Panther Speaks

(Thu Dec 6 21:19:46 2001)
-=Ty Hellspont=-
Band Leader
Northern Mist Panther Lair---Alterrealm
: *She leans back slightly in Her stance, getting comfortable, She stands long and lean, covered in winter skins, they hug Her curves snuggly, revealing both the strength and the feminine beauty in Her body, She tilts Her head, dark honeyed hair pulled back in a loose braid that runs the length of Her back, She scratches Her chin a moment before beginning* .... First I would like to begin by saying I believe I was invited to do this because of My description and ability to RP ... I am certainly not a wealth of information on Gor or the books ... and I have not been a Panther for long as compared to some others Berit, Caridwen and the late Tails .... but I am a Panther ... and I play the part damn well if I say so Myself .... I am meticulous and attentive to what I put in My descriptions and how I play My character that said .... I am here to speak to You on what a Panther is ..... an ON LINE Panther ... because lets face it, there is a HUGE difference between those on line and those in the books ..... but I will touch on that subject in another session .... I will also incorporate in each lecture the importance of valid and realistic role play in dealing with Panthers ...or playing Panthers

(Thu Dec 6 21:23:17 2001)
-=Ty Hellspont=-
Band Leader
Northern Mist Panther Lair---Alterrealm
: Basically what today's lecture touches on is what a Panther is ... general information about the Wild Women of the Northern Forest ... I have not prewritten My posts .... so bare with My slowness .....*chuckles quietly* ..... some who play with Me know I am infamous for My descriptive posts on what I look like ... the clothing I am wearing .... My stance ... My gaze ..... My attitude .... because those little bits and pieces are what bring being a Panther together

(Thu Dec 6 21:24:40 2001)
-=Ty Hellspont=-
Band Leader
Northern Mist Panther Lair---Alterrealm
: To begin with ..... the age old question ..... what IS a Panther She a runaway slave? She a frustrated and bitter FW sick of the oppressing ways of the Males? ...... is She a huntress that has taken to the trees? ..... a Woman who has chosen the harsh and cruel life of the Northern climate over the rule of a Male dominated society? ....... She is ALL of that ... and so much more

(Thu Dec 6 21:27:01 2001)
-=Ty Hellspont=-
Band Leader
Northern Mist Panther Lair---Alterrealm
: Panthers were often describes as beautiful, vibrant wild Women who lived among the trees, foraging out a life for themselves, surviving without Men ..... some WERE runaway slaves ...beaten, abused ...tired of serving .... refused freedom ...neglected ..... or truly free at heart ..... some had their fire doused by uncaring and unattentive owners .....some most likely even fleed the painful hands of other abusive slaves ..... they fled to the forest, some knew EXACTLY what they were doing ...others did not .... but somehow they found their way to the Panthers ... and carved a life for themselves

(Thu Dec 6 21:29:32 2001)
-=Ty Hellspont=-
Band Leader
Northern Mist Panther Lair---Alterrealm
: Some Panthers WERE Free Women ....tired of the threat of a kolar looming about their throats ......some were bitter ....reminded by the slaves around them of the fire in their belly .... some wanted to taste the power that the Men kept selfishly for themselves .... and some .....such as in My case .....turned to the Forest when they could not find happiness any where else ....... yes ... I was an FW .... a Tuchuk ... proud ..strong ..defiant .... and I was allowed to be as such ....... but it was that word ..."allowed" ...or .."permitted" .... that bothered Me ..... I am the way I am because I choose to be ... not because it "amuses" Men to allow Me to act as such ...... so .... I began to visit the Lair ... to see if it was what I wanted .... My heart and My soul were too wild to be contained by the rules created by Males I am ....

(Thu Dec 6 21:31:24 2001)
-=Ty Hellspont=-
Band Leader
Northern Mist Panther Lair---Alterrealm
: if You wish to know what I think a Panther is ....mouse over My AV says it all ...... for many ...becoming a Panther was an escape ...for others was an outlet for anger and bitterness ...... for others yet ... it was a new and wonderful life ...... I wanted to defend My Home ... I wanted to fight for what I helped build .... I wanted to show affection openly as the Males did ...... I wanted the same as they did ..... and more ...... so here I am ..... *chuckles* .....

(Thu Dec 6 21:32:37 2001)
-=Ty Hellspont=-
Band Leader
Northern Mist Panther Lair---Alterrealm
: I will say this here and now ..... and it will be said MANY times in future sessions .... Male hating Panthers not make good Panthers ..... they are reckless .... angry ... foolish .... and fool hardy ... they do not think clearly and endanger their freedom ... their lives ....and those of their Lair .....

