Courtly Lives - Paderewski

Ignace Jan Paderewski
Written and researched by Margaret Odrowaz Sypniewski

Ignasy Jan Paderewski (1860=1941) was a world famous Polish pianist and composer. He was born in Kurylowska in Podolia. He began to play piano at the age of three years. He studied in Warsaw, Poland, and became a professor at the Conservatory there in 1878. In 1844 he taught at the Strasbourg Conservatory, but thereafter became a virtuoso, and appeared in Europe and America. He also became the director of the Warsaw Conservatory in 1909. In 1916, he was one of the first premiers in Poland. His involvement in politics caused him to move to Switzerland. Then he resumed his concert work for some years. When Poland's provisional parliament was established in France, he was elected their president, in 1940. He died in Switzerland.

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