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Married To The Military
Online Song Dedications

UPDATE Visitors 10/31/03: Dedication pages are active! This website is making "play for exposure agreements" with many talented independent music artists whom have graciously offered the use of their work for this project. Please read below for important information about "Married To The" and the new online initiative for the military community.

UPDATE 10/31/03 Independent Artists: Thank you for visiting the site and your interest in this venture. At this time, I would like to thank the following independent music artists for their song contributions in support of the project:

40 Miles Out      Matthew Shaker      S.i.C.
Ken Tamplin      Lee Braithwaite(LB)      NVS
Howard McLaughlin      David James      Ted Tomiuk
Jessica Owen      Ray Lombardi      Ray Agnew
N/A      Valerie DeLaCruz      Paul Dean      Elly K
Kyle McMahon

To all interested music artists: I've provided three ways to submit your music, two online agreements and one written. You simply have to choose which is more convenient for you.

The project is growing rapidly and I am advertising it's services to other artists as well as the military community. Remember, all music contributors involved in this project keep 100% of any sales they might acquire through the advertising on this site. I am looking forward to working with all of you to get your music heard and into the hands of the public.

Welcome to this special place. "Married To The" is a website dedicated to the U.S. Armed Forces community. Within these pages you will find the only place on the internet containing music dedication pages exclusively for the U.S. military community. This is your place to dedicate a special gift of song, keep connected, and send support.

The rules for song dedication: You must know someone in active duty or retired military in order to dedicate or you must be active duty or retired military yourself. The only exception to this is the POW, MIA, KIA, Veteran pages with which anyone is allowed to use for dedications. Please visit the "Dedication Procedures" area for more information. An Adult song index as well as a Childrens Index are available. This site is "child friendly" and children are encouraged to dedicate with parental supervision.

The men and women whom serve in the U.S. Armed Forces proudly do their duties to the best of their abilities. They do not question orders, but sometimes those orders can come with great costs. The responsibilities to protect the freedoms of American citizens often entails the sacrifice of time away from their families and friends. Throughout the years, people have used song dedication as a way to express the depth of their feelings and as a means of showing support to loved ones. Music touches the heart. The creation of this project is the administrator's way of showing support to fellow military members. Dedicating a song can be yours.

The default MP3 player for the music on this site is Windows Media Player. All music is streamed at 24kbps to accomodate low bandwidth issues and set to "autostart". If the music does not start automatically, please press the play button on the player. If you still encounter problems with the music play, please notify the administrator immediately for correction. Users of Macintosh computers may need to download the Windows Media Player plug-in required to playback the songs. All other users should not have problems playing the songs as long as they have an MP3 player.

Both military and civilian sectors can dedicate here!

This site is graphic and music intensive-please be patient while the graphics and songs load. This site is also add free for your enjoyment. If you find broken links, please contact the administrator for prompt correction. Thank you.

This site is right-click disabled. Married To The claims no ownership to any of the music or graphics within this site. If an artist has found they have not been given proper credit for their work, please inform the administrator of the mistake and it will be corrected or your work will be removed upon request. A huge "Thank you!" to all the artists for making this site possible!.

All visitors can find the graphics used on this site by following the artists' links. Visitors can also find the homepages and ecommerce sites of the independent music artists by following their links. These artists have provided the songs and graphics for this website without monetary compensation. Independent Music Artist contributors to this site will receive 100% of any and all profits this site might aid them in acquiring. Please visit the artists' marvelous sites and give them credit for their hard work. Thank you for visiting! Make sure you sign the guestbook and bookmark this site for future visits!

Best viewed with Internet Explorer-1024 X 768 screen resolutions and higher

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Married To The Military is a free service support site for the American Armed Forces community. Copyrights belong to the music artists and the graphic designers. Violations of these copyrights is a crime and punishable by law. Copyrights for the dedications belong to Married To The Military in C/O respective individuals whom have placed their dedications within the site. 2003

ADDED 11/04/03