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L.A.S.T. C.H.A.N.C.E.

Let's All Save The Children, Humanity And Needle Creative Energy

This is where Chris lives.  JCCC in Jefferson City, MO

The founder of this web page is Christopher Dunn who is serving a life sentence in Jefferson City, MO.  I remember riding by a prison there when I was a kid.  I remember high walls and that is about all.  I knew it was a prison and I knew I did not want to go inside.  The following is an excerpt from Chris's last letter to me.  After reading it I decided to set up this site for him.

When the justice fails the innocent

be willing to stand and defend them.

 On May 18, 1990 my whole life changed.  It was the beginning of the end, the death of my birth, that’s what it seemed like.

On May 18, 1990 at 12:00 moving into the midnight hours three young  African Americans were sitting outside on the front of a friends home waiting on their other associates not knowing what was waiting for them just moments later that would change our lives forever.

From the account of the witnesses, one claimed that I approached them from the gangway standing between two homes, hiding in the shadows, with what appeared to be a gun in my hand. He stated that he did not pay it any mind and didn’t tell any of his friends what he saw and continued to talk.   He then heard a single gun shot, ducked to prevent the bullet from striking him; it missed his head by an inch.  He saw the muzzle flash from the gun, then looked around and heard two more gun shots ant that is when they started to run eastward.  One is shot and falls, a second young man falls and pretended to be dead, the third continued to run east as he stated while shots were still being fired at him.

Demorris continued to run until he was out of site.  Michael stated that while he pretended to be dead he had an opportunity to look up and claimed to have seen me standing in front of the house shooting.  This was the first time he had the chance to realize that anyone was there other than him and his two friends.  Ricco died from his injuries, one gunshot wound to the head.

At 2:00 AM the police arrived to my mother’s home to arrest me but not without a fight or questioning them why.  The house was surrounded by every police on the St. Louis force, like I was related to Osoma Bin Laden of some terrorist sleeping cell.   I wasn’t coming out into that mess without knowing for what.  The next morning a few calls were made, trying to find out anything about the shooting that night before.  I’ve been known as TRAP since I was a tot, living up to my name.
Well I was later arrested, booked and charged with the murder of Ricco.  I just didn’t know what to do.  I placed my faith and fate in God and allowed the public defenders office to represent me during my trial, a big mistake.  Jan Good, my trial attorney never did any investigating nor tried to gather information.  Steve Omarh, the states prosecutor, knew as well that I didn’t commit this crime especially with two misleading statements of his so called eye witnesses. 

I lived a normal life, never used drugs, no gang affiliation and never drank alcohol. I was four months from my twelfth grade graduation.  I had my own place and a nice car.  I worked at Flyers Piping Company, where we produced PVC tubing and other products.  I had a young lady in my life with whom from the fourth grade to the second year after my arrest we were a couple even though she cheated on me and had some other guy child.  

I found out that I was on the phone with her while she was in the hospital during the time of the crime.  Did the attorney check into this?   NO.  Did she question the witnesses’ credibility or accounts of the crime?   NO.  She didn’t point out that one witness claimed I was wearing sunglasses while the other said I had on only a hat.  What about the different locations the put me in during the crime?  Why didn’t she question them as to why did they wait until after the first shot was fired?  Why didn’t she point out that the witness claimed I was 13 to 15 feet away from them when firing the shots but when asked on the tape recording if he knew where the shots were coming from he stated NO?  

Why didn’t she point out that the other witnesses did not see the muzzle flash that Demorris claimed to see?   Why didn’t the taped statement come up during the trial?  Why didn’t she question the medical report which states that the entry wound was back to front, left to right showing who ever shot the victim was firing from the left side not the right as they claimed I stood?  Because the prosecutor and my trail attorney prepared to railroad me and send me up the tracks.  Now he is a judge and she is representing death row inmates.

The St. Louis police knew this case had some questionable accounts but they care?  NO.  So here I sit with a life + sentence.  13 ½ years of my life wasted, gone, never to return, lost into the past that has forgotten me. ,  is my over link to the outside community but here I sit behind this wall that’s been standing for over 164 years.  If I was on death row, either I would have been given a new trial or I‘d been executed for a crime I have never done.

