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My Daily Happenings That Er....Happened


Thursday, April 22, 2004

GOOD GOD! Ok it's almost been a year! I didn't even know I still had a web page! So jeez, June of last year! SO much has gone on since then..... ok not really! HA! Work has been work, you all did miss out on the fantastic SEXUAL HARASSMENT investigation that went on in my store. Apparently our Assisstant said some 'inappropriate' things to an associate, but it was BS and that sucked butt! Then in January our store hosted the National Body Challenge which was a lose weight ya fatties! So the stores all competed against each other to see which store could lose the most weight, we didn't win! But I lost 15 pounds. WOO! In other news Sunday is Big Jim's going away party! That's about all I got for right now! Later all! hr>

Saturday, June 28, 2003

Good GOD! I've been gone forever! Well to those of you who are still popping in to see if I've made any changes, SUPRISE! I'm updating! Yay! So what's going on? Well first off we got a mondo jump on our loan, so we have a really good chance of finding a house here within a few weeks/months. We've found 2 that we like pretty well, but we still have to go in and get a tour! So that's pretty fun and exciting, I think it'd be nice to have a house, I would really love the room, then people will have room to visit! Of course at the rate that we're going it'll just be spaces for family members to move into, I swear to got it's like a freaking hotel, ya get rid of one and there there are five others waiting to move in LOL! Nah it's not like that at all. And anyway they'd always be welcome if they need it. Family or not! On a side note I've found a song that I really like. Well it's not a new song, it's "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole. You may have heard it if you saw the episode of ER when Mark Green died. It's sad but good. What else has gone on since last time? OH we made our way to NYC to see Eddie again! It was really amazing, I actually got on a plane and didn't really freak out too much. In fact, no bad feelings at all the whole trip, but WE GOT TO MEET EDDIE!!! It was just us actually, we were the only ones to wait, and so he had us come into the theatre lobby and do the autographs! It was wicked cool! I've got pictures that I'll post up later! Look for them on the main page! That's about all that's going on around here in baconville! Tomorrow we're going to a Christopher Moore book signing that should be fun! That's the other thing that happend! FINALLY after long long lengths of time waiting the NEW HARRY POTTER CAME OUT!!!! YAY!! I read the whole freaking book in less that two days, I started reading it at like 1AM when I got it and ten was done with it by Sunday night! OH MY GOD! WHAT A FANTASTIC BOOK! I really do enjoy the Harry Potter books I thinkg that they are really written quite well and have really good morals and lessons and stuff! I just wish some other people I know would finish it so that I'd have someone to talk to about it other than my friend in freaking RHODE ISLAND! Well if you've read it and wish to talk about it then sedm some email or something =) LOL! Ok well my computer is being really slow and typing about 2 minutes behind what i type so I've gotta go! POST AGAIN SOON!

Saturday, April 26, 2003

GOOD GOD! Two posts in one week! NO ONE CAN LIVE AT THAT SPEED! SO! I was thinking that I'll have another Memorial Day BBQ. Last year was pretty fun, so why not eh? SO if you wanna come, or have food suggestions then leave me a little post, or email me. So what's going on? I have 2 more days of class, so in 5 days I'm done! I'm so freaking happy, this semester has been draging big time! I don't know why either! So has anyone seen any good movies lately? I think we're going to see X-Men on Friday. That should be fun. In other news the house hunt is kind of sucking, nothing all that great so we're lay BAHHH! But in other GOOD NEWS! NYC IN A WEEK OR SO WEE! YAY!! I NEED A SUITCASE! BAHH! lol. I have to fly though......*not so happy face* I don't mind the flying really, the whole movement fast flying high all that, no big deal. The firey DEATH that's what gets me! But hey maybe I'll get SARS and die before we hit the ground HA! Well, alas, I have nothing more to say! OH how cute the cat and dog are being nice to.....oh wait she just bitch claw slapped him....nevermind. Well later all! OH Big BBQ EDDIE PARTY SUNDAY! ALLEN'S COMING UP! YAY!

Monday, April 21, 2003

Well GOOD GOD! Hey look I'm back! Ok, so what's going on? I've got 2 weeks of school left. That's 4 days! THANK GOD! And I'm going to be doing my page up all nice. It's cool and all, but it needs to be updated BAD! So it may be a few weeks, but new things are coming! If you have any ideas CLICK ON THE EMAIL LINK AND LET ME FREAKING KNOW!! JEEZY CREEZY! SOMEONE EMAIL ME!!! ok, gotta go, bye!

Friday, April 4, 2003

"Why Hello Piggy!" So check out this total BS! So I have this trip planned to go to Chicago k? Well I get off work like ya do, get all packed up for my little jump over and then pile in the car and start going. We stop at the end of the street to get some food, and some time between the ORDER WINDOW and the PAY WINDOW my tire goes COMPLETLY FLAT! BAHHH! Well, we didn't make it there of course. So to make things better I got a membership at Sams Club and got a load of root beer and dog food, and all was well. SO what else is going on? I got a promotion at work YAY! More money, less work! In addition I got a nice raise with it. The best thing of all is that I only have FOUR MORE WEEKS TO GO!! *Sigh of Relief* I'm so sick of school! It just pisses me off! It's not 'school' that i'm sick of, it's just the classes, they're just dumb. But they're required so what can ya do? Well, I'm gonna get on out of here and grill me a chicken! Well just it's breasts actually, but whatever.......

Trogdor Strikes Again! And All Is Laid To Burnination........

Saturday, March 15, 2003

Wow! It's warm out! Cool huh! So what's going on? Well I just got back from my little trip out east. We saw our friends in Rhode Island, then went with them to Boston. It was pretty fun, Got to see the Old North Church. Walked around and found this resturant that smelled SO GOOD! Ate at Quincy Market, they had this cool mexican type band playing, they were really good! After that we hopped on down to New York for 2 days. It was a lot of fun, we went up to the top of the Empire State Building. It was very sad because it's our first time back since 9/11. We didn't make it down to the site though, it was too cold to go all the way down there. But we did go shopping at Macy's. Then we went to the Toys R us in Time Square! IT WAS SO COOL! They have a 60ft Farris Wheel in the store. There is also a life size robotic T-Rex! Then they had life size GI Joes decending down a wall from the top of the store! In the lego section they had a scale model of the Empire State Building made of legos! So all in all it was AWSOME! We also ate at this Mcdonald's that DELIVERS! WHAT? It's open 24 hours too! Wierd! Then we decided to go see Beauty and the Beast! THAT IS SUCH A GREAT PLAY! I was suprised. They had a lot of different songs that were just wonderful! Some of the transformations were really cool too! And one of the things I like best about Broadway is that you can be in the LAST ROW, and it's still a great seat! And we were in the last row! And they were great seats! I can't wait till May when we go again and get to see The Producers and Joe Egg! So after that we headed back to our hotel, and some guy tried to sell us drugs. He's like weed weed weed.....wantsomeweed.... and were like, uh we're kind of in a carriage going by, why don't you try people who aren't in a VEHICLE! It kind of sucked though because we got out of the show at 9 because it was an early show and had nothing else to do that night so we just hung out at our hotel. But the next morning we went up to the Today Show's window. WE WERE ON TV LOL! But it was SO COLD! Well, that's about all that's been up lately. Gotta go get ready for work! Later!

Wednesday, February 19, 2003

So, I'm so terrible! I never post anymore! Of course I never get online much either, so I guess I should take that into account. So what's going on? Well my spring break just started, not really, I have class Thursday. But, I'm going to be skipping Thursday because I have to go talk to my Loan Officer. WOO HOO! So what am I doing on my 'spring break' (because February is so spring-ish) Well I'm going to be working. yay! (not really) I don't mind work really, it's fun, it's stress-free! So no complaints there eh. Then next Thursday I'm going to be heading out to New England again to see my good friend Wendy! YAAY! On a side note, there are 3 Robins sitting outside my window! YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS! WOO HOO! So yeah I'm spending a few days (about 5) out east. We're thinking of going to NYC but we're not sure. We'll probably be going to Boston too, so hey, more pictures to post! YAY! What else is going on? I'm coming out to K-zoo this weekend. Sarbear has a concert so I'll be going to that. So that's fun! Some good news, Sam and the cats are getting along well enough now. Well I've gotta go get ready for work. Talk to ya all soon!

