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When You Wish Upon A Star!

Welcome to the Magic Kingdom

So, you want to know about my trip this year to Florida? Well my friends you have come to the right place. Back in January or so when it was cold and nasty we sat around the kitchen table and said "We should go to Florida this summer for vacation." Well, that plan happened man. But we didn't just go there. We made our first stop in Baltimore. We stayed at the Inner Harbor Holiday Inn. It was pretty nice. The last day we were there one of the elevators broke so we only had two. It took us forever to get all our stuff down to the car. But why you ask did we go to Baltimore. Well, there was an anime convention and I thought that it would be super cool if we could go and hang out with Annie and go to the convention. So that's why we went.

Otakon was pretty fun. We went on Saturday. I had a 3 day pass. But all of us went on Saturday. There was a lot of stuff there that I wanted to see and do. I spent a lot of my time in the dealers room where all the cool stuff is. Wizzy Wigs, our local anime store, had quite a large booth there. I wish I had some more money at the time. They had this really awsome Evangelion bag that said NERV on it in red on a black bag. So COOL! They also sold out of this NERV bumper sticker that I was going to get. I stood in line for like 30 mintues to find out they sold out the day before. The upside, however, is that I got to buy the Evangelion movie 3 days early. WOO HOO! We also went through the art gallery. That was pretty cool, yet pretty lame. There were some really good pieces, but then there were some really sucky pieces. Annie got some money for one of here drawings so GO ANNIE!

Later in the evening we went and watched some of the previous years anime music videos from the contest. They were pretty cool. We were trying to kill time till this year's contest results were ready. Now, my good friend Annie made it to the final go on the contest, but the BONEHEAD didn't freaking tell me that we could vote for her video, so we didn't! See, how am I supposed to know that? I mean sure the ballot was in my packet that I got, but I didn't look through that till I got back to the hotel. Unfortunatly when we showed up for it, it was half over....The program clearly said 11pm! That turned out ok though because I got to go see Evangelion Re:Death. It was a parody of Evangelion. They took the regular sound out and put their own voices in. Before you know it, Comander Ikari was trying to become an Uberpimp, and he caused second impact by listening to "Tonight We're Gonna Party Like It's 1999" after 1999. Now, if you haven't seen any Evangelion none of that made sense. Well to change gears. The Inner Harbor of Baltimore is really pretty cool. They had this interesting mall with tons of stores. They had a huge Discovery store. And lots of seafood places. All you can eat only $19.99 But, guess what else was there. THE CHEESECAKE FACTORY! Yes that's right boys and girls, cheesecake for all!

So, on the last day of the convention we headed back to good old Virginia to stay the night before our huge trip from Virginia to Florida. On the way we stopped off at the local mall and walked around a bit. We saw a weird Hawaiian jewlry store. And we got an Auntie Anne's Pretzel! OHHH SO GOOD! After the mall we headed over to the movies to see Austin Powers. But after the movie we still had time left, so we decided to go to the Kobe. The Kobe is a Japanese steakhouse in Leesburg. It's really good you do get a load of food too. I can't remember what it was that I ordered but it was some sort of chicken. I was kind of disappointed because it had some nasty sauce on it. I wanted what I had last time I was there but I guess I got the wrong thing. We all tried eating with our chop sticks. I'm pretty good at it, Annie's dad showed me how when we went like 5 years ago. And everyone hold on to something or sit down because get this! BECKY TRIED SOME! Yep, she did. She even tried RICE! RICE!!!! Her sworn enemy! She didn't like it, but she tried it, and that's all I care about! After dinner we went to Annie's but decided to start out on our trip early and left at 9 P.M. or so instead of the next morning.

Driving at night isn't so bad. We got to take turns sleeping... well until 3 A.M. I drove from 3 - 11 or so. I played a fun game of, how many states can we get through before they wake up. They slept completly throught South Carolina and Georgia. And most of the way through North Carolina. But, speaking of North Carolina, OH MY GOD! The most frightening event of the trip happened at 3 A.M. in North Carolina. So we stop to switch drivers. I'm still tired so I go in to get a candy bar at the gas station. Mind you, it's 3 A.M. but there are still 3 guys hanging out in the gas station! Why would you hang out in a gas station?! Question two: Why would you hang out in a gas station, at THREE IN THE FREAKING MORNING!?!?!?!? GO HOME! So I walk in the gas station, and there's no music playing, it's very quiet, except...... for the guy whistling.....not a song...just some random tune. Any bad movie you've seen where the wrong guy walks into the wrong bar in the south and everyone looks at him and there's one really loser guy in the back whistling a tune....well that's what it was. And to make things even better, one of them spoke to me. He said "AHHH! I NEVER DID UNDERSTAND THEM SHORTS, What the hell do you need all them pockets fer?" TO HIDE MY BREAD GUN!!!!!! SO STAND BACK FREAK!

Jeff got really sad because he decided to make a sand Mr Worf. He tried pretty hard. And it was really getting started, but then a big old wave came in and washed it all away. He was quite upset. I can't blame him. But I did say, "hey jeff, the tide will get you there!" So alas, we said ahhh screw it, and decided to get back into the water and do some more boogie boarding. Or at least until an annoying man told us we'd end up shark food if we kept doing that becuase it was "feeding time" Now shark is quite big is it not? Lets say a small shark is the size of a pig, and a large shark is the size of a moose. So we have a pig shark *oink* and a moose shark. We were only up to maybe our knees, not even half way up our legs, I didn't see it as all that probable. But the stupid girls made us stop....ho bags.....

Our hotel was right on the beach. It was so beautiful. We could just sit out on our balcony and watch the ocean all night. All you could hear is the waves and the birds. The entire trip I woke up really early for no apparent reason. One morning I got up at like 6 AM. I watched the sun rise. That was really cool. It was so quiet. Needless to say it was such a relaxing vacation. We saw a dolphin one day. And these great birds that would do nose dives straight into the water. But the biggest animal incident of the trip was that Becky got bit by a crab! It was quite funny. We also made a sand mini on the beach. It was quite creative we used shells for all the details. Notice the really cool British Flag on the top of the mini? We found all sorts of really awsome pink and redish shells. We would have gotten even more detail into it, but the tide was coming, it was getting dark, and we needed the pictures. We Also got some really cool boogie boards from Ron Jon Surf Shop.

We didn't just lounge around the beach. We went to Disney World. That was so awsome!!! I had so much fun there. There weren't really many rides that are all thrilling, but if I wanted that I'd go to Cedar Point. But we rode the Tea Cups and spun the shit out of it. I couldn't see anything. Everyone in line was probably laughing at us because we were laughing at people spinning around a lot while we were sittin there in line. We also went throught the Swiss Family Robinson house. The Haunted Mansion was really neat. The special effects were pretty cool. And the light parade at the end with the fireworks was just great. So all in all I think Disney World is really the happiest place on earth. I've even decided to get married down there. They do a whole wedding thing at their really nice resort/spa/ whatever. Well, that's about all I did on my summer vacation. It was wicked fun and I think next year I'll have to do something extra fun too. If you wanna go let me know. We can start setting it up. hehe!

If you'd like to see more pictures visit Disney Picture Archive I may have some new pics up soon onece I get the underwater camera developed. Check back soon!
