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Danny's Page


Pictures of Me

Funny Moments with my Crew!!

            Welcome to my Website!
             Hey everyone I'm Danielle. I am a SeNiOr at, WMCHS!! Oh yes, its lots of fun.  Things I enjoy doing, is hanging out with all my Buddies, like Jen, Who-Who's, Leann, Olson, Carthy, Pell, Nate, Steve, Peter, Todd, Alan, can't forget the wonderful Tyiesha, and Jill, and last but not at all least Kaleigh. If I missed anyone, I'm sorry, its nothing personal.  I also love to go to the Beach and get a tan, and check out Hot Guys!! I love listening to music, watching and going to see movies, babysitting, and we can't forget cHeErLeAdInG!~    

             Other things about me that I'm going to share with you, but you probably don't care, is I am 17, I have a younger sister and a goofy dog named Autumn. I am currently single! But always taking applications, just kidding!!  I am working two jobs, I work for my dad at our family Body Shop (Ramos and Sons Body Shop, if you ever need anything done), and I also baby-sit for a little 2 month old baby named Willow.  I try to hangout with my buddies on the weekend, but there isn't always time for that, so I chill with them as much as I can.  


                                                              Isn't that puppy so cute, its not mine. But I baby-sit her sometimes!

   One of my favorite song lyrics is ~* I'm here without you baby, but your still on my lonely mind, I think about you baby and I dream about you all the time. I'm here without you baby, but you're still with me in my dreams, and tonight its only you and me*~

    My favorite Verse is: Love is Patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always hopes, always perseveres.  Love never fails.                                                                                                                                                                                                         I Corinthians 13:4



