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Tuesday| 8.05.03

Blech, I've felt horrible for the past two days. Yesterday woke up with a pounding headache, which turned into a nausous feeling, that stuck with me all yesterday. I could barely eat. But I still managed to get invites out & take care of Kyler. Ray helped alot yesterday, I slept in till noon then he got a bath ready for me, hes so sweet. I knew it was somewhere inside him.

Friday| 8.01.03

The date is set, August 18th is the day. All the news I have for now.



Thursday| 7.31.03

Planning a wedding is nerve racking. Expecially when your doing it within a couple weeks. Some people take months or even years to plan there big day, but no not us. Were ready now, actually we've been ready for 3 years now. Just never got around to doing anything about it. Now that Kyler is here, its time! First off I cant find my birth certificate, so we are having my mom send me one from WI. Then my license doesnt have the correct address so I have to run to the state of MI to get it changed, I already have to renew it end of August but want to be married by then so I dont have to change it ONCE again for my new last name :)

Otherwise, Kyler is holding his head up all by himself, since he learned this new magnificent feat, he doesnt want to do anything else. Try to lay him down or hold him cradled, he fusses. He wants to have you sit him up so he can show proudly what he can do. I also learned when you child is cranky and your walking through a Target toy section dont show him anything you might think will make him happy and grab intrest. Kyler started screaming at first sight of this cute fuzzy monkey with a rattle. Lesson noted and learned.

Wednesday| 7.30.03


Its time! Its time! I'm getting married! Finally we have the plan in the works. We're thinking either end of next month (August) or middle of September. Nothing to spetacular, probably just the way I wanted it, dont like huge get- togethers.

Can you believe while folding Kylers laundry (believe me there's enough of it, but thats a whole other story) I was thinking of having another...not in a year, but now! What in the HECK am I thinking? I'll just keep slapping myself in the face if I keep thinking of it, I dont need two wee-ones in diapers.


Tuesday| 7.29.03

As I sit here and wait for my lovely stuffed green peppers to finish cooking in the oven and Kyler contently eating away, I figured I would blog. This week I learned that I can only be me and thats the best I can do. I'm a lover, a mother, currently looking for a job and trying to start school in the winter. I feel streched thin, and I can only feel what Ray does, as hes doing all of it as we speak, wait read? Honestly I dont have much of anything to say today, guess I should be going.


Friday| 7.25.03

My arm gets a break!!

Grandma got this new nifty toy for Kyler, and hes absolutly intriged with it! Thank god, it gives me 30 minutes of me time, I can even go pee in peace. Never knew a 2 month old could carry on such a long conversation with a purple stuffed elephant either.

Wednesday| 7.23.03

Kylers first trip to the zoo, yesterday & one monumental day for "mom" too, I breastfed in public for the first time .

Monday| 7.21.03


Its a game.

3a.m. Kyler doesn't want to sleep, he'd rather stare at mommy and smile & coo, mommy on the other hand doesnt want to play she wants to sleep, but non the less I sit up and smile back and play peek-a-boo till he finally got tired of it, and wanted to nurse instead. Finally at 8a.m. I poked Ray to get up to take him for awhile so I could get atleast one hour of sleep. So okay I got two instead, now Ray is back in bed...ahh the joys of a rainy monday day. Nothing better to do then stay in pj's and sleep the day away, that is in shifts of course.


Sunday| 7.20.03

Happy 2 months Kyler! My sweet baby is growing so fast! And is smiling more & more everyday. I feel so tired this morning, I think I slept for 8 hours, but not all at once, a hour there a hour here.


Saturday| 7.19.03

Oxymoron- Windows works

oh why oh why does windows suck? It keeps erroring on me while I am trying to do something important! Like my blog! I would put a OS operating system on this computer, but then I cant enjoy my MSN chats, gee wonder why :p Gay microsoft. We have SuSe installed out in the livingroom, I've yet to play with it, maybe tonight I'll give it a try. I played with Fireworks MX last night and learned image maps & hotspots, suprised I got that far inbetween diaper changes, crying fits & every one hour feedings.


Wednesday| 7.17.03

Being a parent is no easy task, but being a first time mom with no baby experience it seeems even more difficult. I often run into people that immediatly want to give me there advice about raising children, even as nice as there advice is, it seems often outdated where children were left to "Cry it out" or sugar water was the best thing for upset bellies. But on my own I have learned these few things:

1) Breast is best when it comes to feeding your child, after all I dont have $1,000's of dollars to afford formula when I am producing the best food for my child for free.

2) You dont need a huge diaper bag, to carry along everything from your childs nursery. A small bag to carry diapers, wipes & a change of outfit does just fine.

3) If a onsie suffers a massive leak of grand proportions & the stain just wont come out, its okay to throw it away. If anything they make good sleepwear, after all it's clean.

4) Cying it out or "CIO" is far from the best thing you could do. I would NEVER EVER leave my son crying. After all its the only thing your child has to let you know that hes upset, hungry, hurt or tired. If you dont respond he/she will learn not to trust you. How would you feel if your S/O didnt come to you when you where crying?

5)Rice cereal is not ment for children under 6 months. I hate to see parents filling there bottles of formula with rice cereal. There bellies arnt ment for that, after all it is outdated advice.


Tuesday | 7.15.03

Yippee! A new layout, featuring my lil man, as he was the inspiration for this layout.
