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Elizabeth: The color I used for the backround of Elizabeth's page was green, because it symbolizes stability, endurance, and diplomacy. Elizabeth encompases all these things as the most level-headed Bennet sister. She is able to reject both the absolute materialism of her mother and Lydia and the bookishness of Mary. Instead, she combines these traits and adds wisdom and maturity. I chose the travel link for Elizabeth because she is so excited for her trip with her aunt and uncle to the lakes, and is very disappointed when they are not able to go that far. It is clear that she would love to travel more. I chose the manners link because etiquette is very important to her throughout the book. She detests Mr. Darcy at first because his manners are so bad. Oppositely, she is drawn to both Mr. Bingley and Mr. Wickham because they have excellent manners. I chose the site which details how to "read" people because Elizabeth is proficient at doing just that. While Jane immediately loves Bingley's sisters, Elizabeth sees that they are scheming and cruel, and she is right in the end. I chose the site about how to say no without feeling guilty because Elizabeth turns down two marraige proposals during the book and also is able to reject Miss de Brough's request. She is obviously very good at saying no. Finally, Elizabeth will be able to use the "I'm bored" link when she has nothing to do. She does not seem to like playing cards so it would be nice for her to have something to do while everyone else is occupying themselves at the card table. 

Jane: I chose orange and yellow as the backround colors on Jane's site because they symbolize joy, and attractiveness. These seems to match Jane's personality well. I chose the site on how to express your emotions because Jane's failure to show how much she loves Mr. Bingley is what motivates Mr. Darcy to recommend against his marrying Jane. If she had acted more in love with him, they probably would have been married immediately. I chose the fashion and beauty sites because Jane is the prettiest member of the Bennet household. Thus, fashion and beauty are very important to her. I chose the site on how to become more assertive because Jane is too passive. She assumes everyone is kind- hearted and gets hurt because of it. For example, she does not see that Miss. Bingley is only pretending to like her, so when she finally realizes that she doesn't it hurts her deeply. I chose the site on letter writing because Jane does a great deal of this. She corresponds with her aunts and her sister, so this site would be very useful. 

Darcy: I chose blue as the backdrop for Darcy's site because it is forceful, as Darcy is, but can also stand for loyalty and affection. These traits are hidden deep within Darcy but come out when he is with Elizabeth. I chose the site on hunting because it is a pastime of Darcy's. He enjoys hunting at Pemberley and does it often with his friends, including Jane's uncle while they are visiting. I chose the site on changing your personality because Darcy goes through a great shift when he realizes he must change for Elizabeth to love him. He finally acts kindly towards everyone, even those below him, and he makes a greater effort at conversing. The site on parenting would be useful to Darcy because he is raising a sister that is ten years his junior. Although she has a governess, he does play a fatherly role towards her. I chose the shyness site because Darcy needs to continue to work on his problem with being shy. His quietness comes across as rude and so he needs to become more outgoing. Finally, Darcy can play games on the last link because he seems to enjoy playing them with the Bennets and other company.
