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The Bard's Barbecue 2005


It was a great day for the Bard's Day this year! July 23 was warm and clear. The golf tournament saw Rich Garland defending his title as over 13 Champion and ML win her first solo Under 13 bragging rights! I was back to my normal form, providing a scoring foundation for everyone else to build on!

The play was the Merchant of Venice. Unfortunately, this is one of the few Shakespeare plays that has NOT stood the test of time the way so many of the Bard's classics have. The sentiments about religion in the play defy today's sensibilities. Never the less, this play is important from an historical view, to study and see how society's views have changed! It just doesn't make for entertaining theater anymore.

The Barbecue was as delicious as usual with great sides donated by attendees! It was a fun day for all! All ended well, and All's Well That Ends Well!


Getting ready to tee off

Dad L and ML helping OS get started in his first year
in the golf tournament. Aunt Judi supervises the lesson!

TL ready to tackle hole #1!

Rich - "And this year's victim is??"

Rich admits David is competition this year.
He prays to the golf gods for an ace!

Heather and John on the front nine

The 19th Hole - waiting for the scores!



Holes in One
No aces this year

Aunt Judi, 17
Heather, 17



2005 over 13 Champion, 46


2005 Under 13 Champion, 62

The Feast!

Unpacking the dishes to pass




David and Rich - All we need is a Larry!

Jackie & Nani. Well, fine, we don't need our men!


Well, okay...MAYBE we need them...


ML -Champions can flaunt their tomboy selves!

OS- "TL can take my picture, but
scary cousin Davonna? No way!"

Aunt Judi cooling off with the fruit bowl!

Dad L - "Next year I want a senior division
in the golf tournament!"

Nani and TL- Last in golf, but first in fashion!


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