This paper will briefly analyze the Aztec and Egyptian civilizations with some comparisons made in order to surmise reasons for choosing which society would be the preferable place in which to live from my own point of view. Some of the subjects briefly touched upon will be: art, religion, music, socioeconomic strategies, and some political policy.


  The Egyptian civilization emerged around 3150 BC or approximately 4500 years before the settlement of the central basin in Mexico where early Aztecs were continually dislodged by the city states continuous fighting and shifting alliances. The displaced Aztecs found refuge on small islands in Lake Texcoco where, in 1325, they founded the town of TENOCHTITLAN (modern-day Mexico City). This area, sometimes described as similar to Venice, had its share of problems that eventually led to the end of this civilization in a relatively short period of time. Among these were the complex cosmology or belief systems that were intolerant toward others and probably helped to instill a right or responsibility to subjugate weaker peoples for pretexts of saving the universe. In wars of expansion, the Aztecs captured and then killed thousands of enemy troops. Conquered territories were heavily taxed (called tribute) resulting in less than abundant food supplies and discontent. Slavery was practiced and included those whom sold themselves, their spouses, or their children to alleviate debt. Slavery did include some of the more useful captives of war, though more often than not, most of these unfortunates were sacrificed upon an altar. The ruling class seems elitist and male oriented with advancement hard, yet not impossible to penetrate by the lower classes whom could possibly gain advancement through heroic deeds militarily, this possibility was because of the fact that the main goal of the Aztec state was war. Their hierarchy was dominated by the HUEI TLATOANI (great speaker) whom was viewed as semi divine. This is very similar to the Egyptian rulers whom were believed to be given the gift of immortality by their deities. The Aztec ruler was said to have lived in great splendor with pleasure palaces and his own personal side show of monstrosities and deformed persons in residence.

  Aztec religion is very complex and very disturbing due to the belief that humanity sprang from violence and that death was necessary for the continuation of life here and in the other worlds. This resulted in massive numbers of human sacrifice including the horrific sacrifice of children. This was practiced on a scale way beyond all other ritual systems in world history. This is reflected in some of the art extant today. Some of the greatly crafted sculpture evokes rather fearful images of decapitation, sorrow, and wrath. Another form of Aztec art is a compendium of poetry and paintings that divulges a beautiful and sophisticated side to the Aztecs

  Egyptian culture revolved around an agrarian way of life that celebrated and worshiped the Sun and Nile River as forces that propelled life. By divine decree, harvests were shared throughout the community. This helped to assure prosperity among people in this advanced civilization which was open minded enough to occasionally be ruled by females. Egyptian females also enjoyed privilege and economic independence in a class structure that was quite flexible. Promotion could be gained, by the ambitious, through education and or service to the Pharaoh. Although Egyptian history is marked by some civil dissent and war, it is not as prevalent as was seen in Aztec history. Slavery was practiced in similarity to the Aztecs but, was shown to be impermanent to those whom could eventually purchase back their own freedom or their children's.

  Egypt's ancient religion held a pantheon of some 2000 deities and was overall an optimistic and spiritual affair that promised life after death to those whom were found to have lived good lives. Their literature includes songs, decrees, tales, lyrics, and texts that were used for education, entertainment, and records keeping. As with the Aztecs, Ancient Egyptian architecture still inspires a great sense of awe from those whom can appreciate the problems of building in those times without power tools. The elaborate designs and sheer size reveal a marvelous intellectual capacity and fierce determination to overcome huge obstacles.


  When faced with the proposition of choosing in which society I would prefer to live in I have to say that this is really no contest at all. While I find the description of the Aztecs island habitats far more compelling in geographical beauty; I believe that this natural beauty would be far from enough inducement to chance living in a society that so avidly promoted war, human sacrifice, heavy taxation, and as some believe-cannibalism. This is not to say that I believe the Aztecs were totally barbaric; I am sure theirs was a rich an interesting culture outside of the religious and political realms. However Egyptian ways of life seemed far more appealing in that I personally prefer the art, architecture, and theocratic socialism of this civilization. The idea of female leadership gives clues into an open minded culture that was not prone to rule by institutions bent on subjugation of others weaker or less fortunate; this provides an impression more within the lines of my perception of a true civilized society.

  The beauty and richness of the art collected of that time period compels one to believe that theirs must have been a truly prosperous society that had so much time and resources dedicated to crafting so many fantastic works. The artisans and craftsmen perhaps felt great sorrow to see so much beauty sealed away inside the tombs of their leaders. The remaining treasures of that period give only a taste of the vast resources used to create beauty because most was lost to grave robbers.


  By comparison, the Aztecs seemed almost barbaric in contrast to the Egyptian society but one must keep in mind that the Ancient Egyptians had over three thousand years in which to evolve a social, religious, and political structure as opposed to the hundreds of years of Aztec civilization. It may have been to mankind's advantage had not the Romans conquered Egypt or the Spanish conquered the Aztec world. With time to develop their own civilizations more fully, one could only imagine the contributions they may have possibly made to the world. As it stands today, it must be recognized that both civilizations still can be seen to influence today's world. One need not look far to see examples of either culture.
