This site is dedicated to my two sisters "Lil P." who always gets me laughing, and Dianne who died at age 19 when she was just learning what life was all about.

     On the next few pages you will find a couple of  Stories I have written  about my life when  Lil P.  and me were teenage runaways. 

    I hope one day to work as a Social Worker to help Society's "throw away" kids... the Runaways, Abuse Victims, Drug Addicts and Prostitutes. All the kids considered Misfits or Delinquents. To help show them that they can have a much happier life despite their turbulent past. I'm working towards that goal by attending college to become a Social Worker. Even if I never meet that goal I hope to help other kids out there feel not so all alone by sharing my stories with them. (this semester I get my associates degree if I pass all my classes) Year 2001 

UPDATE: I earned my General Associates degree December 2001 with a 3.5 gpa. At present I'm working on getting into the University for a Bachelors in Social Work starting the Fall 2003.


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