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Anthony A.  Wood

My name is Anthony A. Wood.  I will be 20 years old on January 3, 2003.  I have been incarcerated now for almost 2 years.  My TDCJ number is 1042331.  In the free world my nickname is Tony.  I am currently on the Telford Unit in New Boston, TX.  I will probably be transferred in a few weeks.

First and foremost I want to thank you for your time in reading my story

I have always been the type of person growing up that did not get into much trouble, so needless to say I got a late start.  I was introduced to drugs very late for this day and age.  I was 16 when I started smoking weed.  It seemed harmless in the beginning and it did not and it did not really have an effect on me until about a year or 2 later.  Then I started staying out all night and occasionally not going home at all.  From there it came to school and basically giving up so I would either skip class or not go at all.  I was fixing to graduate but ended up dropping out in the 12th grade.

Next came being rebellious, which is a lot of the reason I am where I am today.  For me this took kind of like a domino effect.  With the buddies I have it was hard not to follow along with them and do the things they wanted to do.  I had 4 particular buddies I always hung around, Ray, Josh, Colt and Tim.  Considering I never grew up with any brothers or sisters I looked to my friends as brother figures which will explain my faithful devotion and friendship with them.   In the beginning it was never about getting into trouble but that just came about hanging out and the bond between friends.  I was always the one to jump at an opportunity to leave or get kicked out of home.  I guess it is because I kind of thrived off of it.

This is about where the drugs got bad.  I was 17 – 18 years old.  I loved weed but had done other drugs such as ecstasy, pills such as downers like Zanex and experimented with cocaine.  (Snorted not shot up)  I refused to stick myself with a needle to get high.  I remember leaving home with no job, no money, no place to stay and not going to school.  I wanted to live this lifestyle simply because I was a “rebel without a cause.”   I was always finding myself looking for drugs and a place to stay for the night, never thinking about money, food or anything else.  I would end up sleeping underneath some railroad tracks, by a ditch, in the back of my homeboy’s truck or having my buddy sneak me in his house at night.  

I would always find my drugs.  Actually at one point I lived with my homeboy Josh for a month.  It was a secret from his father who was on probation at the time.  It was his mother’s idea.  Josh’s sister who lived there was also my weed dealer, my drugs and a place to stay.  

As time went by crime came in, I eventually went along with three other bros, Ray, Joe and Robert, to burglarize a concession stand at the golf course.  At the end I ended up getting 5 years probation for burglary of a building.  They offered 2 years in prison of the probation.  I took the probation because I did not want to go to prison but I should have taken the prison.  I was knowledgeable about the law.

I only lasted almost 4 months out in the free world.  The reason for this is because I gave up.  I quit.  Because I was scared to give it a chance and did not realize I had loved ones on my side all along.  So feeling desperate I proceeded to skip probation and ended up robbing a Phillips 66 Gas Station.  This was to get money to leave town and eventually leave Texas.

We were caught the next day at my friend’s house.  My bro came out with 6 months boot camp, 6 months county time and 10 years probation.  I came out with 7 years prison and 2 years state hail concurrently.  The 7 years was for the armed robbery and the state jail time was for violation of probation.

I have seen and experienced a lot of things since my incarceration.  What they say about prison is true regarding the murders, rapes, fights, suicides and etc.  Most of this comes from the administration as well as the inmates.  
I come from a small town, called Deer Park, Texas.  It is a suburb of Houston which has a population of 20,000 to 25,000.  People from my part of town seldom experience crime of prison life.  

You have to be strong minded in prison   I am going through a situation where somebody has threatened my life over me telling the guards that he has sexually harassed me.  I almost had to kill him fearing for my own life.  

I am in the process of being moved to another unit.  The personnel do not like to cooperate with inmates, especially if the inmate is right.  They do not want to believe serious situations out of spite.  They have a power trip which leads to an abuse of power.

Some of the inmates have lives to go back to and wish to live healthy lives in society.  Being locked up and having the impression that you are worthless will not help to rehabilitate the inmate.  Note that people must have personal need to rehabilitate themselves.   Animals need to be with animals and decent human beings need to be with decent human beings of all races.  

I am only a 20 year old man but I do know I need to act like a man and not a 5 year old boy.  Some of these so called grown men are worse than my little cousins not yet out of high school.  People need to grow up.

Thank you for your time.

© Copyright 2002 Anthony A. Wood

Anthony A Wood #1042331
PO Box 9200
New Boston, TX 75570


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