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Hey, Welcome to Loopy Land

All pictures are from my senior year about a year ago. We had our own little room at our HS because we ran the Yearbook. Please realize that all these pics were taken with a camera intended to publish for such a purpose, they might take awhile to load (something like 13MB). Be warned, we were kind of an odd bunch and scared most at our school.

Me running from the camera, I’m kind of camera shy. Don’t worry, I don’t always get away.

Nohner and his usual view on the world. He was my best bud throughout most of HS

The girls dying Nohner’s hair, Megan’s on the Left, Sara on the Right. I believe we ditched math class to do this and I was giving Sara crap about it.

This is Fish…Very cool guy…blast to hang out with

Everyone chillin between classes. Jon and Beaner are in the background.

My bud Welle, he went off to the Marines.

Fish being weird, hey look, side profile of me!!

How could I forget our beloved couch, the most comfy one in the world. It was later deemed a fire hazard and we had to throw it out at the end of the year.

Ops! Nother picture of me. Still can’t really see my face thou.

How could I forget Kate, we rescued her from the Prep’s, turned her over to the dark side. She was Pete’s girl.

Sorry, here’s pete. Nother friend and really smart, like mind blowing intelligence.


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