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Currently the website has come to a stand still. After a few investigations we have added a few pictures and new sites on the investigation page. We have become a sister site with which we have a link of on our links page. In the near future I am expecting to change the format of the webpage and make it more interactive. For now you'll have to deal with this crap.


We have been kicking up a bunch of information and pictures to add to the website. Slowly we continue to grow. Every investigation page now has a listing of pictures and a map. If you have any pictures or knowledge about any scary places in our area, send us an email.


Hola, como estas? Errr, sorry. Just practicing my spanish. School is gonna be here pretty soon, man I don't wanna go back. It seems I have been slacking much and my mind has gone to crap. Anyway, this is Spook Find. It was founded only two days ago (8/9/01). Two friends and I created this website to show our investigations into the unknown. Basically we are "Ghost Hunters." We are quite serious about this, but are really just beginners. Look around the website and email me about anything you think could be added, or if you to wish to join us.

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