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Cast List
One Act Plays

2009 Cast

FIRST REHEARSAL: Tuesday, April 28, 3:15-5:00 p.m.

The Taming of the Shrew
Directed by Austin Peters
Petruchio: Brendan Espinosa
Katherina: Stina Thompson

A Thousand Clowns
Directed by Brendan Espinosa
Murray: Danny Van Alstyne
Nikke: Julia Rhodes

On Golden Pond
Directed by Ryan White
Ethel: Anika Jamison
Chelsea: Sonja Shelton

Title to be Announced
Directed by CJ Jenerou
Actor One: Alisha Arnsparger
Actor Two: Jessica Wheatley

The Royal Wives:
Anika Jamison, Alisha Arnsparger, Lydia Anderson, Brooke Luokkala, Erica Sanford, Naria Ford-Thompson, Laura Thompson, Jessica Wheatley, Sarah Underwood, Kylie Stowe

Ensemble (Dancers, Amazons, Priests, Slaves, etc….:
Julia Rhodes, Lydia Anderson, Alana Smith, Pamella Vincent, Elizabeth Trepanier Verwey, Madison Warras, Lauren Kowalski, Devan Allard, Toni Meni, Megan York, Tori Weaver, Kelsey Barna