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Role Play HTML Help


I am going to try to help some of you people how to know the basics in HTML. Even if you just want to change the font color or add pictures to your RP's.

Below is the essential HTML (hyper text markup language) it should make your rps better the nicer looking

Changing text color

If you can change the color of your text, then it makes your role plays look a lot better. If its highly recommended by the WWF Extreme staff that if there is only one HTML skill you are going to use, then it is this.

There are two ways to change font color, either by using "hex" code, or by using the basic colour names. Both methods use the same basic HTML code around them, however it is slightly different, and we will cover each one seperately to avoid confusion.

For basic colours, you simply do this:

Blue is used as the example, but other basic colors such as red, white, black, green, yellow, orange, pink etc can be used. A reminder that this is ONLY for the basic colours, and for different shades etc you will have to use a hex code.

HEX allows you to use much more colours, and it is actually a lot better to use it. The HTML code to include HEX colours is:

You must include the # before the actual hex code. These are all 6 letter/ number combinations, and to find these codes just go to any search engine and type in 'HEX color codes' and you should get a lot of sites with the colors on there.

Adding Pictures

To add a picture to your role play, simply find a picture form a website that you want to use in your RP...right click on the picture...and view the pictures URL. Then all you have to do is copy and paste that line and put it into the code below...

Make sure that there is a proper ending to the picture, such as .jpg or .gif. In fact it is advised that you only use those two formats, because if another format of picture is used then it might not be able to be viewed by everyone.

That's about it for pictures. And if possible try in one roleplay and use pictures where your character has the sam clothes and the ring ropes are the smae colour. But only do this if you have a very good site with lots of pics for your character.

Adding videos/ music

Videos and music can make your role play better due to the fact that you get to hear their music while reading through it. However it is important to take into note the file size of the music/ video you are going to include, because a large file will take a while to load, and may not even be heard at all. Another note on large files, sometimes they tend to freeze the screen when you try to look at the role play, and can be quite annoying. The best kind of media for a wrestler to include is the streaming titan tron videos you can get at

To add media to your site in this way, it is very similar to the picture. When you have found the media you need, simply right click on the link to the media, and select "copy shortcut".

When you have the code, simply paste it into the part of your role play you require it, with the following HTML code around it:

As with pictures, there are a few well used formats, these are .wav, .mp3, .mpeg or .asx. ASX files are what the WWF use for their streaming titan tron videos, and this means they cannot be downloaded. There is a tendency for these to cause the screen to freeze, but because they take next to no time to start playing, they are by far the best form of media to include.

Using tables

Tables can make your role play look better to look at, so they are widely used by role players around the net. To add a table, simply use the code below:

The code to set the colour of your table borders is found below in the same section of editing text. Either hex code can be used, or regular color names can be used. The only problem with using tables is that unless you specify otherwise, the text inside the table will be size 12. To change the size of the text, see further below.

Changing text style/ weight

To change the style/ weight of text, simply insert any of the following HTML tags into the part that you want the text to be like that. To edit the size of the text, use:

Sizes go from 1 to 7, with 1 being the smallest, and 7 being the largest. It is recommended by us, that for the main body of the role play, that you use size 2.

To make the text bold, simply use:

To make your text italic, use:

To underline your text, use:

To center your text, use:

To have scrolling text go across the screen use this code

That's about it for RP help...hope it actually helped someone!

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