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Michigan Central Committee of the Knights of Peter Claver

  • History
  • Officers
  • Units of the Michigan Central Committee
  • Calendar
    Activities of the Michigan Central Committee Claver units
  • Activities within the Michigan Central Committee
    Activities of the Parishes related to the Michigan Central Committee units
  • Announcements, Items of Interest
    Items of Knights of Peter Claver, Inc and the Parishes of the Archdioceses of Detroit, Lansing, and Muskegon
  • Special Announcements
    Things wanted by fellow Clavers, or things that may be wanted by you. Claver related, only.
  • Please pray for......

    The Michigan Central Committee is made up of all the units of the Knights of Peter Claver that exist within the state of Michigan

    The National Officers of the Knights of Peter Claver,Inc

    Other Claver related sites

    Knights of Peter Claver Website

    Knights of Peter Claver National Office, New Orleans, LA, USA

    (The National Office has been restored in New Orleans, LA.)

    Other sites of interest:
    The Black Catholic Information Mall. Please see this site for upcoming activities from all over the world!

    The Archdiocese of Detroit Website This site is the home base of all Catholic activity within the metropolitan Detroit area.

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