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And so the saga begins...


The pirate ship shuddered convulsively under the tremendous volleys of cannon fire. Smoke billowed from the creaking deck; a twenty-foot section of the main mast cracked under a direct hit and crashed into the sea, sinking the once dreaded skull and crossbones of the black flag. Cannonballs, falling short of the ship, sprayed the already slippery deck with seawater, creating treacherous footing. Small fires flared and crackled everywhere, consuming bits of wooden barrels, ropes, and deck that had so far escaped the drenching sea. The pandemonium was deafening; shrill screams and curses from wounded, frightened men punctuated the air between the shattering thunderclaps of the cannons. Ship timbers snapped explosively...

In the distance, you take in the sight of the deceptively breathtaking isle. Jagged rocks lining the white sandy beaches of this isle covered in a looming mist that enshrouds the land at any given time of the year. A Sailors nightmare to navigate unless you have mastered the seas. Several docks and ports guarded in shifts within accordance to sun and moon so that no unwelcome visitors make it ashore.

Should you be unfortunate enough to happen upon this isle, do not expect the warmest of welcomes for none of the inhabitants serve tea and cookies. Pray to your God that you are armed.

This vast land of Death's Ridge Mountains, unforgiving deserts and caliginous forests is inhabited by both man and beast alike. Can you tell the difference between the two?

A Pirates paradise lingers in the thick smoke, leaving the truest of evils veiled to your curious eyes. Your lips rendered both comedy and its dark twin in microseconds, and your tongue harried the mouth's bays and inlets.

This is Maldición Isle.

- Dark Regent, MacKenzie

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All materials contained within are the property of Maldición Isle and may not be copied in full, or in part, without the express written consent from same.

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® 2002, 2003

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Picture Copyright: William O'Connor

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