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Here you can see pictures of Benji a.k.a. Hun.Can.Ch. Harankozi Adonis

This photo was taken when Benji was 8 years old and finished his Canadian Championship.

This picture was taken on the last day that he was in show coat.

Benji is 18 months old and finished as a Junior Hungarian Champion.

This is a show in Hungary. As you could see I was so new to showing that I did not know I have to stock the dog. But he won anyway.

This is one of my favorite picture. Benji is about 15 months old and loved to sit still for a picture.

My husband was waiting for this picture for over forty minutes. We wanted to take a picture while Benji is yawning with curly tongue. Well as you could see he did not get tired enough to yawn, just a small lick on the nose.

This photo is my other favorite. Benji is about ten years old here and as you can see his going blind.

This was the only way that Benji loved to travel in the car.

I was so naive when I got Benji that I did not even know that he has to be groomed. He is about six months old.

Benji is about 10 years old here and freshly groomed by me.

Here is Benji at 8 weeks of age. I just got him the previous day.

Benji liked to pose for the camera too, just like Cindy.

Benji enjoyed the snow very much. He loved playing with snowball and find his squeaky toys in the snow.

Benji is looking for something. In the 11 years that he was with us we could not figure out what he was looking at.

Benji learned how to climb this apple tree. He is after a chipmunk but he was not fast enough.

This beauty is Benji's Grandma.

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