Monday, February 10, 2003

Well kiddies how's it going? Well to update, the ice/devil/ghost in the bathtub is gone. I boiled some holy water and set him packing! WOO HOO! So well done there for me eh? School is going well. Work is going well. In other news I'm heading to New England in 2 weeks, so that's exciting, and I'm also going to NYC in May to see the fabulous EDDIE IZZARD in A Day In The Death Of Joe Egg. 2nd ROW PEOPLE!!! WOOOO! So all in all things are just dandy. In addition we're now working on getting our house! So within the year probably by the middle of the summer we'll be living in a house! FANTASTIC! As to our current 'international crisis' I say it's time to take him out. The UN has said, you must do this, or we will take you out, he has not done that, therefore the force is justified. For countries to refuse to do what they have already agreed to do is irresponsible. By not doing what they said they would the UN has showed that they are worthless. The resolution said you must disarm, and the inspectors are there to see them doing it, but they're not disarming. There has already been one report that says they aren't doing it. Why do we need to give the inspectors more time? More time to do what? See that they're not complying still. If you can't back up what you say you are worthless and that's what's happening now at the UN. In the words of Eddie "AHH I LOVE THE SMELL OF EUROPE IN THE MORNING, So, what's going on? Well, we had to wait till someone to do something Really bad to us....." So, when do we draw the line, after 2000+ people die? Till someone drops some VX posion gas on us and our skin melts off BEFORE we die, till we're hit by a plauge of ebola, or small pox, or god knows what, or worse of all, till we're all radio active from a dirty bomb, or our cities are rubble from a nuclear blast? Maybe we should spend the money on building bomb shelters instead of going to war, then we'll be in the right for attacking our known enemies, instead of stopping it before it happens. Guess time will tell.


Wednesday, January 22, 2003

In a shocking turn of events tonight, expert in the paranormal Go Go GO Joe has proclaimed that perhaps The ICE is the work of evil beings. When asked about the phenomanon So is Joe is quoted as saying "maybe the devil lives in that tub." When the point was raised that the water would be boiling if the devil lived there he went on to say "well...i think i was going for the evil spirits feel. Maybe a ghost then. Yes, a ghost in your bathtub!" He compared the current situation to Unsolved Mysteries. While nothing dangerous has yet happened Joe fears that this Ghost could reap havoc, and the only solution is an exorcism. "hell with maintenence! call a priest!" He exclaimed. However if that doesn't work, and there's till something strange in your neighborhood, who ya gonna call..... Will keep you posed on this breaking story.

Wednesday, January 22, 2003

Hello all! Ok, so I have to ask you all something, I was minding my business like ya do, and I was putting some stuff away in the bathroom when I look in the bath tub and see something odd. So I'd like to ask you guys,



Ok, let me tell you what it is, it's ice. That's right, there is ice in the bottom of our bathroom tub. not the one attached to my bed room, but the one formerly known as Jeff's bathroom. So to recap, ICE has formed around the drain of our tub. I don't get it, how could ice form there? The house it kept at 70 degrees, that's uhh lets say 38 DEGREES ABOVE FREEZING! But just in that ONE AREA it's freezing. So that's the most freaky thing that I've ever seen! In other news nothing's going on today. Schools going well as expected. Work is the same old stuff, other than the $20 that mysteriously disappeared out of the register today. In other news Allen may be comeing up for a visit here soon. Well that's about all I've got for now, post again soon!

Sunday, January 19, 2003

Well friends, We are heading into week two of school. How was it you ask? Well It wasn't too bad, I only had to take 3 classes this semester becuase they're worth so many credits, My comp teacher is ANCIENT! We're talking old here folks! Like one room school house old! But my first paper thingy only had a few marks on it, so I don't think it'll be too bad. She says she's a tough grader also! The class is really boring though. Total drag! But I HAVE to take it, so what can I do eh? Maybe switch to the same class as the creeping kid LOL! He's in the same class in the next room down! They let him out early all the freaking time!!!! But this is the 2nd week, so only 13 weeks to go, if you don't count this one, that just started...... yikes, counting down already. It doesn't seem like that long though! I mean look at my drama class, it only meets once a week and we've just about done 2 classes already! Only 13 to go! If I want I can miss one too! hehehe! Drama's a lot of fun of course, we played freeze, I didn't jump in there because I suck at freeze! The class is 3 hours long though! BLAH! 5:30-8:30 WHAT WAS I THINKING!?!? Completly kills my Tuesdays! I have to have the day completly off, so it also eats up one of my days off! BLAH TO THAT! My last class is Spanish! I don't think it'll be hard. It will, however, be the only class I have that will assign me home work! But I think I'll be able to handle it. =) But this is also a 3 hour class! POO STICKS! On the upside my "profe" (That's what she calls her self) is a TOTAL SPAZ! Off the walls I'm telling ya! She's always going on about this spanish rap group! It's really quite entertaining because she is such a spaz! At least she keeps your attention when you're in the class for 2 1/2 hours! OK! What is with this one! I go to get my books on my ONLY DAY OFF, and the BOOK STORE IS CLOSED!!?!? It's the first freaking week of school, shouldn't you be open at least a few hours?? No! Of course not! So I have to go tomorrow morning before I go to work so I can get my stupid ass books! I'd do it on Tuesday before class, but I have home work that is due in Spanish that day! I hate books by the way, way too expensive, and you only use them for 4 months! And half the time you don't even use them! Well, I can't complain because half the time I don't even bother buying the books, it's not like I study or anything. But enough about school for now! I went and saw The Lion King on the IMax today in Greenfield Village! It was really cool! The pop corn really sucked though. I haven't seen the movie since, well, forever ago I guess! But it was really cool to see it up on that really really big screen, like the seats were vibrating during the stampede scene. It was soo cool! So yeah, if you're near an IMax theater you should definitly go see it! After the movie we went to Kelly's house and watched the Golden Globes with everyone at Waldenbooks. That was fun. THERE WERE SOME TOTALLY AWSOME BROWNIES! And yes I do mean AWSOME! Not like "theres are some awsome hot dogs, yeah these hot dogs are awsome" (If you don't get that you need to watch more Eddie) No they were totally delicious! They were like camel brownies or something, they were soo yummy and ahh! SO GOOD! YUM! So what else is new? Hmm, OH! I'm going out east next month. Probably definitly going to drop into Boston, possibly New York. Nothing firm yet. If you want to see some pictures from the last time I went out east CLICK HERE! So that should be super fun! Well, that's all the stuff I have in my desk for now! I'll see ya all later.

Monday, January 13, 2003

HAPPY NEW YEAR! As you may have noticed I've finally updated my page! I'm reworking the entire thingy, well except this one, because really what can you do to change this one? Well I did slightly change the colors for the back ground. But anyway, good golly! I've not posted in over a month! JEVUS! Well here I am! Posting again! So what has been happening since December 5th? Well, I finished school for the semester. Almost straight A, I got 1 B+ THAT SO SUCKS! But hey, All A's and one B+ isn't bad. It was great to finish school. But I have to go back again tomorrow! BLAH! But only 15 more weeks, then I'm out for the summer! WOO HOO! It's hard to think that in 15 weeks it's going to be summer time! WOW! So close! I don't like the winter it's too cold and blah! I need leaves, and grass, and being able to open the windows. LOL! So what else happened. We kicked butt at work and I got bonus twice! YAY! But it wasn't anything big, a total of 50 bucks! But we're still kicking butt and are headed to getting our Quarterly Bonus! YAY! Christmas was nice, but I really need to get a huge house so that everyone can come over and we don't have to drive to like 3 different places. First we drove to Becky's house, then My house, then my grandma's house, and then back to Becky's for 1st Dinner, then back to mine for 2nd dinner, and then we finally got home at like 9pm after we left in the morning at like 7! After that The Wachtmanns came over! BUT THEY HAVEN"T BEEN TO VISIT SINCE!!! HINT HINT!! =) Cuz I know you read this mom! =D Then the day after Christmas I had to work at FREAKING 7AM!!!! WHO NEEDS TO DO RETURNS AT 7 AM!??!?! But I was off by 3 and got home just in time to meet ANNIE!! YEA!! Yup Annie came up from good ol' Virginia to visit for like almost 2 weeks! I thought it was a lot of fun, because Amanda also came and stayed quite a bit with us, so it was like a big party! New Years sucked ass as usual, I went to bed at like 10, got up at 11:55, then went back to bed at 12:15. No biggie. But ya know me, not a party person, don't drink and all that jazz. And last but not least Jeffe moved out. He hiked on over to live in Kalamazoo, I haven't seen his place yet, but I'm sure it's really nice. I want to get out there soon to visit people. But every time I have time, they all come here LOL! SO BLAH TO YOU ALL! So that brings us all up to date for the last month, so recently what's been going on? Well, We went to the DIA and saw the Degas exhibit. It was pretty neat, I'd never been to the DIA and it was nifty. A really cool thing was that the tickets included the audio tour. So we got to listen to the people ramble on about the paintings and stuff. One of the guys reminded me of Eddie! LOL! But it was a lot of fun. Next weekend we're going to see The Lion King in the Imax! WOO HOO! I'm really excited about that one! Last week I got a brand new computer desk! It's so fantastic! It's all glass (not the legs of course) and it's sooo big, I haven't had this much room ever, and It's the most room I've had since I moved out of my house in Aug. of 2000! NO WAY! I'm going to do the room in movie posters, and I need some chairs or something to put in there so people can sit in there while I'm in there. I'm thinking maybe like bean bag chairs or a small couch or something, not sure yet though. Well, I think that pretty much brings everything up to date! I'll post again soon!