(Thu Dec 6 21:33:01 2001)
-=Ty Hellspont=-
Band Leader
Northern Mist Panther Lair---Alterrealm
: do keep in mind .... this is of MY opinion ..... that is important to understand

(Thu Dec 6 21:35:59 2001)
-=Ty Hellspont=-
Band Leader
Northern Mist Panther Lair---Alterrealm
: Panthers hunt for their Own food ..... they skin the hides of animals for their clothing ... they use the teeth and bones from their prey to make tools .... they build their own huts .... protect their own home .... they cook ... they clean up after themselves ... they are self reliant ...what they can not forage for themselves ... they trade for at various points along the Laurius and through the Forest ..... they do not need Males to protect them ... they do that very well on themselves ....they work as a unit a team and as a family ... they have even been known to take down a Male or two ....*winks* .... We are merchants, healers, some are Mothers, though that is rare, We are steel workers, wood carvers, We are herbalists, We are cooks, We are Slavers ..... We are jewelers .... Panthers come from all castes and all cultures

(Thu Dec 6 21:38:51 2001)
-=Ty Hellspont=-
Band Leader
Northern Mist Panther Lair---Alterrealm
: But MOST importantly .... We are Free .... many believe that We are not because We are confined to the forest ...... confined? .... I think not ... We were once in Cities, Camps and Plains ..... Mountains and by the Seas ... We obviously were not happy We sought out a life amongst the trees .... what do We need in those places that was not there before ..... nothing ..... I have said time and time again ..... Males may rule the rest of Gor .... but the moment they step foot beyond Our trees .... it is no longer their Gor ..... it is MINE ...*wicked grin* ....

(Thu Dec 6 21:41:17 2001)
-=Ty Hellspont=-
Band Leader
Northern Mist Panther Lair---Alterrealm
: Now ..... *scratching Her chin slowly, She pads from the raised platform towards a long table, containing some skins, boots, mocassins, boned and gold jewelry* .... what I am wearing are what We call winter skins ...or leathers ..... *adorned on Her upper body is a thick wool tunic, wool trade for from the Landfall, Utar's Home, She lifts it slowly, removing it from Her body, revealing the leather top beneath, laced up the front, long sleeved, lined with the fine hair of a young larl for warmth, it tucks into Her leather pants, also lined with fine hair, laced up the front as well, tucked into warm fur lined boots*

(Thu Dec 6 21:44:01 2001)
-=Ty Hellspont=-
Band Leader
Northern Mist Panther Lair---Alterrealm
: *chuckles slow and quietly* ... You Boys are in for a bit of a show ... because I am going to demonstrate the summer skins ......*fingers lingering along the laces of Her top, She tugs at the knotts and releases them, the top falls open and She rolls Her shoulders, letting the skins slide from Her flesh, slipping down Her arms* ..... Panthers tend to be of the belief that not only slaves can be sexual ... and show that sexuality ... We tend to be immodest and have no problem with Males seeing Our bodies ...... it is another means of controlling them ....*She chuckles as the top falls to the floor, revealing tanned skin, fading slightly from lack of exposure to the sun, a long light scar along Her left side from battles past, She selects the vest from the table and slips it on, lacing it swiftly, it crops off just above Her stomach, revealing a firmly ripped stomach*

(Thu Dec 6 21:45:59 2001)
-=Ty Hellspont=-
Band Leader
Northern Mist Panther Lair---Alterrealm
: *She kicks of the boots and slips out of the pants, grabbing the brief bit of material that slides around Her hips, betraying long, toned, strong beautiful legs, She pads back to the raised platform in barefeet* ..... often ... Panthers will move through the Forest barefoot in the warmer months .... they leave less of a trail and allow Us to move silently amonst the trees ...........oh .....and this is VERY important to know and will be reiterated often .... the Panthers in the books ...were RARELY actually IN the trees ....

(Thu Dec 6 21:47:40 2001)
-=Ty Hellspont=-
Band Leader
Northern Mist Panther Lair---Alterrealm
: I am not going to touch base on the weapons tonight .... but ... I did bring My spear give You a good look at what is stalking You in the Forest ...... despite popular opinion ...... the Panthers are NOT the hunted ..... We are the predators ......*She reaches back and grabs Her spear, roughly about four to five feet in length, barbed steel spear head on the end, the shaft is thick and made from very strong tur wood, She leans on it slightly and grins, letting them get a good look at Her barely clad form*

(Thu Dec 6 21:49:28 2001)
-=Ty Hellspont=-
Band Leader
Northern Mist Panther Lair---Alterrealm
: Now ..... I am not a particularily vain Panther ... nor do I care for jewelry or ornaments ..... but many Panthers do adorn themselves with such things coins are often melted down and formed into arm bands or bracelets .... We DO have coin ... but have little use for it in the Forest .... Other Panthers make necklaces and bracelets out of the bones and teeth of their prey ...... beast and human ...

