Albert Cusick (Sagonaquade)
Written and researched by Margaret Odrowaz-Sypniewska, B.F.A.

Albert Cusick was an Onondaga deacon. His name Sagonaquade meant "He angers them." (1846-?). Albert Cusick contributed to the ethology of the Iroquois language and culture. Albert was born on the Tuscarora Reservation in New York on December 25, 1846 to his Onondaga mother. Albert is a descendant of Nicholas Cusick, a Tuscarora chief. Albert was a chief himself until he decided to convert to Christianity. Albert Cusick was ordained, as a deacon, by Bishop Frederick Huntington, a Protestant Episcopal Bishop of central New York, on October 1, 1891.

This line is thought to be related to John Cusick, the actor.

A Simon Cusick: Tuscarora (of Tuscarora, NY) served from September 1903-June 1905. He was originally a farmer. He was a Canadian World War I veteran. Simom was decorated by the Canadian Army for injuries received during the war (gassed).


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