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Party Photos from Fantassia's 4th Annual RT Party (continued)

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     These photos were taken during Fantassia's Palace's 4th Annual RT Party that was held in Ontario, Canada, on May 12-14, 2000. Most of these photos were taken by me with some help from WHOS YOUR DADDY. *S*
     One more thing.......before you leave this site, please be sure to sign my guestbook so I'll know you stopped by!?!?!? Thanks!!!! *S*

Now, onto the pics! *L*......

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Cinnaminn, ~exy~, and paleface Cinnaminn A view of Niagara Falls
Cinnaminn, ~ecstasy~{H}, and paleface {LS} Cinnaminn A view of Niagara Falls from Lance's room at the Marriott.
A view of Niagara Falls A view of Niagara Falls A view of Niagara Falls
Views of Niagara Falls from Lance's room at the Marriott on the 8th floor. *S*
Tieron, WYD, Webmaster, Harpoon, Lotta Skull, and Bulldog WYD and Lotta Skull
WYD and Lotta Skull in Lance's room in Niagara Falls....damn flash didn't work. *pout*

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© Above animated graphic courtesy of Kitty's Pageworks.

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Cinn's Creations

Please visit Kevin's HP if you would like to hear some wonderful original music written and sung by him! *S*
Visit Kevin's HP and get your copy of his CD today!
This is the FIRST animated banner that I've made using Paint Shop Pro 5.0+! *S*

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Web page design, content, background and some graphics created and done by Cheryl.
Originally created as of  15 May 2000 and updated as of  10 June 2001.
Guestbook courtesy of Bravenet.
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