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Volunteer Application for L.A.S.T.C.H.A.N.C.E.

If you are an ex-con and wish to help young people who are on the road to a life of crime find the road away from crime we may have a site for you.  We are looking for those who want to help.  We do not want bull shitters, con-artists, pedophiles or anyone who may hurt those we want to help or our organization.

We will also try to help you if you need it.  If you want to join us and help us help others please fill out this application.  You can copy and paste to e-mail it or to your word processor and snail mail it to:

-----------------------------------------------Begin to Copy below line-----------------------------------------------------

C/o Lee Gaylord
114 W. Adams
Apartment 912
Detroit, MI 48226

Name:              ____________________________

Address:           ____________________________



Phone #           _____________________________

E-mail             _____________________________

Crime:             ______________________________

Sentence:        ______________________________

Time Served:  ______________________________

Prison:             ______________________________

Inmate #           ______________________________

Parole until       ______________________________

The above information is correct and I also give L.A.S.T.C.H.A.N.C.E.  Permission to check on the above and any other information about me.

Signature___________________________   Date___________

-------------------------------------------Stop copy above this line------------------------------------------

Your home and e-mail address and phone number will not be on the site.  If someone wants to contact you they can send it to us and we will forward it to you.  Please remember that the founder is in prison and he wants to be sure that no one tries to take advantage of our young people.  We are not only here to help the young people but also to help you.  We feel that your involvement here will help you too.

E Mail (preferred) or snail mail your story or essay to help with the application.  If you wish you can send your picture too.   I will send them to Chris for his approval.

We do not want any preaching. That will turn many young people off and you may lose them. You can say that your faith in God helped you straighten out your life but do not try to push your religious beliefs on others.  Be honest and tell it like it is and they may listen.  They came to the site and that is their first step.

Once your application and story or essay is approved I will put it on the site and send you the URL.  If you wish to make changes or add to your page let me know and I will make the changes.  

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