Thursday, December 5, 2002

So I really wish I had some friends that like Anime. cuz I'd love to go to Otakon next year. But I really need someone who'll be at least slightly interested.... Or at least pretend to be slightly interested. But no one I know is. BLAH! Well I gotta get to bed. I have to work at 11 and it's like running up on 2 am! But before I got I have a quick joke!

What to you call a boomarang that doesn't work?


AHH It kills me! hehehehe! I'm really laughing too! I would like to thank Carly very much for that one! WOO HOO! Nite all!

Thursday, December 5, 2002

Wow, it's December now! Where have I been? I dunno, around. No real reason to get online. No one really on to talk to except people I live with and why should I get online to talk to people in the next room eh? And no one else is ever online, and if they are they've got an away message up or are just to busy to talk if they are online. But hey, I'm busy too so I feel their pain. So here's what's up. I have my duo scene on tuesday, I picked it out today. And then I have the paper in drama and I"m done. I've got a test in government. A paper and a test for psychology. So school is almost done, 2 more psych classes and 4 more Drama and Government classes left! And only 3 weeks till Christmas, and things will slow down big time! In other news Rouge pisses me off, when we were supposed to be doing our 'group work' they got in a god does not exsist conversation. Uhh we're supposed to be studying teens not god! I hate group work. That's why I'm usually strangly missing on days that we do that. In other other news, the new Star Trek comes out next week. And LOTR Two Towers comes out the 18th! WOO HOO! Sounds like great fun! Well I'm out of here! LATER ALL!

Tuesday, November 19, 2002

Which Animaniacs Character are You?

You are...unique to say the least. Though the events around you often seem complex, even convoluted, you tend to drift off into your own world. It's nicer there. People tend to think you're joking, even when you think you're being serious. Though, seriousness is taxing for you. You'd rather play all the time than do boring work of any type, and perhaps that's why insane dribble tends to issue forth from your mouth.



Tuesday, November 19, 2002

Well tomorrow is the BIG day! Our big visit is tomorrow. I'm not too nervous. But I don't feel the store is a spotless as I would have it. But I'm anal about my store. I have to go in like super super early too so that we can do the last minute cleaning. I think I'm gonna go see Harry Potter tomorrow too! That's exciting eh? I saw it already, but there were this stupid little fetus bastards behind us that wouldn't shut up, and I didn't have soda or popcorn. So I totally couldn't concentrate. LOL! I can't wait for the next Harry Potter movie, it's my favorite book. But I am a bit worried that they'll totally screw it up. LOL! Ok I just have to tell you I was watching this advert about a strainer build in to the top of a pot and it was one ofthose totally lame over acted terrible adverts. The lady is trying to pour her pasta into a strainer and it goes 'down the drain' and the advert says 'YOUR PASTA IS GOING DOWN THE DRAIN AND YOUR FAMILY IS HUNGRY' and the kids are like all crying and sad and the dad is pointing at his watch all pissed like! HA! It was so lame! Ok, but I'm getting out of here and I'm going to try and get that new poll on my main page! Night all!

Monday, November 18, 2002

I took a Pick Up test at the spark today. This is what It said!

What's up frigidaire. You are 32% pickup-able! You're cold and unapproachable, like a big glacier that's unapproachable. And cold. Unlike the Arctic tundra, few even venture to plant their flag in you. You're definitely not a Scorpio, unless you were born between October 23 and November 21. The bad news is that you'll end up miserable and alone, probably knitting doilies out of cat hair. The good news is that this is apparently what you want. Honestly, I don't even feel comfortable talking to you right now, so I'm just gonna go… yeah… wash my friend's hair.

HAHA! I love those things!

Saturday, November 16, 2002

So I haven't posted in quite a long time. Why do you ask? WELL I'VE BEEN BUSIER THAN someone who's.. busy.... er something. I DON'T Know. Busy doing what? well, I'm glad I asked me that. Well my birthday I was at my gran's all day. Went shopping. Fun fun. Then Saturday was my 'party' if you didn't come SHAME! ON! YOU! Guess you're just not my friend! HA! j/k I'm sure you have a wonderfully self absorbed reason...ER I MEAN A GOOD EXCUSE! LOL I"m just kidding of course. I got some fun stuff. Then of course I had 2 exams last week. And had to study.....LOL!!! OH MY GOD! I HAVEN'T LAUGHED THAT HARD IN YEARS.... *FLICKY TEAR OUT OF EYE* Oh, that's a good one... Me.... Study... What next? Me buying the books? HA! But seriously. I did have an exam, but no I didn't study. Got a 103% on the Psych. Of course not as good for the Government exam, she asks questions in a really odd fashion. But well reguardless. I haven't gotten my grade back for my Duo Scene yet... So, Tell Me. Should I take Spanish or French, or perhaps German? I'll make it a poll on the main page. I have to take one for my major, and I took Spanish for 4 years, but I really didn't care for it. I mean sure easy grade, but for the love of god, would someone challenge me? I'd love to take Chinese or Russian, but they aren't offering Russin this semester. Maybe when I transfer next year. Yep, that's right I'm transfering from good old WCC. I've just about finished taking the cheap classes. So, it's transfer time. Guess I really have to make sure I get good grades instead of just getting good grades and not trying. Maybe I'll start buying the books. What other developments are going on? Well, in about 6 months I will be buying my very own house! A HOUSE! NO FREAKING WAY! But it's true. I'll be leaving the wonderful life at Hunt Club to somewhere else. Exciting eh? I'll have a party once we're in. You're all invited.... And remember if you don't come YOU SHOULD FEEL REALLY BAD! =) In other news it has been SO FREAKING BUSY! The malls are already going insane. SHOP NOW AVOID THE RUSH! SERIOUSLY DUDE! We had a huge jump in traffic. Wait till Santa is down our hall. Of course the stupid whores at Talbots are bitching about it. But hey! SCREW TALBOTS! It was snowing today too! WOW! SNOW! I like snow. Until I get sick of it in about late January then I'm like FUCK SNOW I HATE SNOW, EAT SHIT AND DIE YOU FREAKING SNOW! ARRRG! YOUR MOTHER'S A WHORE! But until then SNOW RULES! Unless I can't drive, then it's like the above. Well I'm getting cold, so I'm going to bed! Nite all! Vote on the new poll!

Tuesday, November 6, 2002




Tuesday, November 5, 2002

I've done my civic duty and voted today! WOO HOO! Ya know I think voting is fun. And all those people who are college age, and say, I have no reason to vote! Well ya know we vote on Trustees to the schools we attend... sounds like a small reason to me! Well Tomorrow is the big day! The big B day. And to mark the occasion, I'm getting my toothes cleeneed Woopie! Sound like a riot eh? Well off to bed, I'm tired! And sad. I have to save my voting sweater till next time! Right Katie? LOL! Later all!

