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I love the ladies and they love me back!!Well it's amazing, the fact that I haven't updated in like 6 months. Well, first off I will introduce myself. My name is Dave Bradley, I am 17 and I live in Niles. word of advice, never move here cause its boring. Well I'm in with Jesus, my lord and savior and my punk friends rawk.I have some pretty awesome friends.I have some great friends like Justin and Chris above this. The names are in order Dave (me) on the left, then Chris, then Justin.We are really close and talk a lot just trying to keep up with each other. JESUS LOVES YOU!!!! School is here and i'm a senior. To all those nutty little lower classmen have fun and dont get duck taped to a rhino's butt. And remember, don't run around in the streets naked screaming the penguins are coming, because people call the cops, except for that nasty old guy living on the corner. e-mail me at


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1.I DIDNT DO IT-after being called by my mom when in my room.-Me

2.TACOS!-need I say more?-Me,Justin,and Chris

3."Don't make me go Backyard Wrestling on you!."-Hot topic t-shirt

4."MAKES ME SICK!"-Whenever I hear something I absolutely hate.

5. 2 Words Swanton Bomb-Me about 30 seconds before jumping off a ladder and straight through a table.

6."YOU NO NINJA!"-Me and Nate to all the non-ninjas out there.

7. "Slide down the mattress...dadadadadada...ahhhhhh!!"- Me to Ryan Moody when he claimed he couldn't get down from his bed.

8. "WORD TO YOUR MOTHER"- Another hot topic t-shirt

9. "Kris, will you please change the channel? I've been watching animals for 6 hours."-Kris' Grandma to Kris after Kris being gone all day.

10. "Please not the animals...I don't wanto watch the animals anymore.-Kris' grandma to Kris

11. "Why fight when there is no chance to win."-someone

12. "Let's ride to Camelot on our mighty steeds!"- Jeff to me after drinking Tropical Sprite Remix.

13. "It's only a flesh wound"- Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

14. "GOOD MORNING NEVERLAND!!!" - Jase saturday morning at the youth con.

"Gotta get home and wash off the Duck Butter" -Kurt and I after L.O.G. weekend Sitez

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Chris's site
Justin's site