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Name: Kristie

AKA: Barbie, KDawl, Keek, Slippy, Baby girl

DOB: October 16th

Nat: Irish, Dutch, English, Scottish, and a little French

Loc: Birmingham, Michigan

Education: Attending High School

Marital Status: Taken <3

Deets: Blonde hair, blue-green eyes, 5’5, 117lbs, and seven piercings (bellybutton, tongue, and the rest are my ears)

People would describe me as a goofy smartass who always thinks she’s right and in most cases that’s true. I'm often moody and I act like an airhead because it's easier than acting smart. Obviously lazy, stubborn, and playful.. when in most cases I should be serious, and I'm too polite and I get fucked over for it most of the time. I listen to almost anything. Christina Aguilera, Justin Timberlake, Maroon5, Britney, & Blink 182 are some of my faves.

Some things you probably didn’t know about me..

~ My GPA is a 3.9 [how's that for a blonde ;]

~ Some people say I look like a good girl, others say a complete bitch *shrugs*

~ My views on life and my future are in most cases un-realistic

~ I don’t like many guys.. the ones I’ve been with have always ended up cheating on me and being dumbasses in general

~ I love reality TV

~ I wanna be either an interior designer or a sexologist.. or I'd like to own my own hair salon

~ I'm definitely not a morning person

~ I’d take chilling at home watching movies with a few people over going to a party any day

~ I love the beach and the water

~ I'm a total shoe fanatic, I've got almost 30 pairs (I kid you not)

~ I’ve broken every toe at least one time

~ I like it on the hood of a car.. ;]

For everyone I forgot.. blame my mind and not my heart

Ashlee a.k.a Ashamalee- Wow, what can I say.. I have known you a little over a year yet I feel I've known you forever. For that amount of time we've been through a lot together - sometimes it felt like hell and back. Thanks for always making me laugh. I love you.

Janine a.k.a Jay- What would I do without you? Steal your man, dur. ha, Thanks for always making me smiles and laughs when I's be down... You always know what to say to make me feel better. I love you so much it hurts!!!

* Whitney a.k.a Whitters- a.k.a my partner *n* crime lol Whitney is a sexy bitch.. she knows it.. I know it.. everyone knows it. Mosdef one of my best friends.. I'd do anything for her. NUCCA we're gangstas in disguise lol I love you girl

* Rylie a.k.a Ryles- This girl is probably one of the best friends I'll ever have. I don't think we've ever had a serious argument. She never lets me get sad.. she's always trying to cheer me up when I'm in a bad mood. lol "I know! Let's play with whipped cream." She's such a goofball :p But I love her anyway. Thanks for everything, Rylie, lyl.

* Keri a.k.a My lover- You've been my right hand, true supporter, confidant, pick-me-up, true believer, long lost sister, shoulder to cry on, punching bag, listener, care taker, and bestest friend all in one ... and don't forget official member of the "FC" club =O) I love you more than there are stars.

* Brandon a.k.a Brando- Honestly, if it weren't for you I don't know how things would have turned out. You've seen me go through a lot and have never left my side. That says a lot. When "others" were never there and later learned never cared, your consistency and beautiful heart shone through - proving to me "GOOD GUYS DO EXIST..." I love you so much and I thank God 4 having you in my life.

* Blair a.k.a Balair- Our friendship has gotten so close, it’s telepathic. Always finishing each other’s sentences. You're so damn funny, too.. almost making me pee my pants every time we talk :p I love that about you. I've never seen you in a bad mood. We've had some really good times together.. driving around and laying out in the sun working on our tans lol I'm glad we've gotten to be such good friends. *hugs*

* Jordan a.k.a JoJo- We’re so close, I think we’d lay down in front of a train for each other. I love him so much, I couldn't settle with not being with him. Some of my happiest times have been with him. The last time I was upset, he called me and sang John Mayer's "City Love," it meant a lot to me. Not only because it's one of my favorite songs, but because he hates to sing lol I love you, Jordan.

* Mike a.k.a Mikey - Mike and I are homies. He’s so positive. Not a negative bone in his body. Going out with Blair and Mike together is so much fun. They're the two funniest people I have EVER met and being with the both of them is ca-razy :p I'm glad that we've stayed friends as long as we have, and you know I love you more than chocolate cake!

* Branden a.k.a Orange Juice- We do a lot of late-night kicking. He’s so gorgeous and he’s funny. He’d have me burst-into-tears laughing. I've learned to love this kid a lot. We get pissed off at each other.. which is good.. We don't get to see each other as much anymore now that he's back @ school.. but when we do.. it's amazing. "Can we have chicken and rice for dinner?" .. "What's that?".. "Chicken and rice.." lub you baby

* Ron a.k.a Ronny- Ron is my boy. I love him to death. We've known each other for like 3 years now and I'm so glad that we've stayed friends. I have more fun talking to Ron than I do anyone else. We've had way too many good times to count. Singing, telling stories, making fun of each other, being mean, being sweet, cuddling, drawing each other pictures, being in l-u-b.. cause you know we are.. and the list goes on and on. MWAH I love you boo

* Russ a.k.a Oreo- Always remember me with my hat.. cocked to the side a bit ;] Russ is what I miss most about Louisiana. *hands him a bag of cinnamon hearts* MWA!

* Graham a.k.a Graham Cracker- My incredible dinosaur. I lub you more than cherry ice <3

* Kyle a.k.a Ky- This guy is one of the most caring people I have ever met. His friendship is more valuable to me than a lot of other things. I feel so good when I'm talking to him, it's unbelievable. He can always make me laugh. He's such a dork sometimes :p We get along really well most of the time.. I think our personalities are pretty similar. I'll always be here for him and I hope we stay good friends. *hugs* I love you, Kyle.

* Alex- Alex is a really, really sweet guy. I've always felt that. We've had our ups and downs, but he's always been here for me and cheered me up when I'm upset.. he has the biggest heart and he knows it. And he's fun, fun, fun too. He's a goofball sometimes :p but I always like talking to him.. we're just cool like that. He's also very honest and he's been a great friend to me. We don't talk as much as we used to anymore, but I hope we'll always stay friends.. *feeds him a strawberry* Alex KNOWS Kristie loves him oh so much.

I’ll always have mad love for all of you for the rest of my days.