Friday, November 1, 2002

So, I think we should get new names for days of the week... These are old. Out of style. BORING! Lets try Roblentar for Monday and Zeglado for Friday. Maybe we can throw Mishintamates some where in there. But I got Spider Man today on DVD! Just watched it! Fun fun. Tomorrow I'm going to my mom's house for Birthday Dinner! WOO HOO! PIZZA! Then a week from tomorrow is my other birthday dinner thingy with my friends. So come on over after 5:30! We'll plan more in a day or two. Well nite all! Tomorrow's the busy day in The Big House! WOO HOOO! I love working Saturdays! Nite all!

Thursday, October 31, 2002

So tell me my friends, chips are fried yes? So, why would you deep fry, fried chips? So you take Salty Fried Chips, and DEEP FRY THEM AND ADD SALT! Right now I'm doing that look, you know the look. The, I can't believe you're THAT retarded look. Remember, I gave the same look to Eric when he didn't get Eddie's autograph! Ok, so how about this, lets just go get a thing of fat or whatever and INJECT IT RIGHT INTO YOUR HEART!!!!!! I MEAN...ER..HUMM....I gotta go wash something!

Tuesday, October 29, 2002

Good evening everyone! So, don't you hate it when you go to a store, the mall, the movies, Meijer. And you're walking around, minding your own business. Well in comes the biggest piece of white trash you've ever seen, with 3 poor underfed kids. And you know what's coming. You want to think that it'll be different from other people you've seen....but you know better. The kids run a muck! They're all over the place. They're breaking stuff, they're yelling, they're screaming, they're disturbing the peace. And they're taking stuff off the shelves and putting them all over the place. And then there comes the kicker. The bitch leaves. And doesn't make the kids clean up! WHAT A HO! Do you think it is our job to clean up after your terrible children? NO, if we have to clean up after them, we should be able to dicipline them. That's right, we should be drafted into the "we'll bitch slap your kids because you won't" organization. We reserve the right to spank your child throwing a tantrum in the middle of the supermarket. We'll sucker punch your teen when he's being a jack ass in the mall. LOL! That'd be crazy right! Well just thought I'd throw that one out there. So I'm sitting here watching The Devil's Advocate. And I'm sitting here thinking, is it the job of the lawyer to do the right thing? I mean, their job is to win the case. Right? But take a look at the sniper case, or that what was it 13th hijacker on 9/11. How can anyone really represent them? How can you defend a monster? I mean I guess you have to just do your job right? I don't know, I'm not being really solid on any of this am I? Oh well, It's my journal, I can be as vague as I want right! LOL! I don't know, it just seems....wrong. I know I couldn't defend a child sex abuse if I knew they were guilty. And their job is to get people like that off. So that they can go around and do it again? Well, I guess that's why we have police around. Make sure they have an airtight case before they get em. Well I'm off to watch Daria! Nite all!

Tuesday, October 29, 2002


.......With The Sound Of Music!!!

Monday, October 28, 2002

Well, my hairs have been cut! WOO HOO! It's all nice and short again, I decided to do a little dye it's kind of a Fun huh! it's all frosted lol! It's fantastic. Not really. So what's going on? Well I had dinner at my gran's and then hung out with my uncle. Same old stuff. We watched The Scorpion King. Wooopie. It was an ok movie. Not as good as the mummy I feel. But whatever eh? I also just finished my homework. Could have done it in my sleep. Class is so boring, I don't feel like I'm learning anything. But you need to take the shit to get a degree right? Maybe if it were actually something that required me some brain power I might be more interested. College isn't for everyone ya know. And I'm not one for college. I'm not here for the "college experience" I'm not here to "make friends" or to "party" I'm here to get my degree, and then get out and on with my life. But there aren't any colleges for that now is there? That's because everyone wants that. They want to drink till the barf, screw till they're infested with disease and do drugs till their brains are mush and they don't remember a thing they learned. And then ya know what they end up doing? Working in retail. LOL! Of all things to do, they end up working in retail! Why? Well all those classes gave them "leadership skills" So they're assisstant managers at gadget stores, or Bookstores, or god knows where else. Hmm, I guess I have things backwards! LOL! I'm already in retail! Ya know who I work with? People with business degrees, Psychology degrees, Biologists, actors, miners, premeds, and law! Crazy eh? All because they can't get a job in their degree. It's really sad to spend all that time and boom there ya are, making less than what I make, a 21 year old guy who's still in college, and their boss! But at least I know I'll not end up like that, why? Because my field is always short staffed. Also, by the time I've graduated, I'll be up in the company and it'll no longer be "retail" I'll be out of the stores and into the big bad corporate world! LOL! Not that I plan to stay that long. Not that it's any different than the millions of other employees of Corporate America. However either way I go it's a far cry from my "trailer park destined life" Great phrase that one. Been the cause of many a good laughs. Well, I've gone off a bit, nothing wrong with working your way through college. It'll be nice to own a house before I even graduate! which will only be like 3 years from now! WOO HOO!Or less if I take summer classes. haven't decided if I want to do that. It'd be a lot quicker. Might take some just for fun. There are a few languages I'd like to learn. And I've always wanted to be better in art. Could be loads of fun. If ya wanna take a class with me, let me know. Could be a blast! HA! Well I think I'm done wasting bytes for tonight! Well it's all in good fun, if you're enjoying "the college life" then cheers to you! Later all! Post to ya tomorrow.

Monday, October 28, 2002

So November is nearly here! And you know what November means? THE START OF THE HOLIDAY SEASON! YAY! I love it! All the decorations, all the people at work! It's fantastic I tell you! Perhaps we should have a Christmas party in December! =D I think that'd be fun! *makes a mental note on computer...wait, that's not a mental note...oh it's a note made by someone who's mental...I get it! HA!* But seriously! So what's on my fun filled planner for the day? Well we've got shower,hair cut, shower, food shopping, grandma's, dinner, home, Daria, Bed! Sound like loads of fun eh? Ya know what I just realized? I'm missing my sand animals! The one's who used to sit on my stereo at home. I don't know where they got to. =( I probably do and just forgot that I knew and they're probably sitting out somewhere obvious, meanwhile I'll be destroying the entire house looking for them and they'll be sitting there laughing at me THE BASTARDS!!!!!! AHH! *tear* Well I guess I should get to work on my little plan for the day. Only have a few hours to finish some of it! Later all! Oh? Have you signed my newly added guest book? Or taken the newly added quiz? If not do it! If it again! HA! Later all!

Sunday, October 27, 2002

The most peaceful time of the week is Sunday night at 1 am, Well I guess that Monday morning at 1 am, but you know what I mean. I was on my way home from my gran's house and there was NO ONE on the road, it was really nice. Dark, Quiet, Calm! Ahh! How lovely! Not much going on, just watching some History channel! A interesting thing on D-day. Well, Nite all!

Sunday, October 27, 2002

When The Beaver offers you a fish, YOU TAKE THE FISH!

Sunday, October 27, 2002

Why is it that scientists are always finding things like mamoths and cave men frozen in ice? I want to see them find something stupid like a chicken or a goat or a dog. I guess it's too uninteresting to do that. But really wouldn't it be great to hear on the news? "Today scientist uncovered a duck frozen in ice for over 1000 years! It's be fantastic I tell you! Maybe it's just that ducks and chickens and goats are TOO SMART to be covered in ice. They go HELL NO I'M NOT GOING UP THAT MOUTAIN! Have you ever seen a herd of ducks to "alright guys! We want to be the first ducks to climb over the Alps! So, let's roll!" Well of course not, they're sitting there and Todd the duck comes down and says that and they go, no, we're fine in the lake actually. But good idea! We'll keep our eyes on the papers so when you do it we can celebrate! Good luck...Oh, I think there's a goat at old lady Fhinagain's farm that'd go with you, maybe a chicken or two, too! Later!" I just think it's be funny to find something like that! Well, back to my laundry! Post for ya later! Toodles!

