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This is Josh and I dancing on our wedding night.

Hair: Short black

Eye's : Dark Brown

Height: 5'3

Weight: 150 pounds (its alittle more I'm having a baby)

Birth Date: March-18-1983

Age: 22

Birth Place : Grand Rapids, Michigan

Home town : Greenville,Michigan

Loction Now: Belding 7 days a week

Pets: Yes! I have three. I have one dog named Toby & A cat named Tigger. They both lives with my parnets(they are our Famliy pets). Also I Have one more dog named Xena and she lives with Jed and I at our new house.

College: I have my Associate of Applied Science Degree Concentration in Early Childhood Education in December of 2004.

Sibbing's: one sister..... Her name is Kristy She now live in IL teaching an 8th grade class.

Fave-color: BLUE (Could you tell?)

Group: I dont have one.

Car: 2000 Chevrolet Malabo.

color of car: Blue

Job: Yes! I am a guest teacher at the Greenville public Schools.

Night out: I dont go out much being that I am going to have a baby and if I do I go with my husband .

College: I was done in Dec-04 and I waLK IN jUNE-05

LASTEST NEWS!!! Jed & I moved into our house on April-28TH-2005. We now live in Belding Michigan. ">

Husband: Yes! We got married July-23-2005.

Here is a picture of us at prom 2002.


Contact - *Updated Today* 9-14-2005


Yahoo Pager: LLD73205(The BEST Way To Reach Me)


> Wanna see my photo book at Yahoo. go here. it's a great book..lot's of good pictures to see! Yahoo Photo book

another photo book

Yahoo Photo book 3

11 & 12 grades photos

College 2003-2004

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