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How dog shows work (information on AKC shows for the beginner)

2020 Fall Specialties
Springfield Oaks County Park, Davisburg, MI
*** NEW show site!
Outdoors under pavilion - RV camping available! ***

Friday Sept 11, 2020 - TWO shows!
Show 1: Breed & 4-6 Puppy: Tom Coen
Show 2: Breed: Nioma Coen

Saturday Sept 12, 2020
Breed : Jerry Parisek (substitute judge due to Covid-19)
Junior Showmanship: Nioma Coen

Saturday afternoon there will be a seminar put on my Tom Coen - details and flyer is available below!
Don't miss this opportunity for a great learning experience about shelties!

Premium list:

PremList920.pdf as a .pdf file.

PremList920.docx as a .docx file.

And the seminar flyer:

SSCGDSeminarFlyer920.pdf as a .pdf file.

SSCGDSeminarFlyer920.docx as a .docx file.

Topics list:

Breed History


Virtues of winners

Question & answer

To download the judging program as a .docx file Click Judging Program as a docx file