Saturday, October 26, 2002

I am now at the Nexus of the universe! It I don't know what time it is! Is it still two? Or is it One now? Do I turn it back that ONE SECOND! I love when we set the clocks back! It's a great little thing....well that is until we have to set them back ahead in the spring! BLAH! So I've added a bunch of stuff to my site tonight! I got bored what can I say? So has everyone registered to vote?! YOU BETTER HAVE! I think voting is very important. Lots of people say OH what's the use of one vote! Well put 500 of those people together in Florida and guess what? We would have had a different President! So get out there and vote! Know what your voting on too! Otherwise we'll end up with like rabid mongoose for our circuit court judge or something LOL! But really, vote, it matters. Young people are really low in % of vote, becuase they don't. They all say Ohhh it doesn't matter, look at the last election! Gore got more votes and still lost, what kind of demcracy is that shit? Well, that's how it works people, but that doesn't mean your vote doesn't matter. It just means that your vote only matters to the state? It was made that way so that the stupid people of the country couldn't flip out and vote in some chicken lover type person. No seriously! They did it on purpose way back 250 years ago! It's called a limited democracy! Or a Republic! So your vote counts, you just have to realize how it works. Ok, so that's enought of my go vote speech.

So, I was cleaning out the kitchen and I found some really foul hamburger hiding in the back, so, to keep it from KILLING ME! I put it in a ice cream bucket to take out into the trash. As I was sitting here on the computer I started thinking, what if some aliens came down and were like medling around and found this poor lump of dead cow in the buried in a ice cream bucket?? And then they were like AHHH MURDER! And using their superior technology got some DNA and found me! Then kidnaped me and made me stand trial for the murder of a cow! AHHH! I didn't kill it I just ate it! OH NO NO! EVEN WORSE YOU SICK-O!!!! I get creative when I'm bored. It'd be a great movie right? The Dead Cow Trials! For The Love of A Cow! LOL ok, maybe not! Ok, well I'm gonna go to bed, it's been 2 A.M. twice today and that's just weird! Not quite cow murder alien weird, but wierd none the less! Nite All! See ya tomorrow!

Saturday, October 26, 2002

Good Afternoon all! I'm feeling really tired today, and I don't know why. I had a really weird dream too! So, I didn't post yesterday because I was out at a party till about 2 am! It was really fun! I enjoyed it! So what's up for today? I dunno, I've got nothing going all day! =( AHHH LOL! Well, I am planning on getting my hairs cut! But then other than that I've got nothing going. If I had got up earlier I could have gone to Chicago! LOL! But nooo, I woke up late! =) Well, I'm getting out of here! Talk to ya all later!

Thursday, October 24, 2002

So, Sara's here tonight. And ohh happyness! I get THREE days off in a row with NO WORK and NO SCHOOL! YAY!!!!!!!!!!! Our Gov't class is offering a really cool field trip to Hungry. It'd be awsome to go, but I don't have time to do it. They're going to Meet people from their local and federal gov't. I'm kind of mad at her thought, she was all like, you need to not be sick ever! Well, life happens, get over it. It makes me mad that college professors expect college to be your only thing in your life. She told me I need to stop working and just go to school! WHAT?! Ya know I'm going to school just as much as everyone else. What's that have to do with anything? People have to live you know. And anway, I'm getting an A in her class, so what's it matter if I work. In fact I'm getting straight A's! WOO HOO! GO ME! Gov't is actually my worse class, but that's because I wasn't prepared for her exam, I didn't know there would be vocab on it, she said just essay. But next time I'll know! Well I'm off to do something or other now! Later all!

Wednesday, October 23, 2002

I thought this was funny!

Will Jason Survive A Pit Match Against Clinton And Bush?
12% chance Bush would kill you.
24% chance Clinton would kill you.
0% chance he would sexually harass you.
64% chance you would kill them.
Enter Combat

Wednesday, October 23, 2002

We had a corporate visit today. Our DM lives in Maryland. Yesterday when that crazy sniper killed that poor guy she got stuck on the beltway. She said that they closed the whole beltway down, and it's pretty big. No one on no one off. And there was CIA, FBI and Secret Service type guys searching cars with GUNS! Like the ones with flashlights on top. That would really freak me the hell out. I used to live right there ya know! Ah! I hope they get that nutter. Anyone who targets children should get the chair. I mean targeting anyone is awful, but children?!?! Honestly! That's just too much. Ah, I hope they catch him soon. Nite all.

Tuesday, October 22, 2002

So I'm really angry today. I had to work today, I love work, I enjoy going in and working. It's great, but I get there today at 5 beacuse I had CLASS! Well we had in LESS than $100! AT FIVE!! Seven hours after we open! Our goal was only $1000 which is SO possibe to make, and we've made it the past 2 days in a row, and a few times last week too!! So, I worked my ass off and we made it almost to goal, but just barely missed it! If they had done just a little more! JUST A LITTLE MORE! The problem is the other guy WILL NOT SELL! He things it's wrong. That it's america's down fall. He's kind of a nutter. I don't mind opinions, but in my job you sell, if you don't sell you won't have a job. So he needs to sell or get a new job. Ok, but i'm fine. I had school, it was fun. And I told you about work, but I'm off to watch Daria! See ya soon! OH, dinner is November 9th, if anyone cares.

Monday, October 21, 2002

Well, I just worked today, not a whole lot there. Remerched a few bays. Sold a ton of stuff. Normal great fun of every day. Have I mentioned that I enjoy working again. It's been a while. But I'm having loads of fun. And I've got even more flexiblilty than I did before! AHHH! How great! I'm still thinking about doing a play when one comes around. But I'm gonna go get some Superman ice cream! Post again soon! LATER!

Sunday, October 20, 2002

Well good morning everyone. Actually it's afternoon. But I just woke up, so what's the difference eh? I was up kind of late I think last night, And I've been sick, so I needed the sleep. I got new shoes. I'm happy. I can actually go running now. I haven't yet, But I want to. I'm usually able to run at night, but running alone at night seems....I dunno dangerous. What I'm attacked by those crazy ducks that walk around the place? What if they k-nock me out and drag me to their EVIL underwater fortress!? To hold me there for all eternity, constantly yelling AFLAC!!!!!!!! AHHH! WHY! Ok, well what if I'm hit by a lone garbage truck that's taking a night time stroll?? Or attacked by air! LOL! So I was thinking of Joining a play at the school sometime. I haven't done it in so long, and I really miss it. Dani and I watched Cinderella the other night, and it made me miss it even more!, I think if a good play comes up I might audition. Lucky for me I have a flexible job eh? It's nice to be able to do what you want, and still make a butt load of money. Well butt load for my age at least. =) I'm also starting a list of my goals. I thought it'd be fun. I used to have one, and then I lost it. So a new one should be born! yay! Maybe I'll post it--or one that's completly diffrent yet funny. And I've also decided that I don't talk to my friends enough, so I need everyoen's email, in case it's changed or been lost or whatever. Ok, well it's off to get ready to go out. Maybe I'll write again tonight! SEE YOU ALL SOON!

Tuesday, October 15, 2002

Well I'm still not feeling all that well. But I did go to all my classes today! Stupid COM calss sucked. I didn't do well on my exam, and I dont' know why. Because I knew the stuff and it was SO easy! I don't get it! I think that ho is holding the fact that I skip class against me! I really dislike her! My government exam wasn't that grand either, but it was better. I got my drama thing back to, I got an A++++ Literally. There were 4 + I was really happy about that. And Psych was as good as always. We learned some interesting things. Did you know that one joint is like smoking an entire pack cancer wise? Well that's all that's going on today! Later all! Oh hey! Don't miss the SUPER LAME quiz on the main page! BYE!

Monday, October 14, 2002

So, web cams. what's the point. Ok, I was thinking becuse sara just got one. Why have one? Do people really want to watch you staring at a screen they can't see? Ok so maybe people wanting to see their grandchildren. Or maybe people like adam who I'm sure is entertaining. But other than that why have one. UNLESS you're going to strip! That's the only reason I could see anyone who's not married, and has no kids would want one. So, you're just sitting there, tahi hitis hanging out showing the world. WHORES! Ok, I may be wrong, but who knows. What else is going on? Clara came and saw me the other night! It was good to see her. She was the same as always! It was fun to talk for a while. Work is going really well! I'm happy! I am a bit sick though. But I'm feeling a bunch better. Should be better in a few days. Well other than that, nothing is up. OH! I saw a prolife bumpersticker in spanish! Weird No? Ok nite all!

