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An Anthology of Frederica Matthewes-Green's writings

A series of lectures presented by Cornerstone University
and Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary of Cornerstone University

For a recording of this list of speakers, call 616-222-1530.

Bastiaan VanElderen's evening syllabus

What do the Dead Sea Scrolls say?
Wednesday, March 5 - Lawrence Schiffman, Ph.D.

4 p.m. - BH100, "Jewish Law in the Dead Sea Scrolls" Reading: Schiffman Reclaiming the Dead Sea Scrolls pp. 245-312.

7 p.m. - Matthews Auditorium, Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary, 3000 Leonard St. NE - Admission Free
"The Library of Qumran"
* Ethel and Irvin A. Edelman Professor in Hebrew and Judaic Studies and director of undergraduate studies, New York University in New York, New York

What impact have the Dead Sea Scrolls had on our understanding of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament?
Monday, March 31 - Martin Abegg, Ph.D.

4 p.m. - BH100, "The Dead Sea Scrolls, the Apostle Paul, and the Works of the Law" Reading: Martin Abegg "4QMMT, Paul, and the 'Works of the Law'" in The Bible at Qumran: Text, Shape, and Interpretation.

7 p.m. - Matthews Auditorium, Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary, 3000 Leonard St. NE - Admission Free
"The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible"
* Associate Professor of Biblical Studies, Trinity Western University, Langley, British Columbia, Canada, and Director of the Dead Sea Scrolls Institute at Trinity Western University (the only one in North America)

Why have the Dead Sea Scrolls sparked so much controversy and confusion?
Thursday, April 3 - Emanuel Tov, Ph.D

4 p.m. - BH100 - "My Academic Sojourn"

7 p.m. - Matthews Auditorium, Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary, 3000 Leonard St. NE - Admission Free
- "Controversies in Dead Sea Scrolls Research"

* J. L. Magnes Professor of Bible in the Institute of Jewish Studies at Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, and Editor-in-Chief, the Dead Sea Scrolls Publication Project

What impact have the Dead Sea Scrolls had on our understanding of the New Testament?

Thursday, April 24 - Joseph A. Fitzmyer, S.J., S.T.J., S.S.L., Ph.D.

4 p.m. BH100 - "The Genesis Apocryphon" Reading:

7 p.m. - Calvary Church, 777 East Beltline Ave, Grand Rapids, Mich. - Admission Free
"The Dead Sea Scrolls and the study of the New Testament"

* Professor Emeritus of New Testament at Catholic University of America
* Former president of the Society of Biblical Literature

What do the Dead Sea Scrolls say about the end times?

Monday, May 5 - Peter Flint, Ph.D.

4 p.m. BH100 - "Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha in the Dead Sea Scrolls"
Reading: "Noncanonical Writings in the Dead Sea Scrolls" in P. Flint (ed.), THE BIBLE AT QUMRAN: TEXT, SHAPE AND INTERPRETATION (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 80-126). "Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha in the Dead Sea Scrolls" in J. VanderKam and P. Flint, THE MEANING OF THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS (San Francisco: Harper San Francisco, 2002) 182-205.

7 p.m. - Matthews Auditorium, Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary, 3000 Leonard St. NE - Admission Free
"The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Book of Revelation"

* Associate Professor of Biblical Studies, Trinity Western University, Langley, British Columbia, Canada
