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Filas are different from any other breed of dog. They are instinctively and with great ferocity protective of their family and property, yet very sweet and loving with their family. Their love of life, personality and affection are a joy to experience.

Filas are uncomonly devoted to their owners and homes and thrive on love and attention. They are also especially gentle and tolerant with children. In Brazil the fila is considered the super guard for the family's children. The children can climb all over them and they will take any abuse from them. They are quiet and docile reacting only when confronted by some threatening gesture against their owner; then they react very aggressively. Along with the fila's great devotion to its family goes extreme possessiveness and territoriality.

Filas adore their owners and then defend them. Filas have an ongoing love / hate attitude towards life; loving everything they consider their own and hating all the rest. They distinguish between a friend and an enemy by the simple fact of recognition or not. "Ojeriza" is the Brazilian word describing the fila's distrust of strangers. Filas are genetically pre-set not to accept strangers and are protective 100% of the time.

Filas are always alert and vigilant. The smallest sound is enough to put them in full alert. The feature that is at first most apparent in a fila's temperament is the "ojeriza" to strangers. This should manifest itself in a fila after the age of one year, attacking any person who would try to touch him / her. Another typical feature of a fila is that it's courage will not allow it to move one step back when facing a threat. The reaction should always be prompt, spontaneous and without any sign of insecurity throwing themselves brutally forward and upward. Filas should be serene, self assured, and with self confidence in any environment. Filas will defend you instinctively, ferociously, and without regard for their lives. Their pain threshold is so high, that most do not respond even to lethal injuries. Their courage and loyalty is unsurpassed and must be experienced to be understood.

Filas are the only breed in the world that judges do not touch in the show ring. Their strong temperament is not for everyone. But if absolute devotion and love, secure family protection and the company of an agile, eager to please dog are among your priorities, a fila might just be the dog for you.

At Poco da Onca kennels we are temperament purists. We breed only to produce and pass on the special traits of the fila brasileiro. If you choose a Poco da Onca fila brasileiro you will be assured of the highest quality, which has met our high standards.



Poco da Onca Kennels

Jesus M. Llano

(305) 836-6823