Thursday, October 10, 2002

I feel like I've worked for 3 years straight. Not really, but I'm tired. I worked by butt off today. We had a great big corporate visit. I'm supposed to go in early tomorrow. But BLAH! I mean I want to, but I don't know how much I really want to work tomorrow. I did have a great time at work though. It so nice there! I also had to do my drama thingy today! I got nothignt but good feed back! I was so happy! I hadn't done anything on my own since like ages ago! So I was worried i'd suck. but i'm off to watch TV! nite all!

Wednesday, October 9, 2002

So, I work in the same location that used to be S.O.K. Same address and all, well today I'm at work, doing shipment, like ya do. And we got some mail....To Barbara Johnson....At SOK! Imagine that! Ok, why is that completly funny? Well for one, Store of Knowledge closed a year and a half ago. For two, the person it was addressed to was the FIRST STORE MANAGER! Back in like 1996 or something!!! And to make it even better the letter said "thinking of selling your business? Don't know what it's worth? Well We can help! The second funny thing today was that the Loch Ness Monster episode was on South Park tonight! TREE FIDDY!Ahh good times! Well I have to go pratice for Drama class tomorrow! Night all!

Tuesday, October 8, 2002


That's what I'm calling it now. Because common sense is becoming less and less common. Therefore it can't be common sense. It really pisses me off too. Everyone is so stupid recently. You'd think that they'd get a clue. Now, if you get a bottled water, what do you thinks in it? WATER!!!! But for some reason there's an ingredient label on BOTTLED WATER!!! It reads as follows:



THAT'S IT!!! Of course that's not what set me off. It's people at work that do things like that. A new employee said recently. No, the sizes don't matter. Now common sense would say, well if there are different sizes....then wouldn't that mean there's a reason for it? Other wise WHY HAVE DIFFERENT SIZES?!!?!? Of course he also claims he can't sell becuase he doesn't understand the product. Again COMMON SENSE!!! LEARN ABOUT THE PRODUCT! Reply. How? READ THE FREAKING BOX FOR CHRIST SAKES! Ok, so that's my pissedoffedness. So what did I do today. Well I skipped Comm class. Why? I hated it of course. Then I was late to Government. We had an exam today. It really KICKED MY ASS! She went and added stupid vocabulary words. Now, the problem wasn't that I didn't know them, it was that I drew a complete blank when I saw the blank! BLAH! The essay wasn't bad I don't think. I also got my Psych exam back, now in that I KICKED ASS!! I got one of the top 4 grades in the class! WOO HOO! I don't know how anyone got less than like a C. It was just so easy to get extra points. If you gave extra info, she gave extra points! And people failed??? AS IF! For the most part school was pretty uninteresting. We talked about Borderline people in psych. Ya know sometimes I wonder about some of my friends..... I'm about to go make a pizza. I've broken down though, I don't always make my dough from scratch. I got this pilsbury can dough, it seems like it'll be ok. But hey, we'll see! Well, Tomorrow is my first corporate visit! That's exciting. Ya know the Christmas season is really coming up fast this year! Start buying now to avoid the rush! Ok, well Later all, it's Pizza time!

Sunday, October 6, 2002

Good evening all. I actually had a Sunday off! WOO HOO!!! It's been well.... ages since I've had a Sunday off. It was pretty nice. I finally finished mom Wachtmann's thingy that we've been working on since like, oh 2 years ago or something. BUT IT IS NEARLY COMPLETE!!! WOO HOO!!! Tee Hee! But That's all I did today. Kind of boring eh? Well Then, I guess it's time to go wash clothes. Later All!!

Thursday, October 3, 2002

Well, I was bad again. I didn't go to school AT ALL today. Last time I just skipped the first two classes. But this time I didn't go to any of them. I'm supposed to do my drama thing on Tuesday. But then I didn't have class on Tuesday so maybe it'll be postponed. I did go to the testing center to do my test. It was SO easy. I'm mad that we spent the money to buy the book since we didn't even freaking use it. I was very excited today too becuase I got the End of Evangelion movie today. But the ending had no point. And Annie said that I shouldn't worry that it had no point. Now I said, Well it has to have a point, because if it didn't they wouldn't put it in, unless they were doing it to not have a point, in which case that's a point too. Only I said it really stupid like, she posted it on her profile. hehehe. ER wasn't bad tonight either. Well I have to get going. More updating to do, and I work tomorrow. *no dread* WOO HOO! Nite all.

Wednesday, October 2, 2002

Wow! Two days in a row!!! Ok so what's going on in my life. Get this. I got up and went to work this morning and I didn't DREAD IT!!!!!!!!! I ENJOYED IT!!!!!!I had a great time at work today! We got our christmas decorations in today. They're really pretty. Everyone should come down and buy some from me! Two people called in on me and that pissed me off, but guess what one of them got fired! HAHA! I didn't like the lazy ass anyway. After that I went to my gran's house and ate dinner, it was pretty good. Chicken stir fry. And we all watched tv. See, tv isn't evil, it can be a family event. My uncle and I were making some bad jokes. Enterprise was ok. And West Wing was good. I like that show, I'm glad they got a few Emmys this year. I watched Charlies Angels when I got home too. I'd never seen it. And I got to watching it and I noticed two three things. 1. The Moving isn't that bad. However the fight scenes are kind of cheesy. 2. Lucy Liu is REALLY HOT! I have added her to my hotness list. and 3. Cameron Dias or is it Diaz? Well either way, she's TOATLLY NOT HOT! EWW! Sure she has a nice body, but she has an ugly head so it cancels the good out and then some. So I have put her on my NOT hot list. Well Tomorrow's a new day and we'll see what happens, Same web time, same web channel..... er..... whatever. NITE!

Tuesday, October 1, 2002

I can't belive that it is October!!!! Where has the year gone? On that note where have I been? Well I've been in one of those, I-don't-feel-like-getting-online type mood. So I haven't even been on my computer really. I found out last Thursday that I had a report due today. I was totally un-happy about that one! 4 days for a report! So I just pretended and it seemed to go ok. I also had an exam today! BLAH! Today wasn't my day. My drama class didn't meet today either. So I had a freaking hour an a half of nothing to do! This weekend was pretty busy too. On Friday we went to Cedar Point. Probably for the last time this summer. They had this Haunted Walk way type thing OH MY GOD! It's freaking 9 pm it's dark as hell and the whole walk way from the Tunnel to the end of frontier town is full of FOG!!!!!!! Not just regular fog, pea soup can't see 3 feet in front of me kind of fog. Then they had all sorts of creepy type people out there to be scary. It was pretty cool. This nasty dog like person ran after becky, it was kind of funny. Then I went to Ren Fest. That was neat. Got good seat for the Wench show this time. They were really hard on the bum though! Other than that not much up. Maybe I'll start updating more often. We'll see. Later all!

Tuesday, September 24, 2002

Well, it's been a week since I last posted....not that you all care lol! So what have I been doing for a week that's been keeping me from posting? Well for one, I had a job interview after the book store at Discovery Channel Store! They offered me a job! And I took it! So As of last now I am no longer employeed for Brookstone. And to top it off I'm trying to steal a bunch of the associates! HAHAHAH!! Evil me! So that heppend on Wednesday! My last working day was Friday, and right after work on Friday I went to Rhode Island! It was a fun trip. We went to New Port on Saturday. They have some of the BIGGEST houses there! They're just insane! You really would have to see them with your own eyes to belive it! The Chowder was really good there too! Right on the ocean! YUMMY! Then on Sunday we went into Boston on the train! It was fun. Saw Cheers. Saw a bunch of old stuff. They have Townhouses for 3 MILLION DOLLARS!!!!!!!!! They were beautiful though! Then We drove home on Monday! BOY DID MY BUTT HURT! And I started my new job today! WOO HOO!! Well, you'd think I'd have more to write here, but I don't. But I'm back so YAY!