(Thu Dec 6 21:49:10 2001)
Kassar CC
says to -=Ty Hellspont=-Band: Nice form Teach.....errrr....I mean spear

(Thu Dec 6 21:50:55 2001)
-=Ty Hellspont=-
Band Leader
Northern Mist Panther Lair---Alterrealm
says to KalakHunter/Outrider: *grins slowly and murmers* ....this Teacher's form ... is beautiful ...yes ....enticing ....seductive ..tempting ..... but ....*Her gaze flashes suddenly* ..... VERY deadly ... dangerous ..... for that is what a Panther is ... We count on Our beauty to give Us an advantage over Males ...especially when breaking them ........*winks* ..... and I DO thrive on being underestimated because of My looks .....

Thu Dec 6 21:52:55 2001)
-=Ty Hellspont=-
Band Leader
Northern Mist Panther Lair---Alterrealm : *She pads back slowly towards the table, lifting a gold arm band. sliding it up Her arm to Her bicep, formed in the shape of a snake, turning and letting the others get a look at it* .... now, the purpose of these sessions is not to promote Panther propaganda ..... nor is it to give Males a means to attack and defeat Us by informing them of Our ways ..... the point to this is to enhance REALISTIC RP among Panthers and with Panthers people understand why We are the way We are ...what We are ....and how to react to Us ...

(Thu Dec 6 21:53:55 2001)
-=Ty Hellspont=-
Band Leader
Northern Mist Panther Lair---Alterrealm
: *noticing Che's wrist bands* ...yes ....leather bands are used as well ... they can be ornamental .....and useful ...they strengthen the support of the wrists ....... some will even wear a thin strap around their arm or thigh .....

(Thu Dec 6 21:55:05 2001)
...::Che Lei::...
^Pure Poison^
Proby of NMPL
says to -=Ty Hellspont=-Band: -She chuckles softly.....wanting to make a point that it's for strengthening of the wrists and not decoration-

(Thu Dec 6 21:56:03 2001)
-=Ty Hellspont=-
Band Leader
Northern Mist Panther Lair---Alterrealm
: without going into specifics ...... but You will generally see a Panther with a spear ... a quiver of arrows on Her back and bow slung over Her shoulder ...... perhaps sleen knives belted to Her hips .... maybe even a dagger ... at one point You would see them with quivas in their boots .... but after discussing it ... Cari and I agreed that they were not weapons used by Panthers ... they were most of the Wagon people and required great skill to throw accurately .... and We no longer acknowledge them as Panther weapons .... but ...*grins wickedly* ...once being of the Tuchuk ..and skilled enough to make Camp Second .... I am pretty good with one ....

(Thu Dec 6 21:57:41 2001)
-=Ty Hellspont=-
Band Leader
Northern Mist Panther Lair---Alterrealm
: Personally a Panther .... I think about what I am wearing .... and who else wears it .... FW do not wear such ornaments ..... it is considered vain ....... who wears jewels and gold .....slaves ..... I do not wear these ...*sliding the gold band from Her bicep and tossing it aside* .... they are impractical .....attract attention .... reflect the sun, revealing My position ....and remind Me of something a slave would wear ....

(Thu Dec 6 21:56:51 2001)
says to -=Ty Hellspont=-Band: Plus, practicality, as archers we need some form of forearm protection. *holding up her left arm, thick leather bracer on her forearm to save her skin when using a bow.*

(Thu Dec 6 21:58:22 2001)
-=Ty Hellspont=-
Band Leader
Northern Mist Panther Lair---Alterrealm
says to TigressTri-MoonARBow: *grins, nods and points to it* ..exactly ..... each Panther is different and brings a different flavour to the culture We are creating ... even I have things to learn

(Thu Dec 6 22:00:43 2001)
-=Ty Hellspont=-
Band Leader
Northern Mist Panther Lair---Alterrealm
: Why are We in the Forests? .....who knows ..... why the first Women ran there .... perhaps it was its vastness ...perhaps they were lost .... it was HIGHLY unlikely they would be found and recovered .... it was survive or die ..... now ..... the Forest is Our greates ally .... NO ONE knows it as well as We do ..... some will argue that Outlaws do .... doubtful .... Panthers roam every inch of it ... hunt it ... are provided for by it .... it is almost the breath We breathe

(Thu Dec 6 22:01:13 2001)
Sarainia Krellis_Sardon
Tri Moon Panther AR
Huntress and Tracker
says to -=Ty Hellspont=-Band: *holds out My necklace to You,, made of larl teeth and claws,, as well as My arm band,, dark claws threaded around*

