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ok zo marcuz told me to take thiz down and inztead i thought i would juzt pozt me and his converzation and let that be that. Once again thiz iz really our converzation...the linez make it eazier to read. VACARDI: I AM ZORRY THAT YOU WERE ZUCH A BITCH TO ME AND THAT WE COULD NOT BECOME FRIENDZ. ALTHOUGH I THINK DO NOT THINK VERY HIGHLY OF YOU IM GOING TO GIVE UP ON TRYING TO HURT YOUR FEELINGZ. dtownchika (12:58:08 PM): hey baby boy dtownchika (12:59:01 PM): Marcuz you there? pimpedoutthugger (12:59:43 PM): ye dtownchika (12:59:55 PM): Ok whatz up pimpedoutthugger (1:00:19 PM): ye how bout ye take al dat shit down dtownchika (1:00:28 PM): What zhit? pimpedoutthugger (1:00:35 PM): ye lil hate suite dtownchika (1:00:46 PM): my hate what? pimpedoutthugger (1:00:54 PM): website dtownchika (1:01:12 PM): Oh that pimpedoutthugger (1:01:17 PM): ye tha dtownchika (1:01:29 PM): And why zhould i take it down? pimpedoutthugger (1:02:18 PM): becase ye dunt no kar kar and i dun apprecitae ye putin pics of her lye tha and telin peple untru stuf dtownchika (1:03:03 PM): Marcuz itz juzt our opinionz dtownchika (1:03:03 PM): pimpedoutthugger (1:03:09 PM): i dun giv a shit pimpedoutthugger (1:04:14 PM): its stopid its al lies dtownchika (1:04:30 PM): are juzt zaying that. pimpedoutthugger (1:04:37 PM): na pimpedoutthugger (1:05:22 PM): il fukin go thow an tel ye everyhin ye lye boyt dtownchika (1:05:47 PM): Alright then do it pimpedoutthugger (1:06:07 PM): The fake tanning really needs to stop....gurls you are white...stay that way pimpedoutthugger (1:06:27 PM): gurl kar kar is puerto rican means sheu aint white she colord pimpedoutthugger (1:06:44 PM): They act like they are from the ghetto....gurls....uh hummm Your daddys are RICH you guys live in some of the biggest houses in Warren...its all FAKE pimpedoutthugger (1:07:22 PM): kars dad is jail so how he ric she growd up in Detroit so she no wat it like ta hav nothin dtownchika (1:07:40 PM): then how do you explain the houze zhe livez in pimpedoutthugger (1:07:47 PM): step dad is rich pimpedoutthugger (1:08:05 PM): The babies need to stop popping out of you guys....what is it a total of 6? pimpedoutthugger (1:08:24 PM): my gurl has 1 and kar has 1 and jes has 1 pimpedoutthugger (1:08:35 PM): The whole hard ass act gets old...we all know you gurls are pussys when it comes to figtinhg pimpedoutthugger (1:08:47 PM): tha why she bets ye ass pimpedoutthugger (1:09:10 PM): Vacardi is a mother yet she still goes out everynight and get drunk and high off her ass dtownchika (1:09:23 PM): zhe doeznt fight 1 on 1 pimpedoutthugger (1:10:20 PM): how hell ye figur she out al night she sleep at 11 wak up at 6 go schol 7-1;30 cosmotoligist shit fom 4-6 and sleep at 11 pimpedoutthugger (1:11:06 PM): shut up ye dunt etha havin guys hit kar kar pimpedoutthugger (1:11:13 PM): i should beat ye ass fo tha pimpedoutthugger (1:11:24 PM): They pierce every part of their bodies pimpedoutthugger (1:11:26 PM): lye pimpedoutthugger (1:11:37 PM): I really hate Vacardis sister Kelly....shes gonna be a hoe just like her older sister pimpedoutthugger (1:11:52 PM): kels step sista they hate echotha pimpedoutthugger (1:12:00 PM): Their parents let them have huge parties and provided the beer i hope their parents get caught pimpedoutthugger (1:12:01 PM): so pimpedoutthugger (1:12:17 PM): Vacardi made the dance team and i didnt pimpedoutthugger (1:12:36 PM): kar can dance sghe tiny to ye ar wat 6 fet tal pimpedoutthugger (1:12:45 PM): At our graduation party Vacardi and Marcus got in a fight and she fell threw the door and broke the glass...her dads lawyer has contacted us about suing for her trama and scars...bitch sue me pimpedoutthugger (1:12:50 PM): haha tha shut was fubny dtownchika (1:13:38 PM): whatever that waz all Rachez ztuff anywayz pimpedoutthugger (1:13:45 PM): i no im getin ye pimpedoutthugger (1:14:04 PM): ...A few weekz ago i ran into her babyz daddy Marcuz & he waz real cool. They werent dating so me & him went to the moviez we came out of the moviez & zhe comez up to uz yellin n bitchin. Marcuz kept tellin her "chill out...calm down...Ztop...go home to gabby" & Zhe kept puzhin him & hitting him. he zhoved her back & zhe dramatized the whole thing, falling over and crying. Zhe kept threating him zhe waz going to call the police. Zhe kept moving around him to make him bumb her & zhit then ztart crying. The whole thing waz just to get him to leave with her...which he did...he called a few dayz later, zaid he waz zorry & that he couldn zee me no more. I havent zeen her zince then but zhe keepz talking zhit. dtownchika (1:21:27 PM): marcuz my dear that really happened pimpedoutthugger (1:21:41 PM): haha i no pimpedoutthugger (1:22:38 PM): but ye left ou how ye was push in shov in kar kar try rip he hair out so thas why i got betwoen ye all an she feld over id dint push her dtownchika (1:22:45 PM): dtownchika (1:23:10 PM): What do you want me to do Marcuz? pimpedoutthugger (1:23:37 PM): i wan ye ta fix the site tel the truth and take her g string pic down dtownchika (1:24:03 PM): pimpedoutthugger (1:24:19 PM): bitch stop wit faces do it dtownchika (1:24:23 PM): and if i dont pimpedoutthugger (1:25:03 PM): of ye dont i swear ye step ta kar kar wen my lil gurl there and i fin out bitc ye in a shit of triuble dtownchika (1:25:34 PM): what are you going to do Marcuz? Zhot me? pimpedoutthugger (1:25:52 PM): haha i dunt no i jus mite dtownchika (1:26:02 PM): your good at the arent you? dtownchika (1:26:34 PM): therez mizter marcuz all fly cauze he zhotz ladiez pimpedoutthugger (1:26:59 PM): i dunt shot gurls pimpedoutthugger (1:27:31 PM): tel ye truth i dun fuck ron wit guns no more but ye mite make me wan ta dtownchika (1:27:49 PM): you dont zhot girlz? lol what about Vacardi? pimpedoutthugger (1:28:12 PM): bitch lye i told ye she was betwon me cory pimpedoutthugger (1:28:55 PM): cory puled her on way i pyl her otha an i went ta shot cor she got in way i did even no i shot her tel she fell ova dtownchika (1:29:20 PM): dtownchika (1:30:01 PM): ok well ill zee what i can do