Tuesday, September 17, 2002

So very excited! I had my interview today at the bookstore! YAY! I think that it went really well! The biggest issue I think will be getting me the money I want and I really don't think that will be a big issue! It sounds like a lot of fun. It's a longer drive sure. But it'll be a blast I think. I also was really bad today and skipped my first two classes! AHH! This is a bad sign, it's only the 3rd week of school. Of course on the upside only 12 more weeks to go. 12 weeks is really short too! that's only 24 classes! And when you work 5 days and then go to school the other 2 and then have to make time for doing fun stuff (which isn't much around here anymore) Time really does fly! Another great accomplishment today was that we got the apartment really clean! It's BEAUTIFUL!!!! So, jeff decided to take pictures of it. So at 1 am we decided to run to Meijer and get some film, and I needed some water. So at 1 am we went. Hey did you know that 50% of drivers after midnight are DRUNK!!!!! I'm also working on a theory on drunks who are of my age group. It goes like this. The bigger the drunk, the shallower the person. I don't know, I think i need a little more market research on this one. Will keep you posted. But back to Meijer. OH, on a side note. I walked into the mall today and passed a really nasty old truck, and it had a hood ornament. It was a toy TRACTOR with a NAKED BARBIE on it!!! Guess what else! THEY DREW NIPPLES THE BARBIE!!!!! Ok anyway Meijer. It's 1am, 50% of drivers are drunk, therefore reason says that 50% of Meijer customers are also drunk, since they did have to drive there! Right? Ok, well as Jeff and I are walking down the aisle toward those U-Scan Lines (only half were open and there was only one other line open, we avoided it because of a scary guy in combat boots and green army pants who shall be mentioned later) and these crazy black guys in their UNDERWARE! Like only boxers and shirts and weird things on their heads. Are running down the main drive aisle SCREAMING LIKE LITTLE GIRLS! And they get about half way down and turn around and go screaming down the other way. How odd. So we turn down the soda aisle (pop for you weird midwest people) and look at each other and are like OMG! WTF! LOL! Then before said army type guy is walking by and says "STUPID ASSHOLES!!!!!" and walks by! Again OMG! WTF! LOL! So like I said, we avoided him, and remember, Half of all drivers after midnight are drunk, so AT LEAST half of all Meijer Shoppers are drunk after midnight. That's it night all!

Saturday, September 14, 2002

Well everyone, we made it through friday....and no one's black ladders.....right.....So hey all. Not much is going on here in rainy ypsi. As if there ever is. I might be going to see The Nutcracker. I've never seen any ballet. The problem is I can't buy tickets until I find out who all is going! DAMNIT CALL ME BACK! Lol. I decided to get rid of my guest book. No one signs it anyway. No one really comes here either. So who cares eh? If you really want to leave a message just email me. It's not hard. There's a link at the bottom of every page or just drop me an email at Well I'm out of here! NITE ALL!

Friday, September 13, 2002

OH MY GOD IT IS FRIDAY THE 13th!!!!! Whatever lol! Ok, so Trevor came to get a resume from me today. So we'll see how that goes too. Other than that. Nothing Much is up. Alas, how boring. Oh well. So, should we attack Iraq? Later all.

Thursday, September 12, 2002

As you can see I decided not to write anything for yesterday. Don't worry, nothing happened. Today, I was really bad though. Only the 4th day of school and I'm skipping. Well it was only my first class. You know, with the fake teacher. I went to the other 3 so hey give me some credit. But from now on, if I miss the first class I'm just not coming. I had to park a freaking million bajillion miles from the building. I've never parked that far away! I was so far out that they were still using camel caravans! I WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF A FRIGIN SPICE ROUTE!!!! BLAH!!!!!!! So that made me mad. But class was fun. In drama we played the beloved 'kitty wants a corner' Also known as 'Comrade wants a cubical' for all you 1984 people! You know what I'm talking about! Ahh, memories.....Duck boy.... Obscene gestures..... The good old days. Of course we have the good old today days.... er..... something.... I don't know. No good quotes from Psych today. But I did go out to apply for a new job. I doubt I'll take it, I don't believe they will offer me enought, but never hurts to try eh? I went to the Mac store today too *dies and goes to heaven* well except for the CRAP STAFF!!!!! Ya know retail really cheeses me off! All these DMs are going off on low sales, and all these corp. people are making up all these reasons for low sales. Ya know what it is? BAD CUSTOMER SERVICE!! However, I also put some blame on bad customers. People come into malls expecting to be left alone. I'm just here to look, you come up to them and they bite your head off. And then they get pissed off if you stay away from them! Ok, ya know what. In a mall you will be hassled. It's called customer service. I know it's a foriegn idea to most of you out there because of shopping at places like Best Buy, Walmart, Kmart, Meijer, Target. But when you're in a mall people are going to talk to you. If you don't like it, LEAVE! I don't want you in my store if you can't handle the fact that I'm going to talk to you, help you, ask you questions about what you need, try to sell extra things to you etc. If you want no help, go to Kmart. Well that's my rant for the day. Hey people send me some email. Talk to ya laters!

Wednesday, September 11, 2002

I Pledge Allegiance To the flag

Of the United States of America

And to the republic for which it stands

One nation under God,Indivisible,

With liberty And Justice For all.

Friday, September 10, 2002

School today! YAY! It was fun. Well not the first class, I really don't like that at all. The teacher is SOOOOOO fake! I can't stand it when she talks and you can tell how seriously fake she is. I really don't like that class. The rest of my classes are super! Government is great. Drama is a blast, and I love my Psych teacher. She's such a nut! Today she said "I don't know, and I don't care.....I mean...It's like....I don't know and I don't care! Guess you had to be there....I found it funny. I went to buy my books today too. I decided not to get my government books. 2 books assigned, total for them both, over 100 DOLLARS!!! HELL NO! I'll do fine with out it. Like I'd read it if i had it, pleh! And finally after 4 weeks (or more) we went to get some food! Our house is totally stocked now! WOO HOO! FOOD FOR ALL! Ok, well I'm gonna go eat! But not really! Nite all!

Monday, September 9, 2002

Why in the world do I even go to work? I don't do anything! We sold 300 bucks today! Well that's better than last year. It was ZERO last year! Blah......

Sunday, September 8, 2002

Work again......blah. It was really slow. Nothing happened. I'm letting my brain de-thaw =) which would mean I'm freezing it right? Well, later all.

Saturday, September 7, 2002

No work for me today! WOO HOO! I went to a wedding. It was a nice wedding, and the food was pretty good. There were a few people who were drinking just a little too much..... And Speaking of that....booze really stinks...I had a lovely glass of some and didn't touch it. It smells to freaking bad. Why would I drink something that smells worse than piss and shit together? EW! I dunno call me crazy but I'll take a root beer any day.

Friday, September 6, 2002

Alright, you're tired. You just worked a 12 hour day. You're hungry. It's 10 p.m. Where can you go? Wendy's late night pick up window! That's Right! Well how about this. Those morons have me sit at the window for 10 mintues before I see ANYONE there! Why you ask? Well the two window people were messing around in the freaking LOBBY! So, after waiting forever to get my food I realize 2 miles down the road that my sandwich isn't chicken. It's a burger. If you can call it a burger. There was literally 3 inches of ONION! I saw NO MEAT! The only way I knew it was down there was by the heat it gave off. So Obviously I was pissed. I went back. Becky decided to go in and bitch. Well she slips in as someone is coming out. (They just closed the lobby) And yells at them. I get new food, and she gets a free large pepsi! All in all it turned out ok. My car is also fixed now too! WOO HOO! And I'm now at level 11 in Diablo. I'm feeling rested now! But it's almost bed time. Nite all.

Thursday, September 5, 2002

This Just In! Becky Kicks A Rock! Earliers this morning Becky kicked a rock and it went quite far. She is reported as saying "LOOK HOW FAR THAT WENT!" Multiple rocks were kicked however that one did go farther. Eye witness accounts tell us it felw 6 to 7 feet ahead of where she was walking. In other news crazed Psych teachers claims studies could be skewed if surveys call in the mornings while mothers are taking their kids to work. IN THE MINES she didn't add. Also reported as saying that it happens all the time...while doing three ways. In government news today, a confused student of middle eastern heritage claims, "Saddam is a bad man, if you speak out against him, he'll come in your house and hang you. President bush better leave him alone, because he (saddam) is mean." As it seems he believes that he'll come over here and, kick our asses. Beware news papers.....His hangin rope is ready. A disturbing epidemic swept through the drama classes today as the self proclaimed "Tenatious Tracy" started the class by playing pass the clap. Later she is reported to starting the clap with two different students, warning them that they may get them both at the same time. Jesting Josh asked, is it possible to catch the clap twice at the same time? Scientists reasearch that question. Professor Trelawney still sucks. That's it for this edition of the news. Good night and have a pleasant tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 4, 2002

I get up, I go to work, and guess who's there. STEVE! Someone changed when I worked so I had gotten up for nothing. Too awake to go back to sleep so I played Diablo for a few hours and THEN went to work. Work sucked today. I didn't get much done. I don't care much really. I was too tired. And Sick. Well off to bed for a fun filled day of school tomorrow. Nite all!

