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Hello. My name is Nate, and I have been a faithful textbook peddler here at Ned's Booksore at 135 E. Grand River across from the MSU union for, oh, about a year and a half now. And yes, as you guessed, it has been the best year and a half of my life. And I daresay it'd be the best danged year and a half of almost anybody's life if they worked here. As far as other MSU bookstores go, SBS is just down the street from us, and yeah, they do a lot more business than we do, but we all know that quantity doesn't necessarily equal quality. Our books are the cheapest, and all of our used books look like everybody else's new books. You just can't lose here at Ned's. Why are we so great here at Ned's? I don't know. That question, as simple as it sounds, can't be answered with any words that any of us know. It's got a certain special charm to it, but, like I just told you, as simple as it sounds, it can't be answered with any words that any of us know. So just look through this humble little website I made and maybe you can see for yourself why I love working here so much.


Why is this place so freakin' awesome?

Let's review.

It is affiliated with MSU

It is on Grand River avenue

Across from the Union, no less

It is like WAY better than SBS

We also have AWESOME employees
Would you like to see them? Yes No

Our books are cheap and we have REALLY good service here

Oh just so you know, this is NOT the official Ned's website but it is the best one.
The legitimate one is or some crap

Also NATE is the brains behind this here outfit
I mean the website not the store

Oh hey you can do like me and Simon do and make your own HERO