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Dan Munzner's Home Page

My name is Staff Sergeant Munzner, Daniel J. I am a Military Police Officer in the 690th MP Company, Crystal River, FL, Florida Army National Guard. I am a prior service soldier, having served eight years active duty as an indirect fire infantryman from 1991 to 1999. I rejoined the service in April of 2004 and am currently deployed in Afghanistan with the rest of my unit.

Here are several pictures of me and of Afghanistan.

You can also look in on what is happening day to day at my
blog page.

At home I work for the
Polk County Sheriff’s Office. I am a Detention Deputy Sheriff. That means that I am sworn and certified to work as a Detention Deputy in the jail and as a Deputy Sheriff on the road. My last assignment at the Sheriff’s Office had me working with troubled teens. We run a felon-only Juvenile Boot Camp to help straighten out the lives of some of our wayward youth. I feel privileged to be a part of that program and help to put many young lives back on track.
The Boot Camp is based on the Marine Corp Boot Camp in Paris Island. The original Drill Instructors were Marine Corp Drill Instructors on TDY from Paris Island. All of the current staff were either taught by those Drill Instructors or by staff that were taught by them, using the same criteria. The Boot Camp is an incredibly successful program. It combines the strict discipline of the Marine Corp with the educational process (yes, they still have to go to school), and a daily mental health regime. To date the program boasts an average of 67% success with teens released, compared to numbers in the 40% range for most juvenile programs.

At home, my real home, I am a husband and a father. I have two beautiful daughters that live with my wife and I in Florida and two other daughters that live with their moms. Brianna is 12 and lives in California; Ashlynne is 11 and lives in South Florida. Kayleigh, 12, and Kaitlin, 5, live with me and my wife, Kim.

I am currently working on my Master’s Degree at FSU. After I finish it I want to return for two other Master’s Degrees, one in Political Science and another in Public Administration. I am planning to go to OCS (Officer Candidate School) upon my return from Afghanistan. Then I may return to Active Duty in the Army, unless the Sheriff’s Office promotes me first. Either way I plan to start my political career after I receive my third degree. It should make me well rounded enough on most current events to insure that I can make informed and scholarly decisions and represent my future constituents to the best of my ability.

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire.

I hope you enjoyed your visit. If there is anything you would like to ask about the Army, the National Guard, or Afghanistan I will be more than happy to try and get an answer for you.

Please come back and visit again!

Dan Munzner

My Favorite things about America

My Favorite Web Sites

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Army Homepage
FSU Homepage
Dan Munzner's Homepage
