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Please Help The Andrews Family.

Please help us in any way you can, there are 3 and a half members of this family. There is my wife Jennifer, my four year old step-daughter Elena, a baby due in October, and me, Matthew.

Okay, here's our story...

In March, I lost my job and in the time it took for me to find another one we depleated what little savings we had and now, since my current job gives me very little hours and not much pay, we are on the verge of getting evicted, lapsing on our insurance, and losing our car.
My wife, Jennifer hasn't worked in a while because she has Fybromyalsia and can't stand for long periods of time, or have much stress or else she is in tons of pain, though she did just recently get hired for a part-time job, but she has not been called to start yet.

So, please if you can find it in your heart to help our family send whatever you can afford to:

M. Andrews
4739 Wil-O-Paw Drive
Coloma, MI 49038

If you would like any more information before you just send us your money, or just to send us your prayers, you can Click Here. Thank you so much, all I can offer in return for your donation is my thanks.
May God bless you and all you do.

Matthew Andrews