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Leila Sianna Mayfield

My Favorite things . . . . . . . so far.

My Favorite Web Sites

Angelfire - Free Home Pages

Thank You for visiting my page. I am now seven months old. I weight around 17lbs. My how I've grown from my original 6lbs 6oz. So I have been here for over half a year. I have learned a couple of things. I am now holding my bottle. I can roll over and over and over again. I have recently mastered scooting across the floor so crawling is coming. But I think I may skip that and go straight to walking. I like to stand in Mommie's lap and in my exer-saucer. I have good news and bad news. I have started teething. I'm excited because I will have my first tooth soon but fustrated because my gums itch and I get a little fussy. I like my teething rings though. I've started on baby food already and would like to report that I like applesauce, pears, sweet potatoes, Hawaiian delight, mac & cheese, bananas, oatmeal & pears and pumpkin. I don't care for peaches or green beans but I finished them. Come back often to see new and improved pictures of me and my family. Here are a couple more pictures of me.

Here are some holiday pictures. Look at me I'm sitting up all by myself.