I was only 18, born December 12, 1971 who cares?  Whatever happened to justice and those who truly found concern in the actual innocence of people like me? I never became a father. I never had a chance when I walked into the court room.  I tried to take my own life twice, because I thought death had to be better than this.  It didn’t work; God had a plan for me.  In a short time I a ministry, a pen pal organization and I’ve met some beautiful people during my journey.  Beth and Jesse, Kira and John, Lorna and Mary, Collette and the boys you’re what I continue to fight and live for, you give me the strength I need and God provides me with the will to never give up on my dreams.

Don’t say that there is justice in a blind eye system.  Don’t hate your enemy, thank them and smile.  Do I hate the system you may ask?  No, I don’t.  I just want a chance to prove my innocence.  I want what they wrongfully took from me.  MY FREEDOM.  How would you feel?  Be careful and watchful, be alert and stay focused because the minute you slip the cuffs will catch a grip and you’re bound to take a long-long trip.

L.A.S.T.C.H.A.N.C.E. is a starting point for those who thought it was the end; we want to provide an alternative to prisons.  We want to provide you with an ear and a helping hand should you fall.  I’ve fallen and even though I thought it was the end, I reached up to the hands that were extended out towards me cared at first but willing to accept a friend, Mrs.
Rosemary Dunn, my mother and father Beth and Jesse Michael, My aunt Lorna and Buddy,  My uncle John and Lee W.G., my sisters Kira and Arnetta, Mary and Gary Miff, John K. and countless others who called out to me from the ashes of hell to the clouds of heaven I soared with the great spiritual aid of my  FAMILY.

I know and understand, I’ve been there where most of you are heading and you will eventually go and like myself you too will cry out in pain, praying for the burning sensation to stop, this pain caused by doubt, hurt, rejection and family frustrations, this pain is bitterness, it’s blinding fire will distract your reasonable and conscious thinking, this pain is the frustration from financial problems, physical abuse by family or a love interest or it could be a fear of a particular individual.  Trust me, I’ve been there and I know the pain.  I ask you all, let’s talk, let’s communicate and build our self esteem and personal growth to a more profound and spiritual level.  Maya Angelou once wrote a poem call “Still I Rise” .  We all can rise too but let’s do this together, as a FAMILY; it’s our LAST CHANCE to make a difference in out lives.

I can recall a old man sent me not long ago, a cool hip talking old man that I took a personal liking to because he came with a real and sincere interest in not only me but in all that would be of God’s children.  He didn’t come with any lie or con.  He came as himself.  This man who wanted to so much to be a light in the darkness of many people lives.  I didn’t think there were people out there like him but he proved me wrong.  Lee W.G., I wish to thank you first for being all you can be.

IF you are a troubled youth and are mad at the world, write Chris and let him know how you feel. He is where you may be on your way to.  Chris was sentenced to life in prison for a murder he did not commit.  This could happen to you.  If you are doing the crime can you do the time?  Chris wants to help you.  He is on your side.  I am on your side.

Christopher Dunn
181654  J.C.C.C.
P.O. Box 900
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0900

© Copyright 2002 Christopher Dunn

This site is going to have Chris and other prisoners contributing reality to those of you who need a dose of reality to wake up and change your path before you end up in prison.  The following link is to Chris's The Injustice System pages which have links to his other sites.  You may also want to explore the Injustice System site while you are there.

If you are a former inmate and would like to help young people before they end up in prison. Please e-mail your story or comments to me with lastchance on the subject line.  I will add a page with your story.  

If you have come to this page for help we are here for you.  Chris's address is above.  If you wish to contact the other contributors e-mail us and I will forward your e-mail to them.  I will e-mail their answer to you.  Put their name on the subject line.


Volunteer Application for Ex Cons who want to add a page

The Injustice System - Chris's pages

Clay Douglas (Dusty) Sanders

The Rodney Littles Story

This is not the place to be by Heath Smith

Jacob Wood

Anthony A. Wood (no relation to Jacob)

The Injustice System forum has a section for this site.

Stairway Outreach:  The Primary focus of Stairway Outreach is the reintegration of men and women who are to be or have been released from prison who have been sexually, emotionally or physically abused during their childhood. 

The Castle of Hope for Lost Souls, A Michigan Nonprofit Corporation

The Castle of Hope for Lost Souls - Group Site Map