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New Affiliate and a New Member
Saturday, June 13th, 2003 @ 9:39 PM :: Entropy
Today, i affiliated with my long time friend and his Phantasy Star Online clan website. They have a good layout and content, so go check them out. If you would like to affiliate, email me at with the subject "Affiliate." Our new member today is xHolyOne. He is a paladin and a really great guy. Well, tomorrow ill see if i can get the web site content up. I'm still looking for a host, so email me if you can host us.

The Resistance Has Begun
Saturday, June 13th, 2003 @ 9:28 AM :: Entropy
Today marks the creation of the new Diablo II Clan known as Defiance. Organizing stratagy, sticking together, and having fun is what we're all about (that, and kicking ass, a whole lot of it). Our first few members were recruited today. Xero, a paladin, has been playing games with me for 3 years and is leading the clan along side with me. FroPimp, a barberian is one of 3 or 4 officers. Check the join page for rules regarding rank and such. And lastly, Stryker, a necromancer, is another officer. I'm gonna get the site finished up and recruit a few more members, and we'll be able to get some clan events going on. Oh, and one last thing, we need someone willing to host us that has at lest 10 mg of web space, perl 4 or higher, and a cgi-bin. If you would like to host us, please contact me at

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