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Hello to you all My name is wesley morris and i am from clintwood va, I'm am 26 year's old, and i am not single no more because i meet this sweet girl name emily mullins and we have been with each outher now for 7 mouths going on 8 mouth's now we stared dating in dec 11 2002 ... and she is so great person to have because i dont that many friends around here because is i am really from michigan and been leaving here for two year's going on three tho.....I like listing to music all kind's of it dont have no favorite kind like it all, and i like all kind's of pet's, well ohm and i like to whitch movies, and play sports like basket ball, foot ball ,and just speed time with my family, and do thing on the computer and play cards and most of all playstation.... well that all for right now p.s baby doll i love you very much you mean the world to me Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!