinion of Master Tarquin.


"Most female slaves," said Hassan, "walk very proudly. They are proud of their slavery, and their mastery by men. They have learned their womanhood. It has been taught to them. In their way, though imbonded, totally, I suppose they are the truest and freest of women. They are closest, perhaps, to the essentials of the female, those of subservience to the masculine will, obedience, service, and pleasure. In being most themselves, utter slave, they are most free. This is paradoxical, to be sure. Most girls, verbally, will object to slavery, but this half-hearted, pouting, ineffectual rhetoric is belied by the joy of their behavior. No girl who has not been a slave can understand the joy of it, the profundity and freedom. The objections of girls to slavery, I have noted, are usually not objections to the institution which, in the sweet heat of their bodies, they love dearly, and fear only to lose, but to a given master. Given the proper master they are quite content. In the proper collar a woman is serene and joyful."

"How can you talk to me like this and yet keep me a slave?" she asked. "I do not detect the difficulty," I said. "Oh," she said. "One of the pleasant things about owning a slave," I said, "is the opportunity to converse with her, to listen to her, to hear her express herself, her feelings and ideas. One can learn much from a slave. Many slaves, like yourself, are highly intelligent. They can express themselves articulately, clearly, trenchantly and lyrically. It is a great pleasure to talk with them." "I see," she said. "Then, when one wishes," I said, "one puts them back on their knees." "You are cruel," she said. "Kiss me, Slave," I said. "Yes, Master," she said, and kissed me, softly.

"You are a slave," I said. "You are owned. You are a female. You will be forced to be a woman.If you were free, and Gorean, you might be permitted by men to remain as you are, but you are neither Gorean nor free. The Gorean man will accept no compromise on your femininity, not from a slave. She will be what he wishes, and that is a woman, fully, and his. If necessary you will be whipped or starved. You may fight your master. He will, if he wishes, permit this, to prolong the sport of your conquest, but in the end, it is you who are the slave; it is you who will lose. On Earth you had the society at your back, the result of centuries of feminization; he could not so much as speak harshly to you but you could rush away or summon magistrates; here, however, society is not at your back, but at his; it will abet him in his wishes, for you are only a slave; you will have no one to call, nowhere to run; you will be alone with him, and at his mercy. Further, he has not been conditioned with counterinstinctual value sets, programmed with guilt, taught self-hatred; he has been taught pride and has, in the very air he breathes, imbibed the mastery of females. These are different men. They are not Earthlings. They are Goreans. They are strong, and they are hard, and they will conquer you. For a man of Earth, you might never be a woman. For a man of Gor, I assure you, my dear, sooner or later you will be."
~ Tribesman of Gor p. 12

"I have wondered sometimes if a man to be a man must not master a woman and if a woman to be a woman must not know herself mastered."
~ Outlaw of Gor p. 206

"Some ninety-five percent of Gorean slaves are female, and that some ninety percent of these fit into this category of slaves who must figure into their duties, the serving of the pleasure of men. The female slave on Gor, knowing herself owned, is usually in little doubt as to what can occur to her in her slavery. The next level of slaves is that of male silk slaves. These usually bring higher prices, on the whole, than female pleasure slaves. This, it seems to me, is purely a matter of supply and demand. Female pleasure slaves, given slave raids and the sacking of cities, are relatively plentiful on Gor. Male silk slaves are not. The most valuable general category of slaves, however, much to the chagrin of some male silk slaves, is that of the particularly desirable female. These are usually extraordinarily beautiful Gorean girls, once of high caste. Sometimes they are dancers. The prizes purchased by Ubars and rich men for their pleasure gardens usually belong to the types of girls included in this general category. Girls of political interest, too, it might be mentioned, are usually included in this category. For example, a captured, enslaved, Ubara would commonly bring a very handsome price. These general remarks, dealing only with with major and obvious categories, should be understood as no more than a crude orientation to the subject matter as a whole. A girl who seems to most men only a low-grade kettle-and-mat girl may be to a given man very precious. She may be as valuable to him as a collared Ubara, one who must now, strictly, be taught her duties as a slave."
~ Fighting Slave of Gor p. 163

"My original name was Susan," she said. "My last name does not matter. When I became a slave, of course, my name was gone. Animals do not have names, except as their masters might choose to name them. The name 'Susan' was again put upon me, but now, of course, I have it only as a slave name."
~ Kajira of Gor p. 57


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