Childs Place: 1st Annual Buffalo Ranch Rendezvous Photos -pg. 2
May 30th through June 1, 2003 (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday).
Photos © Margaret Sypniewska

Bartholomew "Bat" Masterson and William F. Cody,
Standing next to the Childs Place totem pole.
Trader's tents are in the background.

Bat Masterson, Gen. George Armstrong Custer, and
Buffalo Bill at the 1st Annual Rendezvous at Childs
Place Buffalo Ranch

Bat Masterson, Gen. George Custer, and William Cody
as portrayed by Matthew Sypniewski, Steve Alexander,
and Raymond Sypniewski.

Major John B. Jones, Texas Ranger, as portrayed by
Matthew Rhys Sypniewski.

For more on Major John B. Jones CLICK HERE


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This page was last updated on November 8, 2016

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