Back in the February 1973 issue of Better Homes and Gardens magazine was an excellent one-page article entitled, "What a Puppy is Not" by Douglas M. Lidster. editor of the" Pets" column the magazine used to carry. Since the publication of this article I have included a copy of same in my follow-up response to every inquiry regarding our Shelties and a copy in my "puppy packet" I send home with puppy buyers.

The preface of the article says, " A puppy is one of the most appealing creatures on earth. He's the embodiment of exuberance, humor, and affection. But there are a great many things that a puppy is not, and these negative aspects deserves some thought before you bring a puppy home".

Highlights of the article include: A puppy is not a toy to be enjoyed while he is a novelty, then set aside in favor of a new distraction; A puppy is not a teaching aide guaranteed to instill a sense of responsibility in children; A puppy is not cheap. Whether you pay a nominal fee at the city humane shelter or what seems to be a king's ransom for a really special pup, the money paid to make the pet yours is a mere drop in the bucket compared to what it will cost you to keep him; A puppy is not a spur-of-the moment purchase, or at least he shouldn't be; A puppy is not a gift unless the purchaser is certain that this particular pup will be wanted; A puppy is not self-cleaning. There will be puddles on rugs, vomiting occasionally, dog hair on clothing and furniture. There may be worms to be dealt with. If these prospects are intolerable to the housekeeper of the family, then perhaps the pleasures of owning a puppy will be overshadowed by the tensions it will cause. A puppy is not an adult dog. He has neither the physical nor the mental ability to perform as an adult dog would; A puppy is not a puppy for long. Before you succumb to the charms of a clumsy ST. Bernard pup, or a sad-happy hound, or a limpid-eyed cocker, be very sure you want not only the puppy he is now, but also the gangly, unattractive adolescent he is about to become, and the adult dog who may fall short of what you hoped he would be.

The article concludes: "If you've faced all the negative aspects of puppy ownership and still want him, chances are good that you and your new dog will be one of the lucky ones who
finds a permanent happy home. And you will enjoy the rewards of planned-parenthood dog ownership - rewards which will far over shadow the drawbacks.