Polish Legends and Lore
A Study in Symbolism, Faith, and Literature
Compiled by Margaret Odrowaz-Sypniewska, B.F.A., Clan Malcolm, PSGA

Czestochowa and Jasna Gora Gemstone Lore/trivia The Significance of the Crown
explores the crowns of Poland, Russia, and Great Britain.
Russian/Orthodox Crowns(NEW) British Crown Jewels
French Crown Jewels The Linden Tree The Significance of the Eagle Krakus, the Dragon Slayer Polish Easter and Spring Customs
Polish Christmas Customs The Legend of the Piast Family The Legend of Jadwiga The Legend of the Origin of the Odrowaz Shield The Peacock in Heraldry and Legend(NEW)


Webmaster: Margaret Odrowaz-Sypniewska, B.F.A.
This page was last updated on May 19, 2007
E-mail: Maggie973@aol.com

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