(Thu Dec 6 22:02:48 2001)
-=Ty Hellspont=-
Band Leader
Northern Mist Panther Lair---Alterrealm
says to Sarainia Krellis_Sar: *lifts it and grins, running fingers along the smooth bone* ..... another very good reason to wear such things ...... is to show that We are not to be fucked with ...forgive the language ... I rarely use it .... but its the truth ...if We as Panthers can take down a Forest panther ...or a larl ... a sleen ..... escape hiths .... and avoid the ost .... a Male is very little challenge by Himself ..... We have deadlier to deal with ..... this is a statement of what We have survived ....*grins and hands it back*

(Thu Dec 6 22:04:57 2001)
-=Ty Hellspont=-
Band Leader
Northern Mist Panther Lair---Alterrealm
: As I stated earlier ...there is a huge difference between on line Panthers and those in the books ... I will speak on that in deeper detail next session .... but what I wish to say right now is this ..... on line Panthers are real, We are breathing, vital, vibrant, free thinking Women that have breathed a spirit into a creature that was created in the imagination of a Male ..... He was limited to what He could bring to them ........ We ..*motioning to the Other Panthers* .....are not

(Thu Dec 6 22:08:25 2001)
-=Ty Hellspont=-
Band Leader
Northern Mist Panther Lair---Alterrealm
: What is important to understand about Us Panthers here in the world of on line Gor We are not limited ... We are sexual beings who know that those hungers ....those desires not drive Us to the feet of Men ..... do not force Us to Our knees simply because We feel them .... We enjoy them ..savour them .... explore them Frees .... I will touch more on this in another lecture as well .... but I am a firm believer that submission knows no gender ... either you burn to serve or you don't ...being female does NOT automatically make you a slave .....just as being male does NOT make you a Master .... what makes Me a good Panther is KNOWING what I am .... and the ability to see WHAT others are

(Thu Dec 6 22:11:31 2001)
-=Ty Hellspont=-
Band Leader
Northern Mist Panther Lair---Alterrealm
: What I want to touch on a bit now is life in the Lair ... this sessin is just general knowledge ...some of it will be repeated in more depth at later dates .... I do have another session planned out about Lairs .... but for now I want You to understand the lay out and why it is important that a Lair run smoothly ..... it all begins with the Leader ... life in the forest is harsh ...cruel ...deadly ... it is not an easy way to survive ....each day We wake with a grateful breath We made it through the night .... and each night We whisper a prayer of thanks that We lay in Our furs breathing free air ..... the Leader is a very big part in this ..... it is up to Her to decide what is safe for Her Girls ...and what is not .... She has to base EVERY single thing She does ....EVERY single decision She makes .... on what is for the good of Her Lair and the safety of Her Panthers\

(Thu Dec 6 22:12:41 2001)
-=Ty Hellspont=-
Band Leader
Northern Mist Panther Lair---Alterrealm
says to TigressTri-MoonARBow: *grins slowly* ... I am Panther .... I do not shy away from controversy .... the basis of My argument on that subject is this ...... Norman is Male .... what does He know of Women's inner thoughts and desires ....*chuckles* ......

(Thu Dec 6 22:13:17 2001)
-=Ty Hellspont=-
Band Leader
Northern Mist Panther Lair---Alterrealm
: The Leader is the Ubar of Her Lair ... Her word is Law ..... and if You break Her Law ... You are not exiled.... You are enslaved ... its that simple

Thu Dec 6 22:13:47 2001)
-=Ty Hellspont=-
Band Leader
Northern Mist Panther Lair---Alterrealm
: in some respects ... Panthers are FAR harsher than Males

(Thu Dec 6 22:15:47 2001)
-=Ty Hellspont=-
Band Leader
Northern Mist Panther Lair---Alterrealm
: The Leader needs ONE Girl She can rely on and trust who shares Her line of thinking who is capable of leading the Lair in Her absence ...*giving Che a pointed look* make Her Lair Lieutenant ....or Lair Second .... in the books it was doubtful that the Band would ever part for anything .... but in on line Gor ... that is impossible Leaders need a Second to handle things in Her absence ..... beyond the Second are the High Girls ..... Panthers of status and skill .... those who have proved themselves in hunts and fighting ....

(Thu Dec 6 22:17:05 2001)
-=Ty Hellspont=-
Band Leader
Northern Mist Panther Lair---Alterrealm
: People sneer, leer and are judgemental of Panthers ...for one reason and one reason alone .... they have NO clue how hard a life it is .... one does not choose to be a Panther lightly ....

(Thu Dec 6 22:18:45 2001)
-=Ty Hellspont=-
Band Leader
Northern Mist Panther Lair---Alterrealm
: almost like a military there is a pecking order .... from highest status to lowest
High Girl
sluts (female slaves)
Female Captives
Male Captives

(Thu Dec 6 22:20:08 2001)
-=Ty Hellspont=-
Band Leader
Northern Mist Panther Lair---Alterrealm
: I decided the Panther life was for Me when I broke My first FM .... I was still an FW at the time ... it was invigorating ..... and I realized that this was the place for Me ..