Tuesday, September 3, 2002

Off to school again. Today I started classes at good old WCC! So I've got my nice four classes on Tuesday Thursdays. They seem pretty good. The time went by quite quickly today. Hopefully it'll go like that everyday. So we start out the day, I'm pissed off before we even get inside the building. Let me tell you why. They took the parking lot.......and they made it SMALLER.......To build......a pond.....And then.....They extended the other parking lot.....on the other side of the pond......So they put the pond in the middle.....and made all the parking on the otherside of the pond.......which is dry, by the way.......So that makes me want to take a PENCIL.....and STAB IT.....INTO MY EYE! Well I get over that and go to Communication. It's not a bad class. The teacher however is on some serious drugs. For all of you who have read Harry Potter....Picture it: Professor Trelawney You know, the freak in the tower that reads the future....well she teaches communications now. Next I've got American Government. Nothing much to tell there. I already have a report due....Well in a month that is. Following that I have Drama. It seems fun, we haven't done jack yet. It seems like it'll be fun. And last but not least there's psych. So nothing much to tell yet. I think though, I liked my classes last semester better. I dunno why. Just a feeling I get. These seem so drab. Maybe becuase I'm working so much and I'm there so late. I also have a lot of classes in the new building. It gives me weird vibes. It's just blah. Well that's it so far. We'll see what happens next time. Tune in again, Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel......

Monday, September 2, 2002

GOOD GOD! Why is it that everyone thought that they should go shopping today! It's LABOR DAY! Go to a BBQ! Not the mall. It was really busy, but not too bad. I took a walk down to Jacobsons. They're almost closed and didn't have much left. I went becuase all day people have been carrying big persian rugs. And I thought to myself, wow, I could use a nice rug, and at 70% off maybe they're affordable. Of course they'll be nice being from Jake's. So, I go down and look around. Lovely rugs. And then realize. 70% off TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS!! is still 3 grand! FUCK ME IN THE ELBOW! Well maybe when they're 95% off on the last day, they only had a MILLION! After that it was pretty uneventful. I "surfed the net for deals" because I'm trying to go to New England for my vacation here in about 2 weeks. But I don't think it's going to fly. So I get a week off work to sit here at home. *sigh* We'll see what happens. But hey, if I make it out there you'll get some great pictures to see when I get back. Will keep ya all posted. But for now, time for some other work.

Sunday, September 1, 2002

So, here's the thing. I'm working today, like ya do. A guy comes in and buys a chair massager. All well and good. Few hours later, he called back, and went off! Apparently the massager he bought was used. And was missing stuff. So after calling me every name in the book, he says, so what are you going to do about it? Well, how about I take it and shove it up your ass I thought. But what do I do? I do what I'm supposed to do, I kiss his ass and give him 25% off and give him a new one of course. So, He comes in, And I do all that, and I apologize about the mix up about a hundred times and he says, what's your name! I'm writing a letter to your corporate office!!! WHAT THE FUCK! UP YOURS BITCH! I do everything i can to make this fuck nut happy and he's still writing a letter. Well lets all pray that there are enought drunk drivers in the world shall we......Remember that bad man, what goes around comes around, and if you read what I saw the other night...........What a bastard. No, I wish him no harm, but what the fuck can that letter say?

Dear Brookstone,

Well, I came in your store and was sold a used item, I called back and yelled at your assistant manager and called him many names. He said to bring it back and they'd get me a new one. They also gave me 25% off, and apologized. So I'd just like you to know that I'm a huge bastard fuck with no dick. And I beat my wife. Please fire that kind assistant manager for giving me everything I asked for.


Butt Fucking Bastard

Ok, well, I gotta go read. Only 100 pages left in my book! MUST FINISH NOW!

Saturday, August 31, 2002

Ok, so that's the 5th day in a row for work. only 2 more to go, then a day of school, a day of work a day of school a day of work and THEN I get a day off! Ok, so I'm gonna watch Lord of the Rings tonight. I'm off!

Friday, August 30, 2002

Alright, I don't know, Should I be offended? Here's the story. Our new store manager is being trained by the "training store manager" So, she's in the back training him. I walk back to get a drink. She says "So, Do you have any questions while I'm here?" I say "No, Steve and I made a list and I'm sure he's already asked you" Steve"yeah, we had the question about who we send info to when we sell a high priced item so we get on the honor roll list, but it's this form." Me "Oh, so that's what that's for, I didn't know, Matt didn't teach me much, I had to learn on my own. Then she Says and I QUOTE! "Well it's none of your business!"


What the hell!? How is it not my business? I work there don't I!?! Was she kidding? Was it a bad attempt at dry humor? If it was, never use that type of humor unless they know you. Because someone you know for like ohhh 30 seconds might not get it! Have I ever told you


That's It, I have to go write a resume! Later all!

Thursday, August 29, 2002

So I was excited for about 2.2 seconds today. And This is why. I'm standing in my like ya do... and all the sudden Trevor stops by. And started talking to me. It went something like this.

Him: Hey How's Business

Me: Good, we sold a bed today, that's like a telescope only stupid. So how are things down there?

Him: Well our manager quit about 20 mintues ago. So, I'm looking for an assistant.

Me: REALLY!? Him: Yeah, But it's only for about 24-32 hours a week.


Wednesday, August 28, 2002

So, Not much happened today, I just went to work. But I did see a great episode of South Park. The city was afraid of the children being abducted so they had the guy that ran the City Wok build a big wall around the city, but as soon as he did a bunch of Mongolians came to try and knock it down. It was great! Well That's it for today.

Tuesday, August 27, 2002

So, back to work I go! How terribly boring. I spent most of my day in the freaking back room doing paper work. We conviently "misplaced" our Inventory adjustment forms that were due yesterday. Misplaced meaning no one went through store mail so therefore didn't get them. However on the upside we sold 3 "break throughs." A "break through" is a "new" and/or "exciting" item that we get a two week goal for. Our two week goal is two. So far we're at 8 I think. So after work I was hungry like a 3rd world person. So we decided to go to our beloved Applebees. And guess what! We got our favorite waiter Stu! He always remembers what we get and such, so he just throws the order in when we walk in the door. He also gives us free drinks. Well today we decided to get a brownie sundae! We never do that. So he brings it to us and says happy birthday! That's what I rang it in as. SO WE GOT A FREE BROWNIE SUNDAE! woo hoo! But then how sad! He says, "Hey I'm glad you guys came in, Thursday's my last day and you've not been in for a long time so it's good to see ya before I go!" AHWWW! He's leaving! So we gave him a $15 tip! The meal was only $20.11!!! But he's really good! And he's leaving, so it's all ok! Well except that he's leaving! That sucks! So other than that we just went shopping for food. I got some JUMBO peaches, and then we dropped Becky's car off at the shop. So it's like midnight and we're on our way back from the shop. We saw the most horrible accident that I've ever seen. It was on Martz road for all you people around here and the car was in the wrong lane, but I couldn't see what it hit. And here's the most awful part. The windshield was all cracked up and on the inside of the windwhield was BLOOD! Like someones head hit the window and splattered like a water balloon! OH MY GOD! IT WAS SO AWFUL! So ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS wear your seat belts! Well, that's all I have for today!

Monday, August 26, 2002

Well, what a life! I didn't get dressed till 3 P.M. So What did I do today? I scanned over 50 pictures with my wonderful new Canon scanner! It's the coolest! Then I played Civilization 3! I have this fabulous little island empire now, and just conducted an invasion of Japan. I've got 3 of their cities now! WOO HOO! Completly uninteresting. However, how excited was I when one of my favorite episodes came on! And I've still got Daria to look forward to!
