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Welcome to CJ's Kitchen Korner

Welcome Friends....
I have a recipe box crammed full of different recipes collected over the years from family and friends, mostly recipes of my mom's from my childhood that I used to make for my children also (many years ago)!

In the process of re-discovering these recipes I thought to myself, "why not put these recipes someplace for everyone to benefit from instead of in that box that just sits in the cubbord with a lot of the recipes forgotten."

I hope you enjoy browsing ... maybe you might even find a recipe or two that you will want to try out.

If you have a great recipe you would like to share, feel free to email it to me and I will add that as well.

All my links will take you to a new browser window. Close the window to return to this page


Breads and Muffins
Breakfast Dishes
Cookies and Candies
Crockpot Recipes
Graphic Credits
Kitchen/Household Tips
Low-Fat Dishes
Low-Fat Desserts
Main Dishes
Pies and Desserts
QVC BB Cookie Exchange
Recipes from Readers
Recipe Links
Relishes and Sauces
Veggies and Side Dishes

Thank you for stopping and please stop by again soon as I have lots more recipes to be added!

UPDATE 11/14/06
NEW RECIPES ADDED: It's time for baking those Christmas goodies so I have added a new page - QVC BB Holiday Cookies Exchange - Great recipes are being added daily so check back often for some really awesome recipes! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

UPDATE 1/15/05
NEW RECIPES ADDED: I have added a few new recipes ~ 3 new soups under Soups, A wonderful crockpot roast under Crockpot Recipes and have added a couple new pages, Lo-Carb Dishes and Lo-Carb desserts and will get some new recipes on those pages real soon!~ I'll be back!

UPDATE 12/30/04
MY NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION FOR 2005: I'm going to get busy and finish putting in all the rest of my recipes plus some new ones! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!

UPDATE 6/12/02
NEW RECIPES ADDED: I have added a few new recipes ~ Turtle Cake, Banana Pound Cake under Cakes, Amish Funnel Cake, Easy Eclair dessert, Flaky Pastry for 2-crust and single crust pies, Fruit Cobbler, Strawberry Pie, and Twinkie-Toffee Temptation under Pies and Desserts, Dreamsicle Cake (yum)! under Low Fat Desserts and last but not least ~ Vegetable-Ricotta Pie underVeggies and Sides and Cheesy Chicken under Soups and Crockpot recipes! Hope you enjoy ~ I'll be back with more yummy recipes soon!

UPDATE 1/24/02
I have added a few more pages such as: Breakfast Dishes, Appetizers,Breads/Muffins and Herman! You remember "Herman" don't you (alias The Friendship Cake)? Well, he's back .... and if you don't know Herman, you are in for a treat! I hope you enjoy the recipes I have added so far, and once again, please come back soon!

UPDATE 1/21/02
Remember the Rice Krispie Marshmallow treats? Well, I have added the recipe under cookies and candies. I have added a page for Soups (even added a couple soup recipes) and a couple more recipes under Main Meals (Sweet and Sour Chicken Wings, Tuna Florentine, Oven-Fried Chicken and more). I've added a page for Beverages with recipes for a great punch, Kuhlua recipe, a couple Russian Tea recipes - even a diet milk shake. I will be adding more pages and recipes soon, so please bookmark my site and come back soon!

If you have a favorite recipe you would like to share, or if you have a recipe site you would like to add to my Recipe Links page, please send me an email. Make sure you tell me whether you want your name mentioned with the recipe or not. Thank You

Thank You Deb!

Please check out my other websites:

~ Email CJ ~

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